Meh, who cares about adding sports, they already have plenty of great ones. I would like an online play patch.
People keep saying this but I am not sure how online is going to work well for this game. With the extra lag motion controls add (and the fact that LCDs are already adding tons of lag people are now blaming on controls) games that require millisecond precision are going to be messy online. Fighting games and sports game come to mind. Shooting games and actions games would be fine though.Wildstar75 said:Meh, who cares about adding sports, they already have plenty of great ones. I would like an online play patch.
PistolGrip said:People keep saying this but I am not sure how online is going to work well for this game. With the extra lag motion controls add (and the fact that LCDs are already adding tons of lag people are now blaming on controls) games that require millisecond precision are going to be messy online. Fighting games and sports game come to mind. Shooting games and actions games would be fine though.
PistolGrip said:People keep saying this but I am not sure how online is going to work well for this game. With the extra lag motion controls add (and the fact that LCDs are already adding tons of lag people are now blaming on controls) games that require millisecond precision are going to be messy online. Fighting games and sports game come to mind. Shooting games and actions games would be fine though.
Jax said:actually I did.
and I can't figure out how to delete the pic because not only was I posing like a spaz. I was also grabbing my crotch. So now its just saved on my move SC profile
This is true. Actually Bowling/Archery/Disc Gold would be awesome here. Imagine GBL => GAF Bowling league!levious said:the take turns games would be fine for online though, Bocce, disc golf, archery...
ryan-ts said:I kind of find it depressing to see people so excited about this game, have you guys ever played the real thing? Actual table tennis is even more fun, so much more fun infact that it if you found yourself really enjoying the table tennis it would be worth your time to not only purchase a table but also find some people to start a little table tennis league. You could make it happen every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Think about it, thats all I ask.
Jax said:there's only 1 person in this thread... and in the OT that's making it all about WSR vs Move. And that's amtentori.
let's all just stop that bullshit
Thanks I thought I was going crazy. You Don't need to hit the T button for weapons attacks at all!cgcg said:You don't need to hit the T button in order for your weapon to register hits. The problem is I think some of you are holding down the T button for your shield and that's when the hits don't register.
Don't know if it's been mentioned but hiding your Move controller let's you charge your special move meter. Just put in behind your back.Another neat thing is you can actually break the objects outside of the ring if you knock your opponent into them. Watching those columns crumple was awesome
Xav said:I went to my friend's house and I was like "What's that weird looking thing over in the corner of the room" and he said "PlayStation Move". I was like "WTF, it's out?".
Maybe it's me but it feels like Sony did a bad job getting the word out when Move was actually coming out.
ryan-ts said:I kind of find it depressing to see people so excited about this game, have you guys ever played the real thing? Actual table tennis is even more fun, so much more fun infact that it if you found yourself really enjoying the table tennis it would be worth your time to not only purchase a table but also find some people to start a little table tennis league. You could make it happen every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Think about it, thats all I ask.
malingenie said:Thanks I thought I was going crazy. You Don't need to hit the T button for weapons attacks at all!
:lol perfect response pic.jigglywiggly said:![]()
Or something.
BeeDog said:Bought a Move controller and Sports Champions today. Have only tried Table Tennis and the Disc Golf, and it's surprisingly fun! The precision is great, but I'm still getting used to it.![]()
Plinko said:Your positive impressions are leading me to jump in now and buy Sports Champions. I haven't played Bocce in years.
I have a question, though--is it even possible for them to have additional sports as DLC? 6 sports seems a bit shallow.
BeeDog said:Bought a Move controller and Sports Champions today. Have only tried Table Tennis and the Disc Golf, and it's surprisingly fun! The precision is great, but I'm still getting used to it.![]()
KZObsessed said:Buckled to peer pressure (pwonager >_<) and bought one. Havn't bought SC yet but I will, played the demo and Table Tennis is excellent. Disc Golf also surprisingly fun. I think I'll buy Tumble as well.
Calibration was fine, tho it took a while to get the camera to stay on top of the TV :lol Stupid wire. Need more space tho, gotta re-arrange the furniture 2moro.
Plinko said:Your positive impressions are leading me to jump in now and buy Sports Champions.
I have a question, though--is it even possible for them to have additional sports as DLC? 6 sports seems a bit shallow.
Plinko said:Your positive impressions are leading me to jump in now and buy Sports Champions. I haven't played Bocce in years.
I have a question, though--is it even possible for them to have additional sports as DLC? 6 sports seems a bit shallow.
EekTheKat said:Playing in the silver ranks in the championship made me realize just how much the cpu assistance were turned on in bronze, I'm missing a lot more shots in silver just like I do in RL.
_Alkaline_ said:Title really shouldn't be so provocative. It's basically asking for people to come in and complain.
levious said:there's pluses and minuses krypt, the pointer for one. And I'd like to try more Tiger, but I feel like you can't twist the club like you can with M+, but it seems to track the plane of your swing more, not really sure yet.
For me it's more the question of: "Should I buy another Motion Control setup if I already have one that I'm sick of"krypt0nian said:It's fine because they have no grounds to complain about.
"Hai guys! You should all be playing wii because the tech is shittier, and the visuals suck!"
"Om uh, it's just like the wii but the wii is MOAR FUN!"
[Nintex] said:For me it's more the question of: "Should I buy another Motion Control setup if I already have one that I'm sick of"
levious said:mini golf? Tiger tracks the twist with putting as well, but I was talking about more full speed swinging. M+ tacked speed plus twist whereas Move seems to track swing shape and speed but not twist, but I'm not fully sure yet.
Shoot does seem to be the best, but the pointer function is still not as good as the Wii, but that's literally the only thing I can find that it didn't improve.
[Nintex] said:For me it's more the question of: "Should I buy another Motion Control setup if I already have one that I'm sick of"
distrbnce said:Er, this is exactly why the thread title is important.
You can't wash the Wii-version of motion control out of your mouth until you actually pick it up.
Plinko said:Meh...when it's properly implemented (which is rarely) it's great--Tiger Woods 11 is perfect. It just seems that they've failed so hard in most other games.
distrbnce said:Well, this thread (and the title) is about Sports Champions, where it happens to be implemented darn-near perfectly. Check it out!
distrbnce said:He meant John Daly's (Proper) Golf.
And what differences are you finding in the pointer? I haven't tried The Shoot, but RE5 is perfectly smooth and non-twitchy.
It's only tracking yaw, pitch, and roll:amtentori said:Have you played frisbee games on wii sport resort? if I wind my arm back (without tilting or pointing at the screen) the frisbee on the game tracks that motion. THAT IS TRACKING MOTION IN THE Z AXIS.
Dante said:Disc Golf is the closest thing to a videogame drug I've ever come across, So DAMN ADDICTING.
dallow_bg said:Sports Champions was number two best selling game last week in the UK.
Behind Reach of course.
Not bad at all.
levious said:we should start an online Bocce Ball petition!
KZObsessed said:Calibration was fine, tho it took a while to get the camera to stay on top of the TV :lol Stupid wire. Need more space tho, gotta re-arrange the furniture 2moro.
Fixed1979 said:Speaking of that, did anyone try the clip for the camera?
bobbytkc said:Sports Champions is the perfect candidate for DLC.
Do it Sony. I want a god of war avatar while playing gladiator.
And online play for some of the games with a small video overlay of your opponent would be awesome.
I picked it up yesterday. I feel kind of stupid for paying $15 for a piece of plastic, but it does work well.Fixed1979 said:Speaking of that, did anyone try the clip for the camera?