This is a patch for the 2.0.0 PTU. Please fully restart your client and launcher to ensure your client is updated your PTU client should show 2.0.0-301574-PTU as the version. Due to the number of recent fixes to the PTU, it is strongly recommended that players delete their PTU USER folder and verify their files after patching. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C

rogram FilesCloud Imperium GamesStarCitizenTest. Game files can be verified through the launcher, by clicking on the advanced options (Gear icon) and clicking Verify. This is particularly important if users encounter any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. Please also note that Arena Commander multiplayer and ArcCorp are now available on the current PTU for testing.
If you dont see Patch Notes in your launcher, please restart your launcher immediately to update it. At this stage of testing, please refer to the PTU Issue Council for submitting bugs and feedback for optimal turn-around time. Please note that this is only for this phase of PTU testing and that the normal Issue Council is for the submission of bugs only. During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a small group of players that we will expand on over time. You can check out the full 2.0.0 PTU notes for more details about the patch and content or our 2.0.0 PTU Known Issues FAQ for bugs we are already aware of.
Important warnings from the updated Known Issue List:
Landing Pad 9 on Strut A, and Landing Pad 10 on Strut C of Port Olisar are both missing some geometry. Dont mind the dust!
Multicrew ships (Constellation and Retaliator) are sometimes encountering issues with their elevator collision.
The Constellation and Retaliator HUDs are missing Quantum Travel nav points in this build.
We have a specific Issue Council thread where are requesting additional information from players regarding Error 0 disconnections.
Some special reminders from the main 2.0.0 patch notes:
Approaching the atmosphere of a planet or moon too closely will result in your ship receiving a warning, and if you continue flying toward it for too long, your ship will begin to rattle apart and be destroyed.
This is not how the functionality will work long term, and is temporary for the purposes of testing.
This will also happen if you approach the edge of the Crusader system.
Arena Commander
Social Module
Hangar Module
Added a back button to the Universe menu to allow users to return to the top of the Main Menu.
Removed the unnecessary scroll bar from the Main Menu.
Fixed an issue where the ambient audio cut off after spawning into Revel and York hangar.
Fixed an issue with Selfland Hangar, where the bloom lights were both not rendering and flickering from a distance.
Arena Commander Module:
Fixed an issue where the Avenger Warlock and Stalker had no visor HUD for important ship UI elements.
Ship reticles have received a performance pass.
User Interface
Fixed a bug where TAB could still trigger head look. The correct keybinding is Left-Alt.
Scoreboard is now on Left Ctrl+TAB.
Default control mapping images have been updated for the Joystick and Gamepad.
Fixed a server crash that occurred in Arena Commander, Vanduul Swarm Co-op.
Social Module/Persistent Universe:
Unique loading screen has been implemented for Crusader.
Dropped P4-AR weapons can be picked up for approx ~10 after the character has died.
Armistice zone radius has been increased to prevent attacks toward players.
User Interface
The HUD for navigation points while in Quantum Travel mode has been overhauled to make points easier to find, see and read.
Fixed an issue where repair drones could not repair a ship more than once.
Increased the rotation-physics tolerance for leaving the ship into zero-g in order to prevent ships from spinning out of control on EVA.
Fixed an issue where characters going from prone to stand without a weapon equipped could get tossed into the air.
Fixed an issue where a Vanduul Ambush was not correctly triggering at the end of one of the Black Box retrieval missions.
Fixed an issue where the Cry-Astro repair drones would follow player ships if they flew off during repair.
Fixed an issue where AI ships were spawning unnecessary AI NPCs into the ship seats.
Fixed an issue where shadows in and around Port Olisar would flicker at certain distances.
Fixed an issue where battle music would play globally for all players in Crusader.
Fixed an issue where thruster visual effects would not be visible at high distances.
Fixed an issue where Comms Array 306 lacked collision around the entrances and terminals.
Fixed an issue where the landing pad icons on Port Olisar were too high in relation to the actual platforms.
Fixed an issue where the AEGIS Retaliator and Gladius did not have Quantum Fuel indicator on the HUD.
Fixed an issue where the landing gears for the Retaliator were missing collision.
Fixed an issue where it was impossible to use doors and turrets on multicrew ships when in flight.
P4-AR audio has been fixed so it reverberates properly.
User Interface
The names of the Avenger variants no longer appear as localization text.
Fixed an issue where untracking a mission in MobiGlass did not untrack the objective icons in the main screen.
Fixed a crash caused by shooting the Crusader level boundary.
Cleaned up a large amount of game.log spam while in the Crusader map.
Fixed crash caused by going to Comms Array 275.
Fixed a client crash that would occur if chat was used while the ship HUD is zoomed in.
Fixed a client crash that would occur in and around Port Olisar.
Space stations have received a level of detail optimization pass.
Fixed a memory-related server crash.
Fixed a client side crash related to the Comms Array 5 encounter.
Fixed a client-side crash that would occur when zooming in on certain screens on the Constellation.
Fixed a client-side crash that would occur when many ships crashed into each other at once.