You can't just make a lightsaber. You need to be force sensitive to find the crystal required to make a lightsaber.
But that does beg the question, there use to be thousands of Jedi's, what happened to all their lightsabers? Why is no one using them?
If SW taught us anything, it's that lightsabers can be lost, stolen, etc.
If anybody can use them, there would be bounty hunters going specifically after them, meaning stealing, all the time. And as you said Jedi die, lightsabers don't.
You guys are either under-thinking this or over-thinking it, I'm not sure which.
There used to be hundreds of thousands of samurai, but you don't see everyone walking around with a katana or bounty hunters ranging across the world trying to steal sweet-ass Japanese swords. A lightsaber is just a fancy sword in the hands of a normal person, no one cares about them that much.