one time DTL was right.
And that show was Samurai Flamenco
hey, i'm pretty sure he's right about stuff like World Trigger too
one time DTL was right.
And that show was Samurai Flamenco
All this talk just reminds me that all you people who didn't finish Yuri Kuma Arashi need to finish it
You know who you are
Never doubt DTL.
All this talk just reminds me that all you people who didn't finish Yuri Kuma Arashi need to finish it
You know who you are
All this talk just reminds me that all you people who didn't finish Yuri Kuma Arashi need to finish it
You know who you are
But he said JoJo Bizzare Adventure needed better character designs.
I think he and firehawk were the only ones pushing Yamato 2199 at one point too!
If this thread/NeoGaf in general wasn't so male dominated we'd probably be seeing more "yaoi baiting".
if by awesome you mean how terribel prison school is.
the fans will bitch that it's not a good adaption
the people who aren't into fetishes will just question why people would like the show
and the two people who legitimately enjoy the anime adaption will stop posting about it because everyone else hates the anime
no, we will all be talking about how great a romance Snow White with the Red Hair is instead
(I wish, I know you guys will just be going on and on about Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou as no doubt one of the girls from that will be the Hestia of this season)
I met my wife at my college anime club. There is pretty much no chance I would have met her otherwise.
Next season is the Summer of Yamada, nothing else matters.
from what I hear there's not enough source material.But my source is people from this thread so what do I know.
Any time I see someone say "As a (descriptor) I want to hit them.
Thats cool that you met her that way. Im happy for you![]()
If he was talking about Part 5 and 6 he was right
If you can explain to me what he is wearing more power to you
also this guy, yes he is wearing a tie under his "shirt"
A lot of people refused to watch Kuroko no Basket, an amazing show, insanely popular, possibly the anime that will mark this decade for me, because of fujoshi pandering.
Nearly everyone is watching Euphorium and discussing the yuri undertones in the most childish manner imaginable.
That's all I have to say about this.
All this talk just reminds me that all you people who didn't finish Yuri Kuma Arashi need to finish it
You know who you are
A lot of people refused to watch Kuroko no Basket, an amazing show, insanely popular, possibly the anime that will mark this decade for me, because of fujoshi pandering.
Nearly everyone is watching Euphorium and discussing the yuri undertones in the most childish manner imaginable.
That's all I have to say about this.
looking into stuff it seems the anime adapated through novel 5 and there is currently only 8 so a second season could be a bit off.
fair enough, I am also typically annoyed by that but in this case I felt it was needed to point out what demographic I am part of as if i had merely said that I would always prefer seeing two guys kiss instead of two girls kiss it would likely be assumed that I was either a girl or into guy on guy stuff.
I suppose I could have put it this way, strictly situational speaking guy on guy doesn't do anything for me, girl on girl can be exciting, but in anime I am going to prefer guy on guy 99.9% of the time. I am far more likely to sit down and watch a yaoi anime then I ever would be a yuri anime as I always feel like the girl on girl stuff is just pandering to people who get off on that as the writing with that stuff in general is just horrible. Not that yaoi writing in general is amazing, but there is typically more focus on the emotional state of the characters than getting the characters on screen groping each other. granted there are plenty of yaoi things that are just about that too.
Are you sure people were refusing?
I'm sure it's a great show but I don't really have a lot of interest in sports shows. Lots of people probably think similar.
Are you sure people were refusing?
I'm sure it's a great show but I don't really have a lot of interest in sports shows. Lots of people probably think similar.
Yup, back when it started airing, a lot of people were quite vocal about it being nothing but yaoi fanservice with no redeeming qualities.
what happened here!
what happened here!
She's one of the best. Yuri is awesome.
isn't danmachi disgustingly popular? unfortunately a second season is way too likely
sakura trick aotf
A lot of people refused to watch Kuroko no Basket, an amazing show, insanely popular, possibly the anime that will mark this decade for me, because of fujoshi pandering.
Nearly everyone is watching Euphorium and discussing the yuri undertones in the most childish manner imaginable.
That's all I have to say about this.
I think this is mainly due to who dominates the industry as a install base, that yuri can't really come out as well as yaoi. It probably helps that the males used don't have breast to grope, so it feels more intimate than simply playing for a gag.
Not that I bothered with Yaoi manga. I went to explore yuri ones and found some neat ones, of course there's also the drama aspect of it.
As far as I'm aware, people need a bit of gay porn in their life though if vanilla isn't spicing it up at the moment. Gives it a change of pace. Same with Yaoi anime/manga.
Likewise the concert band motif of Eupho was quite boring to some, myself included.
I haven't read Part 5 yet but I honestly want to know what went into Araki's mind when he created those designs considering I've seen some of the art for it. The first one looks like the dude is wearing a cow costume because all he needs is a bell wrapped around his neck and he's set. The second guy just looks like some random male stripper.
oddly enough I am finding I have problems reading romance manga that I didn't have an anime to get me into first. I can pick up other series just fine, but I just have problems caring about most characters in a romance series. I'll have to try a few more, but I am currently in an action kick and thus reading bleach and kenichi.
Just read that there's just not enough source material and that if they actually intended it to be a real series / do a second season, they wouldn't have burnt through the material so quickly. 5-6 LN volumes in 13 episodes seems like a lot.
A lot of people refused to watch Kuroko no Basket, an amazing show, insanely popular, possibly the anime that will mark this decade for me, because of fujoshi pandering.
Nearly everyone is watching Euphorium and discussing the yuri undertones in the most childish manner imaginable.
That's all I have to say about this.
i think 12 dc is a weird epliogue where they skipped over episode 12's stuff. i'll find out soon when i rewatch it but you just watch it all afaikwhat order do I watch gatchaman crowds in? 1-11 then the DC of 12 or do I need to watch all the eps and the director's cut of ep12 to get all of the show? why is this so confusing??
Sports anime are really niche here though, it takes something like Ping Pong to get more than a few people to watch them. There have been several good sports shows these past few years that only a handful of people have watched.
Sports anime are really niche here though, it takes something like Ping Pong to get more than a few people to watch them. There have been several good sports shows these past few years that only a handful of people have watched.
Probably because you can blast through a chapter fast, where you're stuck for 24 minutes or so watching an episode.
Yes, but I'm not mentioning other shows (like Haikyuu or Baby Steps, both great shows) because stuff like "fujoshi pandering" or yaoi was never mentioned in relation to them. When Kuroko started airing people were criticizing it because of that without even seeing the show, despite a few AnimeGAF regulars praising it.
I don't know about others but I tend to find the length a little off-putting as they seem to rack up episode counts easily.
that may be the case. in general I have issues caring about fictional characters though.
Seriously, that was that? Fuck them, fuck off./rant.Not 1 single thing was settled in that episode. Talk about a bullshit open ending, so what, read the LN, righ? I hate that shit, so we need to wait 2-3 years for any resolution for the three and especially Yuki? Yui was just trying to force her way into Hiki on that one...
Dammit, wtf I'm going to smoke a butt, then sleep.
kuroko's a poor mans yowapeda when it comes to shonen sports bl shows tbh
Believe me, I am the same way. It's part of why I don't participate in topics debating on what characters should and shouldn't be.
Corn sorry to say this but a Season 3 is not possible as there is little source material left. Only OVAs at this point are possible but otherwise your only possible choice is just to read the LN to get the resolution.
So pretty much you're fucked.