Dark Octave
So how is the move doing in stores? Is it readily available on shelves or is it having a Wii effect?
Mush said:Luckily I have a local video rental store that has Moves available. Was so so close to giving into the hype and picking up a Starter kit over the weekend, all because of the great impressions in the Move thread (I needed a PS eye anyway for GT5 head-tracking). Going out now to rent a Move/PS Eye/Sports Champions.
dronde said:my friends going at it. http://youtu.be/7SLRFn4DHyI?hd=1
they love it, my sister loves it, the wife loves it and my co-worker loves it. So far so good.
Afrikan said:great video man, they were really into it....especially guy on the right who was in full stance :lol .....I'm laughing, but yeah, in this game you need to be in a stance, or you won't be able to recover on the variety of returns.
do they game alot?
I plan to bring my PSEYE and 2 move controllers to my cousin's in a couple of days....hopefully I can record something....they are not gamers, but I think they'll pick up on it quickly.
FoxHimself said:Been playing this for a few hours now, and I can't wait to see Nintendo's response to this. I love this motion battle shit they've started.
dronde said:my friends going at it. http://youtu.be/7SLRFn4DHyI?hd=1
they love it, my sister loves it, the wife loves it and my co-worker loves it. So far so good.
flyinpiranha said:Going through Silver Cup in Table Tennis and it's just awesome. I did play some more Gladiator but I think it's my least favorite. I'll sit there and swing low while the opponents shield is high and it just doesn't connect to anything. Sadly the 5 year old couldn't really do anything in SC ... but I'm sure something else will come out more for them ... might try Start The Party if I can find it used since he has so many things to play with anyway and it would be taking away from my gamin' time :lol
I'm loving Table Tennis though, it just feels so precise, about 90% of my fuck ups I think "yep, that was me" ... the other 10% I'm just not sure what happened, it'll just go out of bounds.
I know it's new game fever and all, but I wasn't even remotely this into Wii Sports when I first got that ... the precision just adds so much to the game it makes me feel like I'm actually getting better at the games.
beast786 said:I had the same issue as you did with Gladiator. Until i realize you have to press the T button. If you dont he will still swing but wont register/ make any contact. Also, you can only press One T button at a time, either the shield or the sword.
reminder said:In the character selection you can press O to change the outfits.
flyinpiranha said:Ah, so you hold down T when you swing to make a stronger swing? And just flailing around without holding T is just that ... flailing?
I'll have to give it another shot. I honestly thought it was just me because playing Table Tennis just proves this tech is up to speed. I honestly can't believe I'm moving the paddle around like I would a real paddle!
malingenie said:I don't think I've ever hit the t button when swinging a sword and got through my bronze doing some heavy damage!
:O everyone should watch this.gluv65 said:check out this dude playing with 2 moves Gladiator Duel on a 106 inch projector the only light source is his moves and his projector. The beauty of this video is to see the 1:1 action and how well this guy can play. I don't know if he's on bronze level or not but it really shows off how good this game is.
Wow, that is a fantastic video.gluv65 said:check out this dude playing with 2 moves Gladiator Duel on a 106 inch projector the only light source is his moves and his projector. The beauty of this video is to see the 1:1 action and how well this guy can play. I don't know if he's on bronze level or not but it really shows off how good this game is.
MikeE21286 said:Just opened up my copy. Very impressed with the table tennis game after only playing the tutorial thus far.
chubigans said:Wow, that is a fantastic video.
Also I feel like a moron for not knowing the T button/sword thing. :lol
Mofo said:Posted a goofy video of the kids waggling with Sports Champions this afternoon...
Video here
The boy really digs it, but the Wii has made them both a bit jumpy when it comes to motion games.
thats cute... The wii really has ruin the way kids expect motion controls to work.Mofo said:Posted a goofy video of the kids waggling with Sports Champions this afternoon...
Video here
The boy really digs it, but the Wii has made them both a bit jumpy when it comes to motion games.
Just wanted to say to anyone not used to playing these types of games, be careful how much you do. I played so much tennis when Wii Sports first came out that I had tendonitis in my elbow for about a year. Every time I picked up something heavy at work it hurt like a bastard.JWong said:Just beat bronze cup in Gladiator.
My arm is so sore.
I'm near the end of the silver cup and I didn't even noticed assists were turned off. :lolbobbytkc said:Then I think you'll be even more impressed when you go up the higher difficulties and the assists are removed. Soooo goood.
chubigans said:Also I feel like a moron for not knowing the T button/sword thing. :lol
flyinpiranha said:Going through Silver Cup in Table Tennis and it's just awesome. I did play some more Gladiator but I think it's my least favorite. I'll sit there and swing low while the opponents shield is high and it just doesn't connect to anything. Sadly the 5 year old couldn't really do anything in SC ... but I'm sure something else will come out more for them ... might try Start The Party if I can find it used since he has so many things to play with anyway and it would be taking away from my gamin' time :lol
I'm loving Table Tennis though, it just feels so precise, about 90% of my fuck ups I think "yep, that was me" ... the other 10% I'm just not sure what happened, it'll just go out of bounds.
I know it's new game fever and all, but I wasn't even remotely this into Wii Sports when I first got that ... the precision just adds so much to the game it makes me feel like I'm actually getting better at the games.
sonycowboy said:Disc golf is FANTASTIC.
Table Tennis is #1, but this isn't so far off from being #2. Takes me back to playing it back at Stanford a good 15 years ago.
I still haven't touched Bocce yet at all or volleyball for more than 10 minutes.
darkwing said:Kenji is a beast, i use him though lol
Dante said:Disc Golf is the closest thing to a videogame drug I've ever come across, So DAMN ADDICTING.
Dante said:Disc Golf is the closest thing to a videogame drug I've ever come across, So DAMN ADDICTING.
amtentori said:For those who have Wii sports resort and this game:
Besides less drift and the constant need to recalibrate, are there any great advantages of Move over motion+. You can directly compare the games like archery, table tennis, disc golf, gladiator to sword duel, bocce to bowling.
If it is much better, it s a great step forward for motion gaming.
Marty Chinn said:Move can handle depth perception unlike Motion+.
amtentori said:please dont reply if you dont know what you are talking about. i dont want to correct people. i want to get an assessment of something i am unfortunately not able to test myself. .
The wiimote only can handle depth perception if pointed at the screen using IR camera.
With motion+ you can "calculate" depth by using the gyroscopes on motion+ to detect linear motion and therefore track motion on any axis, including depth. (like i said before, the issues is recalibration and drift) but it can do it alright.
the move does recalibration better since the camera on the Eye can always recalibrate and track without the need to point the mote towards the screen.
amtentori said:please dont reply if you dont know what you are talking about. i dont want to correct people. i want to get an assessment of something i am unfortunately not able to test myself. .
The wiimote only can handle depth perception if pointed at the screen using IR camera.
With motion+ you can "calculate" depth by using the gyroscopes on motion+ to detect linear motion and therefore track motion on any axis, including depth. (like i said before, the issues is recalibration and drift) but it can do it alright.
the move does recalibration better since the camera on the Eye can always recalibrate and track without the need to point the mote towards the screen.
amtentori said:please dont reply if you dont know what you are talking about. i dont want to correct people. i want to get an assessment of something i am unfortunately not able to test myself. .
The wiimote only can handle depth perception if pointed at the screen using IR camera.
With motion+ you can "calculate" depth by using the gyroscopes on motion+ to detect linear motion and therefore track motion on any axis, including depth. (like i said before, the issues is recalibration and drift) but it can do it alright.
the move does recalibration better since the camera on the Eye can always recalibrate and track without the need to point the mote towards the screen.
Redbeard said:He was talking about 3D tracking. It's something that the Playstation Move is able to do easily thanks to the camera and glowing sphere. It tracks how far the user moves to the left, right, and towards the screen and away from the screen.
Wii mote is only really able to do orientation and pointing accurately, but not three dimensional positioning.
I purchased a Wii for motion controls on launch day, and the difference between this and the Wii is night and day. Motion plus helps, but it's still nowhere near the experience I'm getting with Sports Champions.
The 3D tracking is critical for games like table tennis and it really does bring motion control to a whole new level.
Marty Chinn said:What? What I said is 100% correct. Motion+ doesn't do any type of depth perception. Only the IR sensor and like you said it is only if you're pointing it at the screen. However, the Move can handled depth perception at any angle which makes it by far more accurate and something that the Wii really can't handle.
You need not try anything but the demo of Tumble to see this.
Edit- Maybe 3D tracking is probably a better term. In more technical terms, the Move can handle Z space position and Motion+ can't in any way. Only The WiiMote IR can if you're pointing at the screen which limits how you can use it to handle Z depth.
Stike said:So, Gold Cup means = Zero assistance, and Champion = Zero assistance with better AI?
Animator said:/\/\ Makes no difference.
No idea but I am scared of playing champion cup :lol
For anybody who tried the champion cup, do you still get the ball landing indicator that shows where the ball will land on the table?
babyghost853 said:Fuck Kenji, why did no one tell me about ACE 8000![]()