Clearly one of the lessons learned from the prequel era and even from certain moments in the OT is that the Jedi order was kind of fucked up. Yoda started to realize this near the end of the Clone Wars but continued to get some things wrong in the OT before his death.
It seems by the time of TFA, Luke has figured out that there is something wrong which is why he's going back to the Jedi's roots to try and figure this mess out.
Very much so, yes. I more meant the prequel era rather than the trilogy. I specifically had some TCW in mind while typing that. I edited to be more accurate.
Okay I get it that Obi wan said that exact line, but Yoda said something similar I think, and even if he didnt, he aint a sith and yet spews absolutes like they are going out of business:
"Only two there are. No more, no less."
THe irony is that in reality, my job involves exactly the type of cognitive therapy (REBT to be exact) which would enable what the Jedi advocate for, i.e. a moderated peaceful slow to anger existence. Anger management 100 involves changing the words you use to be more moderated....for example, you dont
have to say "I have to do that", you could get the same effect and say,"...It is extremely important/beneficial for me to do that." Detailing each individual benefit and making things more specific usually describes reality much more acutely than absolutes.
Here is a list of words to avoid and their alternatives:
Got to
Have to
Ought to -> Could; delineate the degree of importance, even break it down to a percentage chance to be even more meticulous. Gold standard: "It would be better if...." -> leads to a goal.
Always - -> most often, usually. High percentage chance.
Never - >> Rarely, sporadic. Lower percentage chance.
Only - - > again its rare that there is only one way to do things..."It might be better if....." or even better if you want to recommend a better gold standard of a way to do something, frame it the form of a question:
"Wouldn't it be better/nice/ fortuitous if we tried it this way?"
So although Obi wan and Yoda are required to be emphatic in their approach to Anakin or whatever as part of the story and to make it an emotional sequence, it might have been better if they tweaked a few words here and there to be less hypocritcal of the language normally dealt with in higher frequencies by the Sith.
As a general guide, avoid generalities, but speak in possibilities, probabilities, and percentage chances and you will find people may like your delivery much better than if you overgeneralize and obfuscate reality through overly extreme usage.