Really enjoyed this.
I hope that Rey's parents are never revealed or are insignificant.
well i fucking finally got to see it...
gonna say even though i really liked it.. im a little disappointed...this movie plays it sooo fucking safe its annoying....
a bunch of other things also....
no funeral for han... what the fuck.... Rey seemed the most sad.. Leia, seemed a little sad and chewy just huahuhed...�� what the fuck...
I was also fucked over i justed didnt have time to see it the first week and got fucking spoiled on fucking reddit.. and even though i did i really didnt ruin the movie... that scene was filmed in a way i just knew it was gonna happen... plus i knew harrison wouldnt want to do two more.. he was great in this also..not enough of him at all...
the movie was waaay to brezzy... its like after han was gone they tried to end the movie as quick as possible...
Ken was literally the sadest villian in a SW movie ive seen.. he just fucking sucked Rey just closes her eye and breathes a little and ownt him..�� i understand he will be back and their is no going back for him...i hope he is actually a badass in the next two..
Fin lol brah was mad hot for rey....not that i blame him but it just kind of comes out of no where...
poor fucking Luke like what the fuck.... didnt even get a line... �� also i didnt like the way the did the final scene witht the aerial shot should been like this when rey was handing out the saber he should have took it with the force and opened it... then credits...
and about the post i quoted.. i dont see that happening... shes either lukes daughter or someone else known... why "hide her on the desert planet.. unless for her protection....
not sure for me even though TPM gets serious hate their was waaaaaaaaaay more hype, mainly because of the 30 year wait... but this movie was a 10 year wait and it just felt like build up waaaay to much.. it should have been 20 more mintues and had more character development... also the saber battle wasnt that great at all... i still thing TPM has the best saber battle... even though its a weak film..
it was well dierected but fuckking JJ just played it waaay to safe.. it also has the best acting... and BB8 was the shit...but it should have been more...
This shit wasn't even a movie. This was JJ and Lawrence giving fans blowjobs for their $20. We got sucked and fucked.
Star Wars is dead. Thanks, Disney.
lolololol yea Kappa