i think i unlocked the next secret ship in the works for 2.0.. i believe they're charging $180.
Wonder Woman's invisible jet perhaps?
i think i unlocked the next secret ship in the works for 2.0.. i believe they're charging $180.
How is this thread not in the community section?
It isn't an OT for a released game?
we're discussing the development of an unreleased game that's still in alpha
But...that's exactly what this is being used as.
But...that's exactly what this is being used as.
You could always PM a mod if it bothers you so much.
Never seen a thread like this stay in the main section for over 6 months.
That Freelance cockpit redesign is really nice, makes it look even more like a space 18 wheeler.
That Freelance cockpit redesign is really nice, makes it look even more like a space 18 wheeler.
Though it really isn't. It is more of a space minivan when compared to the Hull series. However, I imagine the Hull cockpits will bear a great similarity to this.
The Freelancer is a space U-Haul moving truck at best. The Hull C is the 18 wheeler. The Hull D-E are freight trains. =P
What a couple of buzzkills man.
Well you can still honk your space horn and pretend.![]()
Well you can still honk your space horn and pretend.
Actually, I wonder if we'll need the concept of a space horn. A "get out of the way, or I'll run your ass over" sort of signal. I'm pretty sure a Hull E/Idris/Endeavor isn't going to be stopping on a dime, and would basically plow a smaller ship to space dust without as much as a scratch.
Afaik in real life when a smaller boat is near freighters/bigger boats the smaller boat is expected to move if necessary. I wouldn't be surprised if this became an unwritten law in the game, but with space being a 3D environment being in the way of a large ship might be a rare occurrence.
Afaik in real life when a smaller boat is near freighters/bigger boats the smaller boat is expected to move if necessary. I wouldn't be surprised if this became an unwritten law in the game, but with space being a 3D environment being in the way of a large ship might be a rare occurrence.
In space , as large as it is, collisions really should be an issue with general travel. Though close to stations I can see a system where the larger cap ships have their docking sequences start from farther out giving them "lanes" where smaller ships get warnings if they enter in them.
This is certainly analogous to seaports or trade routes and open sea. This is where Rules of the Road have more importance.
So are most ships going to be human-made, or will we start eventually seeing a lot of work being done on a comparable amount of other species' ships?
There are a lot of non-human ships already. If you don't care about spoilers a google search will help you out on all the Vanduul ships in production for sq42.
They're working on some Xi'an ships, and there is plenty of concept at for the Banu Merchantman.
There will be a substantial amount, don't know if there will be a comparable amount.
I doubt there will ever be a comparable amount as most of them aren't going to be sold to humans in the first place. Why spend tons of money making lots of ships that you can never fly?
You shouldn't even see all that many Xian or Banu ships as both Xian and Banu space will be restricted. (Any jump point into that space is going to be blockaded. Good luck getting there.) So you'd only expect to see mostly long range traders in UEE space with some military ships performing jump point blockading.
Yup. Its pretty great.so i kind of been following Star Citizen on and off for a while..i never played a space sim, but this looks like "game of the decade"type material from all the features i have seen, the greatest cast probably ever assembled for a game, best graphics i ever seen (or up there) etc.
and yet i find this whole debate between Derek Smart and Chris Roberts, that somehow they have had this long rivalry for domination of the space sim genre,
Is Derek Smart on the level of Chris Roberts when it comes to game design, so he sees Star Citizen as a "threat" to him or is just long seated dislike for each other
Is Derek Smart on the level of Chris Roberts when it comes to game design, so he sees Star Citizen as a "threat" to him or is just long seated dislike for each other
Nope, have you seen Line of Defense?
Derek Smart is delusional.
wtf is that...that looks like a ps2 game
wtf is that...that looks like a ps2 game
That is Derek Smart's own game. Just to show you why you shouldn't pay any attention to him.
Line of Defense is hilariously bad, yet instead of fixing it, he'd rather keep focusing his attention on throwing allegations against Star Citizen.
PTU 2.0.0h patch notes said:Hi all,
We're publishing 2.0.0h to PTU tonight!
In addition to several fixes, we're going to be turning back on Arena Commander and ArcCorp 18 Social Module. We will also be inviting a new batch of testers tonight, so any players with Citizen IDs up to 210,000 will have received a PTU invite by the end of the night.
- Please fully restart your client and launcher to ensure your client is updated - your PTU client should show "2.0.0-303118-PTU" as the version.
- Due to the number of recent fixes to the PTU, it is strongly recommended that players delete their PTU USER folder and verify their files after patching. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at Crogram FilesCloud Imperium GamesStarCitizenTest.
- Game files can be verified through the launcher, by clicking on the advanced options (Gear icon) and clicking "Verify". This is particularly important if users encounter any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading.
There's quite a few fixes in this publish, so we encourage testers to check out the full Patch Notes below.
Important notes from the updated Known Issue List:
* In the process of resolving performance issues and introducing other client fixes, a few new crashes have been introduced. We are aware of and working to resolve these. This is part of the overall stabilizing process, and we appreciate all of your assistance!
* Destroying small ships with a physics grid will sometimes put the character stuck in an unplayable state on respawning.
Fixes/Changes/Balance Updates
* Fixed an issue where activating the Sim Pod in the Hangar and using it to access Arena Commander would cause a client crash.
* A number of minor handling tweaks have been made to ships in Precision mode.
* Particle effects has been improved for EMP, both when "charging" and "emitting" EMP.
* Fixed an issue where players would occasionally spawn at the origin point of Arena Commander matches.
* Fixed an issue where the EMP distortion damage had no discernible effect on any ships.
* Fixed a number of lighting issues in Chapter 1 of the Tutorial.
* Fixed several animation issues with exiting and entering the Avenger Warlock.
* Added the ability to activate/deactivate the "blade" weapon on the Captured Vanduul Scythe via the HUD so that it functions the same as the Vanduul Glaive.
* Fixed an issue where shields were not appearing for some ships, and not absorbing damage for others.
* Removed an irrelevant comstab hint from the Tutorial.
* Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was not correctly scaling to the ship HUD.
* Fixed an issue where the Pilot and Co-Pilot HUD was overlapping the left displays in the Constellation Andromeda and Aurora (all variants).
* Shield health and regeneration have been increased on both the Retaliator and Constellation Andromeda.
* Health and shields for the Constellation and Retaliator have been increased.
* Fixed an issue where the Medical Box/First Aid Kits in Crusader would not replenish MediPens.
* Fixed an issue where ship weapons would remain greyed out even after repair drones had fixed the ship.
* Fixed an issue where the doors into the Terminal room on Port Olisar could be permanently locked by users as a result of a use prompt.
* Fixed an issue where the black box at 2910-UEE217 had no use prompt.
* Fixed an issue where you are unable to leave a party once you had joined it.
* Fixed an issue where Pirate-controlled Auroras would sometimes spawn without pirates inside, and drift around aimlessly as a result.
* Fixed an issue where players in the seat or turret of a multicrew ship could get stuck in their bedrooms on respawning after ship destruction.
* Fixed an issue where the last "active" objective would remain active in MobiGlas after a player had completed the mission objective.
* Fixed an issue where spawning a new ship, caused any players still in the old ship to become locked or teleported to the origin.
* Fixed an issue where the Ammo crates at Security Post Kareah would run out of ammo and bug players who attempt to interact with the crates afterwards.
* Fixed an issue where automated landing caused ships to hover over the landing pad until cancelled.
* Fixed an issue where the Engineering station panels for Shield Priority had no effect on ship functionality or shields.
* Fixed an issue where offline contacts would still have the option to be invited to party.
* Fixed an issue where the "Party Leader" context menu appears for all contacts, not just those who are members of the party.
* Fixed an issue where players could not send any further party invite after sending the first invite.
* Fixed several issues with the landing pad locations at Cry-Astro Station.
* Fixed an issue where the Journal App in MobiGlas had a blank, empty icon in the MobiGlas UI.
* Fixed an issue where FPS weapons would remain hanging in the air after the character carrying them was killed.
* Fixed an issue where a friendly NPC under attack would play his "Thank you" dialog server-wide when rescued.
* Fixed an issue where the exterior of Covalex Shipping Hub was appearing untextured.
* Various fixes to Covalex including lighting, missing paint and missing items.
* Fixed an issue where the Aurora engine audio would stop playing after landing and taking back off.
* Fixed a large number of geometry problems around Crusader.
* Fixed an issue where certain Security Post Karaeh landing pads were incorrectly flagged as "repair" landing points.
* Fixed an issue where sprinting with the Arclight pistol would collapse your character into a pile of polygons.
* Fixed an issue where ship energy weapons were not consuming energy.
* Fixed a bug where small ships had a 30 second self-destruct timer, rather then 10.
* Only large ships should have the 30 second self destruct.
* Fixed an issue where the Constellation Andromeda would not self destruct.
* Fixed an issue where shields were not appearing for some ships, and not absorbing damage for others.
* Fixed an issue where some ships (Gladius, Avenger, Super Hornet) would spawn with their landing gear retracted.
* Fixed an issue where the Constellation screens would show a flat, grey reflection near high-bloom light.
* Fixed an issue where ships were not depleting Quantum Fuel.
* Fixed an issue where ship systems would go offline after only minimal damage.
* Fixed an issue where repairing the ship did not reset mass, allowing ships to have higher than intended top speeds.
* Fixed an issue where motion blur could affect text legibility on many UI elements.
* Fixed an issue where the "Make Party Leader" option would appear to disband the party.
* Fixed an issue where party invites would time out without any form of messaging or alert as to what had happened.
* Fixed an issue where the invitee would not receive any information if someone had accepted or declined the invite.
* Fixed an issue with the readability of the chat UI.
* Fixed one issue causing Matchmaking services to match clients into instances that are full.
* Fixed one client side crash that would sometimes occur when attempting to exit the game.
* Improved the performance of several back-end systems to reduce response delays at the Ship Selection terminals.
* Fixed several dedicated server crashes.
* Fixed one of the issues associated with FPS drops for all people associated server.
* Fixed an issue where Matchmaking services would match clients into instances that are full.
* Fixed a client crash that would sometimes occur when 4 encounters were active.
Son of a bitch, i'm a little over that.New PTU patch is out and another batch of invites up to citizen ID 210000.
What do you mean, is there anything we can help you with. ?So embarrassed to say this..have the game. Don't know what I can do >.>
So embarrassed to say this..have the game. Don't know what I can do >.>
So embarrassed to say this..have the game. Don't know what I can do >.>
Son of a bitch, i'm a little over that.![]()
New PTU patch is out and another batch of invites up to citizen ID 210000.
It's a big one:
That feel when your Citizen ID is in the 230,000's...