Joel Was Right
A great analogue for the Stormtroopers.
George, is that you?
A great analogue for the Stormtroopers.
George, is that you?
So the things that communicate with the supernatural is more supernatural than the supernatural?Symbiotic life forms that communicate with an unexplained, supernatural energy field. Did you even pay attention?
Unless you would like to explain, in a scientific way, how they do that?
It's sort of like poetry. They sort of rhyme.
So the things that communicate with the supernatural is more supernatural than the supernatural?
They determine the Force potential in a given person. It quantifies the spiritual.
Those guys actually really enjoyed TFA
I'm watching the Star Trek Into Darkness HitB review. In that movie they use "cold fusion" to stop a volcano. Cause there's the word cold in cold fusion, the audience will think that cold fusion must be very cold.
That's JJ Abrams' line of thinking.
I think you mean why didnt they use B-Wings.
The in-universe answer is probably that they simply didn't have any.
No. They are just supernatural.
And no. They quantify the potential of how much a person can tap into the spiritual, not the spiritual itself.
I don't see the difference. Still, quantifying it is the problem.
Why exactly? They tried quantifying Anakin's midichlorians when he was a kid. And he still got his ass kicked when he was a full grown Jedi Knight.
Why exactly? They tried quantifying Anakin's midichlorians when he was a kid. And he still got his ass kicked when he was a full grown Jedi Knight.
Symbiotic life forms that communicate with an unexplained, supernatural energy field. Did you even pay attention?
Unless you would like to explain, in a scientific way, how they do that?
Why exactly? They tried quantifying Anakin's midichlorians when he was a kid. And he still got his ass kicked when he was a full grown Jedi Knight.
Midichlorians is just a barometer. I don't know why people make a big deal out of this. It's just something they used to determine if someone had the aptitude to use the force. I would assume if it was at a certain number that's who they determined to take to the academy to train.
What is your thesis statement then?
"Midiclorians are basically pointless."?
And he ends up being the Chosen One.
Instead of one's Force potential being abstract, it's now more physical and can be measured in the blood. You won't go up to a Shaolin Monk and take a blood test to see his potential with Chi. You are going to go up to Buddha and blood test him for Nirvana potential. It takes away from the mysticism.
I'm detached from whether she's actually a Mary Sue but the movie does stress that she has the tools to overcome any complication she faces, in a stronger and more multi faceted way than it did with Luke.
and not noticing something right away doesnt mean your a shitty mechanic, it could just mean that he wasnt paying attention. Han's not the best mechanic in the world, but the vibe I got from the scene is that she is an exceptionaly talented mechanic (because of the force or otherwise) and she does it in a ship (she's never been to space...or has she?) she's never been in before, under duress.
(Rey is basically every serenity crew member rolled up into one. This is a joke)
Rey has flown short haul intraatomospheric flights before, and she has first hand experience with the modifications and repairs Simon Pegg made to the Falcon.I'm detached from whether she's actually a Mary Sue but the movie does stress that she has the tools to overcome any complication she faces, in a stronger and more multi faceted way than it did with Luke.
and not noticing something right away doesnt mean your a shitty mechanic, it could just mean that he wasnt paying attention. Han's not the best mechanic in the world, but the vibe I got from the scene is that she is an exceptionaly talented mechanic (because of the force or otherwise) and she does it in a ship (she's never been to space...or has she?) she's never been in before, under duress.
(Rey is basically every serenity crew member rolled up into one. This is a joke)
None of those are character flaws, except maybe the bolded. She has very little in the way of charactger flaws and zero character growth. She does gain super powers by the end of the movie, but her character arc is completely flat.
Luke and Anakin have deep flaws that effect the plot.
Force potential. Which the midichlorians measure.No, it's not more physical. The Force is never physical. None of the movies states this.
She does.Worse, she should have character flaws. Not only was she abandoned at a young age, but she's seemingly had no guidance or even support system. She should be knocking over liquor stores or selling death sticks, not an angelic Girl Scout. The Kira idea would have worked a lot better with the plot and backstory they went with.
Force potential. Which the midichlorians measure.
And since it's all pointless, why even include it?
Double Toasted reviews is where it's at, lads. Good enough to be the Homepage of your browser.
That's certainly an interesting reading of the prequels. I would like to hear more.To show even the Jedi had a misconstructed view of the Force, and that they were not the overly wise people a lot of fans constructed in their headcanon.
When you've started reading into things that are not there and creating your own fiction to justify it, it's time to drop the argument.To show even the Jedi had a misconstructed view of the Force, and that they were not the overly wise people a lot of fans constructed in their headcanon.
Double Toasted reviews is where it's at, lads. Good enough to be the Homepage of your browser.
I'm watching the Star Trek Into Darkness HitB review. In that movie they use "cold fusion" to stop a volcano. Cause there's the word cold in cold fusion, the audience will think that cold fusion must be very cold.
That's JJ Abrams' line of thinking.
I know. Star Killer is dumb, doesn't make the movie bad. Just pointed out how stupidly Abrams deals with science.
Rey knows the inside of the Falcon. She points out the gunner position to Finn immediately on entering. She says her boss the compressor on and she thought it was a mistake.
That's certainly an interesting reading of the prequels. I would like to hear more.
When you've started reading into things that are not there and creating your own fiction to justify it, it's time to drop the argument.
I'm detached from whether she's actually a Mary Sue but the movie does stress that she has the tools to overcome any complication she faces, in a stronger and more multi faceted way than it did with Luke.
and not noticing something right away doesnt mean your a shitty mechanic, it could just mean that he wasnt paying attention. Han's not the best mechanic in the world, but the vibe I got from the scene is that she is an exceptionaly talented mechanic (because of the force or otherwise) and she does it in a ship (she's never been to space...or has she?) she's never been in before, under duress.
(Rey is basically every serenity crew member rolled up into one. This is a joke)
She does.
Well you are kinda shifting the goalposts as thats not what you said in the post I replied to... Anyhow
In regards to Han, both he & Chewie were crawling all over the ship earlier in Empire, yet failded to notice the hyperdrive was faulty. C3PO noticed by simply boarding the ship.
However, Rey is more than likely to be an excellent mechanic. I would imagine that having to become a scavenger at a young age would teach her a thing or two about mechanics and getting around a ship. Especially when one of the ships was a downed star destroyer.
What I dont understand is why people are writing her off as a Mary Sue (like you did) when some of the things can be explained away with the little info we already have on her.
Yet what we dont know about Rey far exceeds what we do know about her. When you consider that we dont even know the basics such as her surname (and there is also a hint in media that Rey isn't even her real name) should be a testament to that
It seems the public has spoken, BB-8 is officially more popular than R2-D2.
After only ONE film. Icon.
This is what tfa doesMhmm.
It seems the public has spoken, BB-8 is officially more popular than R2-D2.
After only ONE film. Icon.
How does his little robot head stay on top of his ball? Magnets? I thought it was CGI in the movie.
How does his little robot head stay on top of his ball? Magnets? I thought it was CGI in the movie.
To show even the Jedi had a misconstructed view of the Force, and that they were not the overly wise people a lot of fans constructed in their headcanon.
That's at least what I understood of the movies when I first saw them as a 13 years old. It made perfect sense to me. I actually loved to see the deconstruction of the Jedi order into a bunch of dudes so deep in their comfort zone that they are easily blindsided by the Sith and annihilated.
I don't know. It makes them a little more interesting than simply looking at them as the ultimate wisdom/goodness of the galaxy.
Midichlorians.The Force.
How does his little robot head stay on top of his ball? Magnets? I thought it was CGI in the movie.
Is midichlorians the nanomachines of the Star Wars universe?
It turns the Jedi into Sith to prevent copulation.
Kylo Ren's midichlorian burgers will blow your socks off.Wooaaaah ooooooooooh
I can't wait for the hamburger talk in episode 8
Yo... Why didn't they use y-wings on the bombing run?
It seems the public has spoken, BB-8 is officially more popular than R2-D2.
After only ONE film. Icon.
To show even the Jedi had a misconstructed view of the Force, and that they were not the overly wise people a lot of fans constructed in their headcanon.