The Lamonster
...and we're all forgetting General Grevious.
edit: apparently I just can't spell Grievous
edit: apparently I just can't spell Grievous
Han in ESB.
Grievous in TCW/ROTS
...and we're all forgetting General Grevious.
...and we're all forgetting General Grevious.
It's both offensive and defensive. In a galaxy where most weapons shoot blaster bolts it lets them block almost all distance attacks. And obviously has pretty insane power within melee range too. Oh and let's not forget that they just look and sound cool.What I don't get is why the lightsaber is the ideal weapon for force users. You'd a guy who could magically place bullseye shots with a blaster would be more effective than someone who has the same abilities with a big glowy stick.
...and we're all forgetting General Grevious.
edit: apparently I just can't spell Grievous
It's because Jedi are all about defense, not offense.What I don't get is why the lightsaber is the ideal weapon for force users. You'd a guy who could magically place bullseye shots with a blaster would be more effective than someone who has the same abilities with a big glowy stick.
It's because Jedi are all about defense, not offense.
Then get a laser shield, because a sword is an offensive weapon, as demonstrated by the number of kills everyone gets with it.
What I don't get is why the lightsaber is the ideal weapon for force users. You'd a guy who could magically place bullseye shots with a blaster would be more effective than someone who has the same abilities with a big glowy stick.
Then get a laser shield, because a sword is an offensive weapon, as demonstrated by the number of kills everyone gets with it.
Its all about focus I mean its not like a force user couldn't pull a saber out of someones hand or halt a swing with the force. Blasters seem more useful overall.But isn't the force itself a shield? Kylo Ren stopped a blaster bolt in mid flight and just left it there.
If that is possible wouldn't a Jedi vs Jedi battle be pretty ineffective with blasters?
What I don't get is why the lightsaber is the ideal weapon for force users. You'd a guy who could magically place bullseye shots with a blaster would be more effective than someone who has the same abilities with a big glowy stick.
Reasonable enough review.Figured I'd throw this in here instead of the review thread, Anita Sarkeesian put up a review
She liked the film but had a lot of issues with it
Rule of Cool, dude.What I don't get is why the lightsaber is the ideal weapon for force users. You'd a guy who could magically place bullseye shots with a blaster would be more effective than someone who has the same abilities with a big glowy stick.
Finally saw this last night.
I had heard that it's basically a remake of A New Hope, but holy shit, it's basically a retelling of New Hope.
At first it was charming, but eventually got kind of ridiculous. At some point I got so caught up in noticing the similarities that I was kinda taken out of the film.
I liked the look, tone and performances of the film though. Definitely a good start.
Question: how does the 'new' Empire relate to the old one? Did they explain that? What are the differences? Why are there still Stormtroopers?
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.
I had heard that it's basically a remake of A New Hope...
... At some point I got so caught up in noticing the similarities that I was kinda taken out of the film.
Stopping blaster bolts in mid air doesn't seem to be something every force sensitive can do. Or extracting information from people's minds.But isn't the force itself a shield? Kylo Ren stopped a blaster bolt in mid flight and just left it there.
If that is possible wouldn't a Jedi vs Jedi battle be pretty ineffective with blasters?
That thing you just found about like 3 hours ago and are now judging me for not believing in?You don't believe in the force, do you?
"What's in there?"
"Only what you take with you."
It's also not a remake of Star Wars.
Rule of Cool, dude.![]()
Storm troopers are just soldiers. Every army needs soldiers.
Well it's not technically a remake due to the fact that some of the original characters in it.
But c'mon, it mimics A New Hope almost scene for scene, so much so that it becomes distracting.
Are shatterpoints still canon?
Okay, fine. So IS there any relation between the New Empire and Old Empire? Did the movie tell us any of that? They seemed remarkably similar, down to the way they dressed.
Honestly wondering if I missed something here...
Asking why Jedi carry lightsabers instead of blasters is like asking why Sikhs carry small curved knifes instead of guns.
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.
Okay, fine. So IS there any relation between the New Empire and Old Empire? Did the movie tell us any of that? They seemed remarkably similar, down to the way they dressed.
Honestly wondering if I missed something here...
The Finn spin is so good.
Are shatterpoints still canon?
Who was that guy who broke down the prequels, with the videos everyone gushes over? Did he review Force Awakens?
The character has not reviewed it yet, but the guy(s) behind the character likes it.Who was that guy who broke down the prequels, with the videos everyone gushes over? Did he review Force Awakens?
Okay, fine. So IS there any relation between the New Empire and Old Empire? Did the movie tell us any of that? They seemed remarkably similar, down to the way they dressed.
Honestly wondering if I missed something here...
Nothing outright said in the film, but I think the general consensus is that they're reorganized remnants of the Old Empire, now without the reach across the galaxy that they used to have.
Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.
With the support of the REPUBLIC, General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE. She is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.
Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke’s whereabouts…
Okay, fine. So IS there any relation between the New Empire and Old Empire? Did the movie tell us any of that? They seemed remarkably similar, down to the way they dressed.
Honestly wondering if I missed something here...
My new ranking :
ESB..>ANH> TFA=ROTJ............................>ROTS>TMP....>AOTC.
I don't know where to put The Clone War and Rebel on it but TCW>Rebels.
"What's in there?"
"Only what you take with you."
The Mantom Phenace.
Pre Vizsla used a lightsaber (the darksaber) to fight fairly well but he may have spent time training with it. So we do have canon material of characters using them as weapons that were not force users.
Just got back from seeing it. Was so hard to stay away from the Internet this whole time. But I managed to go in blind and spoiler free.
I like what I've read in here so far. Rey is exciting. My first thought were that she is mkst definitely Luke's child but I like the angle that she doesn't need to be. That the Skywalker storyline could be done and the force still lives on.
I got thinking about why Luke has isolated himself.
I'm thinking that Luke was training Kylo and lost him to the temptation of the darkside. That's simple. He left his life and his tools (light saber) behind and went into isolation.
Feels regret. Frustration. Whole lotta feels going on.
But what if Kylo had to become dark? What the balance of the force works both ways. Darth and the Emporer were killed. Luke was left as the lone Jedi and was strong light side. The force demands and creates balance. Luke is training Kylo and the force pulls him because he has to be pulled.
The whole cant have light without darkness.
And what if the reason the force chose Rey and that she was so ready to be a tool for the force (she wasn't "using" the force as much as the force was using her) was that Luke's isolation created a vacancy/vacuum on the light side of the force.
Is that what Obi One Kenobi did as well? Was it planned?
Keep in mind, the lightsaber that gets passed around in TFA is Anakin's -- the one Luke lost (along with his hand) in Cloud City. There's nothing to suggest he went off into isolation without his latest lightsaber.He left his life and his tools (light saber) behind and went into isolation.