Are there any active players still in the GAFleet?
I got this game as a present over the weekend and am actually enjoying it more than I expected. The ground combat leaves quite a bit to be desired but I think the ship combat is fun enough to keep me interested for a while at least. It may not be as deep as EVE when it comes to most things, but things just feel more visceral and fun in STO since positioning plays a bigger factor.
I went through most of the beginning of the game using the OG Constitution since it was free in the C-Store. Picked up a new Constitution when I hit Lt. Comm as well. Just love those simple sexy lines...
Would love to join up with someone to do some Fleet Actions or anything, if anyone is still active...
I enjoyed the ship combat a lot but the ground combat was pretty dire, and when I reached max level last time I played there was pretty much nothing in the end game. I'll be coming back when it goes F2P though, I just didn't want to continue subbing when there was pretty much nothing there.Are there any active players still in the GAFleet?
I got this game as a present over the weekend and am actually enjoying it more than I expected. The ground combat leaves quite a bit to be desired but I think the ship combat is fun enough to keep me interested for a while at least. It may not be as deep as EVE when it comes to most things, but things just feel more visceral and fun in STO since positioning plays a bigger factor.
I went through most of the beginning of the game using the OG Constitution since it was free in the C-Store. Picked up a new Constitution when I hit Lt. Comm as well. Just love those simple sexy lines...
Would love to join up with someone to do some Fleet Actions or anything, if anyone is still active...
I enjoyed the ship combat a lot but the ground combat was pretty dire, and when I reached max level last time I played there was pretty much nothing in the end game. I'll be coming back when it goes F2P though, I just didn't want to continue subbing when there was pretty much nothing there.
Sweet. I'd been hearing good things about what was going on in STO, but at the time I was playing Rift so I didn't want to have two subs going on at once. I won't be playing SWTOR either (certainly not till I'm done with Skyrim and by then probably Mass Effect 3) because I feel if you're paying a sub for an MMO you should invest the time. With STO going F2P I'll be able to play casuallyGround combat is a lot more interesting than in the first three seasons. But yeah, it's all about that starship-on-starship action.
I'm slowly working out what needs to go in the new F2P official thread, but I think the most important thing is going to be a how-to-access bit for the best User Generated Missions. Some of them really are well executed, so if you know where to look it's very hard to *not* have something to do in the game.
Has someone tested the new klingon ships like the mini-carriers? Are they just low tier ships or are there high level versions available like with the Excelsior? with a lapsed subscription to Star Trek Online will be able to log into the game and play as a Silver member. This means that any account that has in the past subscribed to the game, even if only for the initial month, can come back and play for free!
For those of you not familiar with the difference between Gold (subscriber) and Silver (non-subscriber) membership, you can refer to the features matrix. The most important fact is that previous subscribers can jump right in and play their existing characters with no extra steps and no loss of anything they previously gained for their characters.
Early access is our way of thanking the many loyal customers who sat in the Captains chair during the past two years. Free-to-play opens for the general public in less than two weeks, on 17-01 (January 17th).
Hey guys. Though the big F2P launch is January 17, a lot of you don't have to wait. They announced that starting today,
EDIT: Haha, 17-01... I didn't realize they'd picked that date for a specific reason.
Awesome. There should be a new thread for this.
Jumped back into this game after not having played since launch month.
So confused, but I do think the game is mostly better than it was then. I really like the Duty Officer system, though I'm still pretty unclear how I'm supposed to get more dudes than the original allotment other than buying them 7 at a time on the C store. The memory alpha crafting stuff seems to make way more sense now, too, though I'm not sure it's actually worth the time required. Ground combat still feels weird.
Can't we just agree to kill both?The Undine were Species 8472, not 8471.
Good call, but do you mean the font size or the image width?Also, I'd personally scale that down to about 80% of its current size.
Can't we just agree to kill both?
Good call, but do you mean the font size or the image width?
At Cryptic Studios, your privacy and security is important. As part of our ongoing efforts to monitor and enhance security, we recently detected evidence of an unauthorized access to one of our user databases. The unauthorized access occurred in December 2010, and evidence of this has just been uncovered due to increased security analysis.
The unauthorized access included user account names, handles, and encrypted passwords for those accounts. Even though the passwords were encrypted, it is apparent that the intruder has been able to crack some portion of the passwords in this database. All accounts that we believe were present in the database have had the passwords reset, and customers registered to these accounts have been notified via e-mail of this incident.
While we have no evidence that any other information was taken by the intruder, it is possible that the intruder was able to access additional account information. If they did so, the first and last name, e-mail address, date of birth (if provided to Cryptic Studios), billing address, and the first six digits and the last four digits of credit cards registered on the site may have been accessed. We have no evidence at this time that any data other than the account name, handle, and encrypted password were accessed for any user.
We are continuing to investigate this incident, and are taking even further action to strengthen our systems and redouble our security vigilance and protections. For your own security, we encourage you to be especially aware of e-mail and postal mail scams that ask for personal or sensitive information. Cryptic will not contact you in any way, including by e-mail, asking for your credit card number, social security number, or any other personally identifiable information. If you use the same password for other accounts, especially financial accounts or accounts with personal information, we strongly recommend that you change them.
While we have no evidence of unauthorized use of personal information as a result of this incident, to protect against any possible identity theft, we encourage you to remain vigilant, to review your account statements and to monitor your credit reports. Further information regarding the prevention of identity theft can be found at the Federal Trade Commission’s website here.
We apologize for any inconvenience this unauthorized access may have caused our customers. Customers with questions about this incident and how it may affect them can contact customer service by submitting a support ticket at
If you didn't get any e-mail then your account was one of the ones that wasn't in the stuff accessed by hackers, so you're alright.Haven't gotten any emails :-\
Soooo... who's still playing?
I started up again and still in the GAFfleet.