"Huge"? You've got to be kidding me. Are you seriously nit-picking over that?
Some of the complaints here just make me roll my eyes.
I'm kind of curious why you feel it's so important to establish that professional soldiers raised from birth get training in melee.
I thought it was basically pretty common information that all major professional armies train their soldiers in melee combat, even in our modern, gun-focused world where having people run at you with a sword is not especially common.
I suppose if people really don't know that, it could be worth establishing? Anyway, the stun baton is just there for crowd control, it wouldn't make sense for most of them to carry them during a raid You have one or two guys with cattle prods to corral any civilians you take into custody, but most of your troops need to have guns not only for the chance of resistance, but for sheer intimidation factor.
The use of the word "huge" is hyperbolic. It it was huge, I'd at least ponder if this movie was poorly plotted. I love picking apart fiction for analytical purposes, but this is too much.
I've only seen the movie twice, but I can't think of any other fight where a storm trooper was involved in melee to even a minimal degree, so they wouldn't need to use a riot stick.
Also, considering the uniform and segmented nature of the military, one can assume that if we see one soldier outfitted a particular way, then others are given similar weaponry and armor. Of course, there are exceptions for high ranking officials, like Captain Phasma. In the U.S. Army, for instance, generals can alter their appearance outside of the standard regulations. They've earned that right through advancement.
Why, exactly, is this bad storytelling?
I'll try to answer you all in bulk here but most importantly why do I care? Because of the "Is Rey a Mary Sue thread" that's why. Because to me it seems like we still have a situation where people are being fine with Luke/Ren/Kylo doing stuff but with Rey it is questioned.
Yes they say Finn is trained from childhood, but at least to me a lot of other moments in the story seems to undermine his competences:
Finn can't pilot
Finn hasn't used ship canons before
He was in sanitation
He had his first real combat situation on Jakku
When not having a weapon he was desperate for a blaster
And last, there is no evidence of any other stormtrooper having these riot sticks which make me say that it was pulled out of TR-8R's ass just because it would be cool.
I'm just not convinced that Finn is trained for anything but using blasters and following orders.
How come I would call it bad story telling? Because so many people are talking about things having to be properly established or at lest for shadowed and because in movies we have the saying "show, don't tell"
We are told Finn is a trained solider, the above showing working against that. We are shown Rey beating up some thugs with her staff. Which one would be more believable to handle a light saber?
To me it is Rey, because I am shown that she is accustomed to whacking at people to keep her self safe as opposed Finn running with his tail between his legs from his first combat.
I forgot to quote the user who said it, but outfitting some more stormtroppers and Finn with the riot stick at the village would have solved the entire issue.
Also, maybe calling it huge is hyperbolic but I find it to be a big oversight and poorly done to have just a single riot stick on screen for the entire film.
I don't think it's exactly bad storytelling, but just another thing Abrams thought looked cool (and it totally was) that raises some cool ideas. "The Stormtroopers have been trained to fight against lightsabers. That's awesome!" Indeed it is, voicei n my head. But once you only see TR-8R with the device, that justification breaks down and thus the world. Find too many holes in the established world and it all comes crashing down. Not that this happened, though.
Well put.
Also a short list of other stuff that bothers me on a similar level (Edit: not similar actually, I think these would be my real story nitpicks?):
The lack of information on the New Republic
That Rey hates thieves to the point she would charge at one without any provocation
That Rey sides with the Rebels for no reason at all
Not being able to find Luke with BB-8's map alone