The Dear Leader
what are the perks for being a citizen or a non-citizen in PU?
I think you're automatically a citizen if you have the game. So I don't if there will be any non-citizen unless that's what they call NPC or something.
what are the perks for being a citizen or a non-citizen in PU?
I think you're automatically a citizen if you have the game. So I don't if there will be any non-citizen unless that's what they call NPC or something.
Don't you have to serve in the UEE military first before you get the citizenship? At least that's what i remember from the early days of development, i don't know whether CIG changed that or it's still the same.
I'm actually not sure but that sounds pretty cool if true.
So at the moment I have temporary use of a HOTAS for a unknown period of time (borrowing from a friend). What do i get access to if I buy in at the moment? Which of the two ships are recommended? What is PTU 2.0 that is being mentioned?
Seems like anything related to collision in the constellation is pretty buggy right now. I've been crashing half the time just by getting in the ship (not even the pilot's seat). Frame rates have certainly improved.
You get access to everything. Just Buy Aurora pack.
Arena Commander 2.0 is baby PU as we call it, its sandbox that happen in part of one of the system. Basically You have big space station were Your get You ship and around 10 different points in the system were You can fly via Quantum Drive that has some PVE missions.
Just to add, until December 14th, even without a pledge package, you can try out Star Citizen for free with access to an Aurora, Mustang, or Gladius (recommended) by just registering an account. See if you like it first before jumping in.
Details here.
How do you find your SC ID #? Able to download and copy to PTU but I think everybody can do that.
How do you find your SC ID #? Able to download and copy to PTU but I think everybody can do that.<yournamehere>
Look at your UEE Citizen Record # at the top of your profile.
Nice link, I just discovered that I'm SC #76162, is it my turn?
Yes, you had access to the PTU about 1 week ago, lol. :3So I have access to the PTU? Reading a changelog doesn't help due to only having tried the arena fighting thing before.
Finaly decided that I should give a try to the PTU even if there is still bug etc..
I didn't expect to be part of the people with a bug which doesn't even allow you to launch/download the PTU from the launcher.
Well at least Xenoblade Chronicles X should help with the wait.
so how did you guys really get into star citizen and start to follow it
so how did you guys really get into star citizen and start to follow it
did you guys know who Chris Roberts was when this game was first announced, was he already known to have a huge fanbase? or did you just get into it through seeing the game, its ambition etc.?
I am getting better server performance (I have yet to experience constant 20fps problem yet, still the game is killing 1 CPU core). They also changed the indoor lighting at port ollisar to be more dramatic; looks great.
BTW; I just got some terrible server performance (24fps). So scratch what I said about server performance being fine.
Anybody that's old enough to have been a PC gamer in the 90's knows of Chris Roberts and Wing Commander. I could go as far as to say that anybody with any interest in space games should know of the two - even if they weren't around back then. We're talking a massive influence on the genre.
Knowing about him and having grown up playing WC wasn't enough for me to buy in at the very beginning though. The project was massively ambitious from the get go, and I didn't have confidence in him being able to realize it with the limited initial budget. Reality doesn't care who you are or what your background is after all. It wasn't until the funding took off and I was sufficiently satisfied that the game was indeed a possibility that I backed. Most of this was due to knowing that if I did back the game, it would be for quite a bit. I didn't feel like gambling away a decent chunk of money on something I felt was on seriously shaky ground.
so how did you guys really get into star citizen and start to follow it
so how did you guys really get into star citizen and start to follow it
did you guys know who Chris Roberts was when this game was first announced, was he already known to have a huge fanbase? or did you just get into it through seeing the game, its ambition etc.?
Is there a way to remove the Live installation and keep the PTU? Have the game on my SSD for now and I'm a little starved for space.
Yup, just delete the Public folder. Keep a backup copy of the actionmaps.xml from the public/user/profile folder since it has your key bindings.
so how does alpha 2.0 look to you guys?
It is quite a joy when it is not crashing and performing @ 15fps due to server problems. Currently I am playing like a pirate and preying on people after they jump in. I am actively avoiding doing the missions though until the performance and crashing disappears.
how are the flight mechanics?
Currently I am playing like a pirate and preying on people after they jump in. I am actively avoiding doing the missions though until the performance and crashing disappears.
Have you played Arena Commander?
They are quite similar, barring the fact now that you have greater control over your ship at low speeds due to the inclusion of SCM mode and the boost / afterburner now works in a different manner. Also, I think they added "3rd order motion" as they termed so you may be drifting a bit more at higher speeds. Or at least, I got the feeling I was drifting more.
Over all, I find the flight mechanics good, although my ship generally does not last long in most dog fights (mustang beta) to get the best sense of it always.
no im not playing any of the beta stuff...ill wait till squad 42 hits.. i want to go in semi blind
I just got the game the other day, and I really would like to give this PTU stuff a go. Is there any way to try this out with a brand new account?
Afraid not. They're expanding based on join date. they're at 220k people now. Just wait a week or two and it should hit Live. For now, if you're so inclined, you can get yourself going with 1.3.
so i expect huge graphics debates will go down in gaf next year between Uncharted 4 and Star Citizen
Has RSI changed their update download method to actually patches? I stopped downloading the game because it was like downloading the game again and again (20+gb every update).
so i expect huge graphics debates will go down in gaf next year between Uncharted 4 and Star Citizen
so i expect huge graphics debates will go down in gaf next year between Uncharted 4 and Star Citizen