Danmachi ep 13
Very good episode especially with that reveal. Hopefully thats not the last of it.
Very good episode especially with that reveal. Hopefully thats not the last of it.
The only worthwhile scene today
The thing lili noticed was Welf's magic sword I thinkDanMachi END
This final fight was a bit of a mess. Regeneration is a stupid mechanic first of all. Why not have the boss go in a second phase?
The final moments were also wierd. Why did Bell suddenly have a sword? It wasn't the one that Welf lost in the last episode because Welf used it to shoot fire. All the other characters were also just flailing around I guess. That blue haired girl could suddenly fly and for some reason all the Takemikuzuchi guys had a lot of screentime.
Anyway. What was that thing Lili noticed in the middle of the episode. Some piece of cloth with a sign, I don't even know anymore.
Hermes also baited out a second season, we will probably hear something about that sooner rather than later.
In conclusion. I still don't know if it's wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon. Throwing people around seems fine.
The thing lili noticed was Welf's magic sword I think
DanMachi END
This final fight was a bit of a mess. Regeneration is a stupid mechanic first of all. Why not have the boss go in a second phase?
The final moments were also wierd. Why did Bell suddenly have a sword? It wasn't the one that Welf lost in the last episode because Welf used it to shoot fire. All the other characters were also just flailing around I guess. That blue haired girl could suddenly fly and for some reason all the Takemikuzuchi guys had a lot of screentime.
Anyway. What was that thing Lili noticed in the middle of the episode. Some piece of cloth with a sign, I don't even know anymore.
Hermes also baited out a second season, we will probably hear something about that sooner rather than later.
In conclusion. I still don't know if it's wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon. Throwing people around seems fine.
Didn't it land in the forest, why would it be in the camp? A lot of things weren't explained today.
DanMachi END
This final fight was a bit of a mess. Regeneration is a stupid mechanic first of all. Why not have the boss go in a second phase?
The final moments were also wierd. Why did Bell suddenly have a sword? It wasn't the one that Welf lost in the last episode because Welf used it to shoot fire. All the other characters were also just flailing around I guess. That blue haired girl could suddenly fly and for some reason all the Takemikuzuchi guys had a lot of screentime.
Anyway. What was that thing Lili noticed in the middle of the episode? It was some piece of cloth with a sign, I don't even know anymore.
Bell's final strike was weak. He didn't even cleave him. That FIREBOLTO was brutal though.
Hermes also baited out a second season, we will probably hear something about that sooner rather than later.
In conclusion. I still don't know if it's wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon. Throwing people around seems fine.
My guess would be that some of the adventurers from the town found it.
So far, it's a pretty standard harem anime with the ladies all falling for the same MC. However, this one is a little different in that the MC is a tolerable guy for some reason. Also, for the first time, I think I like the tsundere chick the best. The story has been gradually building, but hasn't been amazing and/or filled with drama. There is an interesting background tone to this one as well, so let's see what happens next. ...
That last half with the music baring and the bells tolling was really fun.
Think I'm going to have a look at that OST now that the season is done.
Final Girl Ranking
Hestia>Big titty brown girl>Eina>Flat brown girl>>>>>>>>>>>>Ryuu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aiz
>every other girl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lili
Lili>Big titty brown girl>Eina>Flat brown girl>>>>>>>>>>>>Ryuu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aiz
>every other girl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hestia
oops you put that backwards! But I fixed it no worries!
Lili is awful.
awfully cute!
Awfully disgusting.
Soma - 13
There isn't terribly much plot progression, however they spend a lot of time on the dishes and everyone reactions thereof, which I enjoy quite a lot. It's not like the overarching plot is what I'm all that interested in anyways.
why do you say that? Characters dont get much cuter than Lili.
I don't like it when characters do fucked up shit and get no comeuppance. Lili was a huge prick. But then she gets rescued because hur dur pure protag.
Best girl was obviouslyHephaestus.Bell's grandfather who is also Zeus for some reason. Why did nobody mention this?
Bell being a nice guy is literally his only character trait.
I don't like it when characters do fucked up shit and get no comeuppance. Lili was a huge prick. But then she gets rescued because hur dur pure protag.
Lili is best
You dont like character growth?
Lots of characters do fucked up shit and then become better.
Lili grew up with very difficult circumstances and just did what she could to survive.
If you dont like her character, thats fine, but she is definitely the best
See even Theonik knows!
I dunno, while I'm a big fan of Hestia...Lili is really charming too? I feel like her inclusion added a lot to Bell's growing party.
I dunno, while I'm a big fan of Hestia...Lili is really charming too? I feel like her inclusion added a lot to Bell's growing party.
You are already fed
Thank you for standing up for me!I dont care about Hestia. she needs no defense. I stand up for Lili.
Yeah. Bell's party dynamic was one of the better things in the later episodes. Lili fits in nicely. Unlike Hestia who feels out of place. She had no real reason to be in the dungeon, Hestia was only there for harem related things. Her competing for Bell was pretty enjoyable though.
Mashiroiro Symphony ep 1-6
So far, it's a pretty standard harem anime with the ladies all falling for the same MC. However, this one is a little different in that the MC is a tolerable guy for some reason. Also, for the first time, I think I like the tsundere chick the best. The story has been gradually building, but hasn't been amazing and/or filled with drama. There is an interesting background tone to this one as well, so let's see what happens next. ...
Edit: The picture above sums it up pretty nicely!
I agree that Hestia doesn't really feel like she's part of his party. Which she isn't. There was a clearer separation of her as mother/Goddess figure in the later episodes, and Bell's group became more tightly knit.
I can understand being upset about Lili's earlier betrayal, but I think she more than makes up for it in the story after that point. And Bell is just a forgiving person, which is what makes him endearing and encourages you to root for him.
I do hope we get more character development for Bell, as he's still sort of a blank slate shonen archetype, but his current personality's softness does allow for a lot of fun interactions between the greater network of characters.
Best girl is here people.
The boob string still mystifies me.
The boob string still mystifies me.
The boob string still mystifies me.