Does anyone know when the next livestream is?
I think on reverse the verse they said it was gona be the 16th December.
Does anyone know when the next livestream is?
One thing I noticed while playing Alpha 2.0 on the PTU is that the muzzle flashes no longer produce shadow casting light sources.
Could this possibly return at one point when over-all perforamance has been increased / be limitted to a user enabled option / higher settings? I absolutely love the way it looks when a muzzle flash causes shadows to kind of "dance around".
Thanks again,
Hi Dictator,
Muzzle flash shadows cost an incredible amount to render as they require 6 shadow casting spot lights (to cover 360 degrees), and so for now we've had to disable these given we can have up to 16 players all stood in the same room firing their guns. However we definitely agree that having the shadows enabled looks great, so I'd very much like to see them return one day, but just in a smarter way. For example we can do things like:
- Prioritise shadow casting on the players gun
- Use lower resolution shadows for players further away
- Limit shadow casting to just from the character and not the environment which would reduce it from 6 shadows to just 1
- Open the above settings up to the community so you can tweak to your heart's content!
We are intending to implement a general prioritisation system for the shadows to make the game cope with the very difficult/expensive cases which are possible in an MMO with such high-end graphics, and so we can potentially look at the muzzle shadows as part of this.
Ali Brown
Director of Graphics Engineering
"There is alot of broken things, this is such a massive accident. I'm only one man, its true." Credit where credit is due, appreciate there transparency here.
Wanted to back this for a long time, maybe now is the right time. The offer is a bit overhelming any advice here (just want the game and the beta access if possible) ?
"as they require 6 shadow casting spot lights (to cover 360 degrees),"
LOL, they went to extreme with this.
I don't think it's even a question whether they should leave it up to the user to decide. If it's too demanding it can be turned off, I don't see the issue of them being implemented.Yeah haha, point lights with shadows use 6 spot lights arranged around eachother if I am not mistaken. So to have 360 shadows would need all 6 to be on!
I really love the response though.
So PU access members, how are things looking now? Last week Roberts said in a recording for 10FTC that he was hoping the PU may go live that day (last friday) and obviously they had some blockers. Is it smoothing out? Are we close to where it was before they added another wave last time performance-wise?
Yeah haha, point lights with shadows use 6 spot lights arranged around eachother if I am not mistaken. So to have 360 shadows would need all 6 to be on!
I really love the response though.
So PU access members, how are things looking now? Last week Roberts said in a recording for 10FTC that he was hoping the PU may go live that day (last friday) and obviously they had some blockers. Is it smoothing out? Are we close to where it was before they added another wave last time performance-wise?
Yeah it was cut out in metro LL sadly (although for some reason it still works on the rail gun) much like the over-abundance of volumetric lighting in the original. But we all know why they did that... [shifty eyes].I believe the original Metro 2033 did something similar. It's definitely an incredibly expensive effect.
Yeah, the server performance bug still happens rather often (but not always) and i am still crashing.No live until they fix more crashing problems and the framerate problem they said was fixed is still affecting me sometimes. The times where I can play are some of the most fun I've had in a video game, but ready for live it is not. Still, if they can keep releasing patches every day like they have been, it's still possible it may reach live in the next week or so.
System Shock 3, lads.
What a time to be cybernetically enhanced.
Its funny, because its more than some games have set per scene ;pYeah haha, point lights with shadows use 6 spot lights arranged around eachother if I am not mistaken. So to have 360 shadows would need all 6 to be on!
I really love the response though.
I don't think it's even a question whether they should leave it up to the user to decide. If it's too demanding it can be turned off, I don't see the issue of them being implemented.
I believe the original Metro 2033 did something similar. It's definitely an incredibly expensive effect.
Yeah it was cut out in metro LL sadly (although for some reason it still works on the rail gun) much like the over-abundance of volumetric lighting in the original. But we all know why they did that... [shifty eyes].
Edit : i did not see the most obvious link in the world... i was lost in the bundle and ships page.So there are 3 packages Aurora LN, Aurora MR or Mustang Alpha. I want a fighter for starter so Mustang is out of the way , but which Aurora to chose ?
over $100+ and the Hornet F7C is a shit fighter ship.. the two best current fighters are the Gladius and the FC7-M.. maybe ill save up for the next sale of the M variant.
over $100+ and the Hornet F7C is a shit fighter ship.. the two best current fighters are the Gladius and the FC7-M.. maybe ill save up for the next sale of the M variant.
I have an FC7-M and just got to try the Gladius during this free trial period or whatever. I have to say, the Gladius is fun as hell to fly, agile and fast, but seems less powerful than the FC7-M. I guess that's the trade off.
To me:
Gladius = F-16 Fighting Falcon
FC7-M = F-15E Strike Eagle
I have an FC7-M and just got to try the Gladius during this free trial period or whatever. I have to say, the Gladius is fun as hell to fly, agile and fast, but seems less powerful than the FC7-M. I guess that's the trade off.
To me:
Gladius = F-16 Fighting Falcon
FC7-M = F-15E Strike Eagle
PTU 2.0.0j patch notes said:This is a patch for the 2.0.0 PTU. Please fully restart your client and launcher to ensure your client is updated – your PTU client should show “2.0.0-304132-PTU” as the version. Due to the number of recent fixes to the PTU, it is strongly recommended that players delete their PTU USER folder and verify their files after patching. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test. Game files can be verified through the launcher, by clicking on the advanced options (Gear icon) and clicking “Verify”. This is particularly important if users encounter any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading.
If you don’t see Patch Notes in your launcher, please restart your launcher immediately to update it. At this stage of testing, please refer to the PTU Issue Council for submitting bugs and feedback for optimal turn-around time. Please note that this is only for this phase of PTU testing and that the normal Issue Council is for the submission of bugs only. During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a invitation-only group of players that we will expand on over time. You can check out the full 2.0.0 PTU notes for more details about the patch and content or our 2.0.0 PTU Known Issues FAQ for bugs we are already aware of.
Important items of note:
Arena Commander has been temporarily disabled on PTU to allow us to focus our server monitoring on Crusader performance and stability.
Area 18, ArcCorp will still be available.
We have a specific Issue Council thread where are requesting additional information from players regarding Error 0 disconnections.
- Fixed an issue where the Hangar elevator was appearing with red lights.
- Fixed a client crash on loading into the hangar.
User Interface
- Fixed an issue where the error message overlay would not go away without a full game exit.
Social Module/Persistent Universe:
- Constellation destruction, debris and detail level have all been overhauled.
- Gladiator detail levels have been updated for better performance.
- Gladius detail levels have been updated for better performance.
- Mustang (all variants) detail levels have been updated for better performance.
- Hornet (all variants) detail levels have been updated for better performance.
- Constellation has received some handling tweaks to make it feel a little more massive. Reduced jerk on strafe, increased rotational jerk on yaw and increased ship responsiveness.
- Fixed an issue where civilian AI would thank players for assistance, even when pirates were still alive in the area.
- Fixed an issue where the “online” indicators for party members would not work.
- Fixed an issue where party members would also appear in the general contact list.
- Fixed an issue where the invite message from the party system would not go away after 30 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where one character could push another character away from the ship spawn terminals while interacting with it.
- Fixed an issue where the large landing pad at Cry-Astro Service Station was not large enough for the Constellation and Retaliator to land or repair.
- Fixed an issue where several P4-AR’s on Security Post Kareah could not be picked up.
- Fixed a client crash in Crusader.
I reaaaaaally want to fly around, and have PTU access, but I couldn't handle all these patches (which I assume are full/close to full re-downloads?)
Just gotta hold out for that live release.
Indeed it is.I believe the original Metro 2033 did something similar. It's definitely an incredibly expensive effect.
.Dictator | Dictator said:
Hi Ali & Ben,
Sometimes only accessories on characters have motion blur applied when they move.
Most of the time the whole body does though (looks great!)
But sometimes the whole body does, but eyes don't?
What typically causes such ... behaviour?
Without looking into the specific issues you've highlighted here I can't be 100% sure, but there are two separate systems for rendering solid geometry (helmet, attachments, weapons) and geometry that bends with the skeleton (everything else on the player such as skin, clothing, armour) which we call 'skinned' geometry. Skinned geometry is more complex to motion blur because you need to track the previous position and orientation of every joint on the skeleton, and any errors in this can break/disable the motion blur on that geometry. So in this case it's likely a problem or limitation in the skeleton animation system, or the shaders aren't correctly calculating the position of the polygons on the previous frame's skeleton.
Dictator | Dictator said:
Hi Ali & Ben,
And as a kind of follow up question about motion blur, is it possible to have particle sprites or transparent objects which have motion blur applied?
The post-effect motion blur technique used in CryEngine and almost every game only supports a single layer of blur, so for example two sheets of glass on top of each moving perpendicular directions can only be blurred in one direction. Generally games work around this by only blurring the opaque geometry, but another option is to blur based on the velocity of the closest polygon, however this can have issues if you have a very transparent piece of glass in which case it'd be better to apply the correct blur to the background rather than just the glass.
Motion blur is sometimes applied using completely separate techniques for just the transparent geometry, but this tends to be very expensive and doesn't produce such clean results as the post-effect motion blur. For example there is limited particle motion blur support in CryEngine, but it currently can only be enabled/disabled when building the game exe (so not by the user) which means we can't currently enable this without hurting the performance for everyone. This is something I'm sure VFX team will want us to look at later on in the project though.
Ali Brown
Director of Graphics Engineering
Awesome, but i think the real question is, why do you have such a love for motion blur?![]()
Motion blur's biggest fan
(Today, 09:33 AM)
Quick question: I bought in at the beginning (#68041) and since then I upgraded my Freelancer to a Super Hornet when it became available. Before the game actually opens up officially, is it still possible for me to melt this down and choose another ship to start with? The SH seemed awesome at the time, but with feature and ship creep happening it might not be by the time the full universe opens.
Quick question: I bought in at the beginning (#68041) and since then I upgraded my Freelancer to a Super Hornet when it became available. Before the game actually opens up officially, is it still possible for me to melt this down and choose another ship to start with? The SH seemed awesome at the time, but with feature and ship creep happening it might not be by the time the full universe opens.
Hi everyone!!
As we’ve been hammering away at 2.0.0 on PTU, we’ve seen some massive improvements in the past couple of weeks!
Most obvious to all have been the persistent crash/CTD issues that prevent a lengthy playsession, but we’ve got good news: Chris Roberts and Sean Tracy discovered a major bug – it’s true, they’re Bugsmashers, too! – that’s a source of many of the problems. We’re testing a much more stable build right now, which will be a candidate for another PTU push today.
We talked last week a bit about the items we wanted to address for 2.0 to get to the Live service, so here’s an update on those.
• Several fixes for framerate and game server bottleneck issues have gone in, resulting in massively improved gameplay experiences. We’ll continue to work on additional improvements.
• We’ve made several fixes to GIM disconnections and assorted dedicated game server and client crashes. We have found a series of Code 7 crashes that we are tracking down, but some of the more nefarious Code 0s have been identified.
• We continue to work on the party system, and the reality is that it’s largely placeholder and a work in progress. We don’t anticipate this being ready for 2.0. Playing with your friends is absolutely crucial to the online experience, and we’ll be working to make this as intuitive as possible.
• We’ve resolved the annoying error message overlay that would not go away.
• We’re still working on SLI mode.
• We’ve updated the tiny Chat UI (this was really a problem on 4K monitors).
• We’ve fixed the scenario where destroying small ships with a physics grid would render a character stuck in an unplayable state on respawning.
• We continue to research and work on damage states in multiplayer games.
• We’ve fixed players getting stuck in their respawn rooms when in the seat or turret of a multicrew ship that gets destroyed.
• We’ve updated and fixed various spawn points issues, including wrong locations.
• EMP distortion damage now has a tangible effect.
• We’re continuing to work on the transition of players from zero g to gravity zones where a player character can fall and take damage or suffer lost functionality.
• We’ve got a fix in the automatic landing of an Andromeda; it works but currently is not being repaired.
• Main thrusters are still missing on the 350R.
• We’ve made several fixes to the main menu, particularly the infinite load screen for Arena Commander. We’ll regress this issue when we turn Arena Commander back on for PTU.
• We’ve settled the issue of top speeds fluctuating in IFCS/SCM modes.
• We’ve fixed the issue of ships not regaining mass after repairs.
• We’re now also working on the prevention of item use from outside ships.
Lots of stuff in here! So much of this is due to your efforts in helping us find these problems, and this has truly been a team effort of everyone involved in making the BDSSE.
Thanks everyone, see you in 2.0!
- Will Leverett
Nice to see that SLI's on the table at least.
Looks like they sorted out that grid bug and are getting ready for another update today. Another long update post:
Nice to see that SLI's on the table at least.
So, when 2.0 goes live, will the baby PU part of it only be available to people with alpha slots. ? and and for everyone else, it will be just multi-crew ships in arena commander. ?
Sorry for the dumb question.
Ahh, thanks. I was just wondering when the Alpha slots kick in.If you're allowed to play Arena Commander, you'll probably be allowed to play the baby PU.
They've gotten rid of Alpha access and gave everyone access to everything since Gamescom. It's just PTU that's invitational right now. All the Alpha backers got compensated. Once 2.0 goes public, everyone goes in (and CIG servers die harder lol).Ahh, thanks. I was just wondering when the Alpha slots kick in.
Ahhhh, i didn't know about that. What did we (alpha slot peeps) get for compensation. ?They've gotten rid of Alpha access and gave everyone access to everything since Gamescom. It's just PTU that's invitational right now. All the Alpha backers got compensated. Once 2.0 goes public, everyone goes in (and CIG servers die harder lol).
IIRC it was 10,000 UEC. People who had to buy an Arena Commander pass for $5 got credited with $5.Ahhhh, i didn't know about that. What did we (alpha slot peeps) get for compensation. ?
Ahhhh, neato.IIRC it was 10,000 UEC. People who had to buy an Arena Commander pass for $5 got credited with $5.
Once 2.0 goes public, everyone goes in (and CIG servers die harder lol).