Crimson has been working really nicely for me in just about any way possible. The thing about the SC patcher is that it uses torrents, so it will be very connection intensive i.e. it will spawn lots of connections and beat at your HDD if it isn't very fast. Lots of connections have a tendency to saturate routing tables in cheaper networking devices. The other thing about torrents is that they saturate bandwidth in both directions really easily.
It has AO, it is just CryEngine's AO actively avoids to have halo'ing and over-darkening based upon lighting conditions (which is something that most AOs do and most people expect from it). But if you were to go into a dark corner, where there are no point lights around, it would be as dark as any other AO.
It uses two techniques. Colour bleeding & G-buffer light awareness.
SSDO 1, SSDO 2 (page 16)
Accepted.So I think I correctly applied to the GAF group.
So I think I correctly applied to the GAF group. I connected to IRC but couldn't figure out rest.
What INI tweaks can I do? I get 25 (down to 12) FPS on high. Also tried the tutorial but it got stuck -.-
hmm. What CPU and GPU do you have? Don't do the tutorial, it is borked.
try putting settings on low.
I7 3700K and GTX670.
The 670 is going to be the biggest bottleneck. Star Citizen doesn't like older GPUs. Going from a 500 series to a 900 series was a night and day difference. Can't imagine the 600 series being much better off.
Yeah my old fermi card runs like crap even though its got 3gb of ram and a hefty 384 bit bus speed, plus heavily overclocked. Glad to hear 9xx series are holding up better since I just noticed my new 970 is coming two days earlier than expected![]()
More people have Hornets for one. Take our org as an example. Of the people that have added to the roster, we have 11 Super Hornets. The Gladiator count is at 3. Two of those being from the Armada pack that Rephin and I picked up for the Idris. Were it not for that pack we'd be over a 10:1 ratio.Why people dont like the gladiator? I rarely see people to fly it. Is the hornet so much better in the current flight model/weapon points.
That IRC thing isn't really needed by the way. It's fine if you want to use an IRC client that you normally have up, but it's not needed. Any XMPP client can handle the job, or just use the web chat interface on RSI. The org channel isn't even used currently. While that will change going forward once it's linked into the game, for now it's just a barren wasteland.I connected to IRC
Why people dont like the gladiator? I rarely see people to fly it. Is the hornet so much better in the current flight model/weapon points.
So I finally got the damn thing downloaded but I can't get it to run past the Main Menu. It shows the "loading game" splash screen for several minutes followed by one of three things:
> Kicks me back to the Main Menu with an error message that says "server full." The error message doesn't go away when I click OK but I can exit or try to go back into the universe nonetheless.
> Kicks me back to the Main Menu with an error message that says "kicked." The error message doesn't go away when I click OK but I can exit or try to go back into the universe nonetheless.
> Kicks me back to the Windows desktop with a standard Windows error message saying that Star Citizen has stopped responding and needs to be closed.
I guess I can't play the PU.
May be it isn't covering all areas? The second shot you posted earlier looks off. The region under the stairs, for example, needs to get some AO at least.
I'm trying that offline 2.0 method but the damn downloader is the slowest thing I've ever seen...
Do you mean the SC download client? It is so intensive on "hyperspace" that It is the only DL client that has ever maxed my bandwidth and prevents normal webpages from loading correctly lol
I can deal with CIG's servers being flaky. The crashes to Windows are really disheartening, though. Makes me think I won't be able to run this at all on my admittedly aging rig.
I hear Elite can be had for cheap these days, Danthrax.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It would help if you elaborated why you were aiming at one or the other. The Reliant is most likely going to end up being a more capable and versatile ship overall, and the LTI is a boon. The only reason that I can see where you'd go for the LN package if you already have a Cutlass one is if you were doing the NPC angle where additional packages = AI NPC crewmate.Aurora LN package or Reliant LTI ship? I also own a Cutlass package.
Elite certainly has a more monolithic, blocky external ship design. The Imperial / Gutamaya ships stray the furthest from the "flying wedge/block" concept, but unfortunately in an effort to keep the identity of the manufacturer, FD has made all Gutamaya ships more or less scaled clones of each other with a bit of morphing. SC isn't perfect, but does this much better. Take the Aegis ships. They look like they came from the same manufacturer, but the ships themselves have very different shapes / silhouettes.Seems cool, Hud seems cool, traversal of space seems cool, absolutely HATE the ship design. I can't see myself playing the game for that reason alone.
Seems cool, Hud seems cool, traversal of space seems cool, absolutely HATE the ship design. I can't see myself playing the game for that reason alone.
I preferred Star Citizen's ship design by far as well. Since then, Elite's ship designs have absolutely grown on me. Don't let that stop you. ;p
They're not as complex in shape as SC's ships and certainly a lot less detailed. The "cheese wedge" design of some of them stopped bothering me the moment I could fly them though. ^^
Sorry for the dumb question (yet again)
If i want to melt my scout and use the P-72 to get a LTI scout using CCU, i won't have to spend a single penny, correct. ?
Cool, thank you kind sir.Correct.
The $45 start pack gives me access to the alpha and all the live modules? What modules are online? Hanger and Arena?
It would help if you elaborated why you were aiming at one or the other. The Reliant is most likely going to end up being a more capable and versatile ship overall, and the LTI is a boon. The only reason that I can see where you'd go for the LN package if you already have a Cutlass one is if you were doing the NPC angle where additional packages = AI NPC crewmate.
Every package gives you access to alpha and beta and the full game (single and multiplayer) now.The $45 start pack gives me access to the alpha and all the live modules? What modules are online? Hanger and Arena?
Well of course the shapes stopped bothering you when you flew them, as you could no longer see the ship!
Being in screen space, it cannot actually calculate AO there.
I love the magazine check animation when you tap 'r'.
Well, I don't own an LTI ship and I really like the idea of the Reliant as a part alien ship with different flight modes. I am worrying that the Reliant is too similar to the Cutlass (two seater with about the same cargo mass). But the Aurora is just a small starting ship and has the benefit of the package. Decisions, decisions. In the end I can't really say why but I just want the Reliant (also)... I guess it is starting... help me before I spent any more money.
Part of it I imagine comes from working up to the ships. After putting dozens of hours into obtaining, and then dozens more in outfitting a ship, it grows on you. The once ugly bastard becomes your baby. I was never crazy about the Anaconda, but after owning it I slowly warmed up to it. (Before I burned myself out.) I can only assume that sort of conditioning will be even stronger in SC with the more involved relationship you have with a ship when compared to Elite.That's part of it as well. Most designs however grew on me over time. I guess I was very much biased against Elite' ships, as all I can remember before actually trying the game was the Cobra's shape, which I didn't find attractive then. It's among my favorite ship designs now. There are some exceptions of course - i still dislike the clipper because of its duck nose (while I love the Cutter).![]()
Think about the impact this game is going to have on kids and teenagers going to be obsessed about going to space after playing this.
Kids are going to become crazy ass engineers, gonna grow up and plow a lot of talent into NASA.
My point is- this is the type of "science-y" entertainment that the world needs.
Ahhh.. so that's the issue. Would HBAO+ work?
As someone that most likely will not have a second for the super hornet the regular hornet would probably be better, right?
someone please help me justify the extra $55 it's so sexy.
Well I just read that the second seat could be used to subdue bounties and I can actually fly the hornet now so I guess I'll shoot for the super hornet, but I'm definitely looking at all the real life plane inspired ships(retaliator, vanguard, saber) as they are all pure sex.The Super Hornet works fine with only one person. A second would just make it more effective by giving gimbal/turret aiming to a second brain. That said, getting a single AI crew mate should be relatively simple so there's nothing stopping you from having a second for manning the SH anyhow.
However if you want a single seater to match the SH, the Sabre has your name on it. As a bonus, it's even sexier.![]()
As someone that most likely will not have a second for the super hornet the regular hornet would probably be better, right?
someone please help me justify the extra $55 it's so sexy.
It would help if you elaborated why you were aiming at one or the other. The Reliant is most likely going to end up being a more capable and versatile ship overall, and the LTI is a boon. The only reason that I can see where you'd go for the LN package if you already have a Cutlass one is if you were doing the NPC angle where additional packages = AI NPC crewmate.
Elite certainly has a more monolithic, blocky external ship design. The Imperial / Gutamaya ships stray the furthest from the "flying wedge/block" concept, but unfortunately in an effort to keep the identity of the manufacturer, FD has made all Gutamaya ships more or less scaled clones of each other with a bit of morphing. SC isn't perfect, but does this much better. Take the Aegis ships. They look like they came from the same manufacturer, but the ships themselves have very different shapes / silhouettes.
Then there's the fact that SC ships are fully modeled and can be walked around. It changes the the game from "you are this ship" to "you are in this ship". It might seem like I've strayed from the concept of ship design, but I really haven't. Design is more than superficial looks on the outside, and extends to the interior. In this case the interior is essential to provide the gameplay that the PU will bring. Being able to get up out of the seat after a battle, head over to a panel to replace a failed component, then EVA out do a patch repair on the hull. Or being able to fend off a boarding attempt by pirates. It just lends a sense of presence that isn't possible if you're bolted to your seat.
Imagine landing a Gladiator inside the scarab compartment of a Crucible after a bombing run where you've gotten a wing blown off. You get out of the ship with the other guy and start helping the crew on the Crucible to repair your ship. Halfway through the repair, a fleet of Vanduul jump into the system and now you're scrambling to get the Gladiator flight ready before the enemy is on top of you. You aren't a Gladiator, and you aren't a Crucible. You're just a peon of a human using the tools available to you to survive. Sometimes those tools will live and die with you. Other times you'll outlive them, or if you're unlucky, they'll outlive you. It's that sort of potential gameplay that has me excited, and it's directly tied to the extremely detailed ship design in SC.
Could please somebody point me out to GAF's roster spreadsheet? I curious to see what are the most popular ships and to add mine.
Anyone else start out thinking they would buy just a starter pack Aurora or something, then end up with many ships? I want to focus on exploring/trading/bounty hunting and couldn't decide between any one ship, so I finally ended up with:
315p LTI
Super Hornet LTI
Freelancer DUR LTI
Freelancer MAX LTI
Constellation Aquila (not LTI because it was a package)
I need to hide my credit card quick, because that Carrack is still calling to me in my sleep...
Fortunately I have Eto play and scratch the itch or I might be you. As such, I'm very happy with my starter pack. Fuck that nonsense.