Enter WZ, character floats up above the map.
Oh, right. That makes sense.That is just your ship blowing up and crashing down. Bad timing to enter the WZ![]()
Why not just add numbers?
I can't get confused with a 1 or 2 like I can with a tiny sliver on the bottom of a small icon at a glance.
The same thing goes for HoTs on party frames. It was such a pain in the ass to refresh my HoT as a scoundrel on party members because the icon was so small I couldn't see the cooldown graphic on it.
it's beautifulUh, they do give the option of showing a countdown timer. They even have the option of changing the size of the countdown text and showing tenths of a second. All the options are explained in the blog post.
Winning in the middle of a WZ and it knocks me to character select![]()
Yea, thanks for letting go of Deckard!
Hit 50 on my powertech the other night and since then haven't had the drive to play.
Unfortunately it has become like previous mmo's I've played and it feels like a job instead of entertainment. Especially after having fun pvping then becoming useless thanks to gear difference.
But then again I might just be put off games for a while as I downloaded Kingdoms of amalur based off gaf's impressions last night and I am not enjoying that either.
Maybe I'm sick? :/
Hit 50 on my powertech the other night and since then haven't had the drive to play.
Unfortunately it has become like previous mmo's I've played and it feels like a job instead of entertainment. Especially after having fun pvping then becoming useless thanks to gear difference.
But then again I might just be put off games for a while as I downloaded Kingdoms of amalur based off gaf's impressions last night and I am not enjoying that either.
Maybe I'm sick? :/
Any news on the Legacy system lately?
Really thinking about switching servers to a better population for Republic but I have a lvl 50 on Dark Reaper and am currently at lvl 6 legacy. Don't want to just abandon that if it has true benefits.
Anyone else have a server for Republic and another server for Empire?
lol same. Got to 50, started illum planet quest. Realized these are some of the most half assed quests in the game... rolled a new toon.
Daniel Erickson: Game Update 1.2 will bring you the first big step in the Legacy System but its important to understand that the Legacy System will continue to grow, bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you havent seen them before. New species are in consideration for the future but we dont have any details to share right now. Look for more specific details in the near future as we head toward Game Update 1.2.
Aurozia: Will there be a dual specialization system in the future? Will there be a possibility of changing advance classes as well?
Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.
NommNomm: Are you still planning on giving us an option to make our chest item colors match the rest of our armor?
Daniel Erickson: The new and vastly improved Hue to Chest system launches with Game Update 1.2 and there are more customization and quality of life improvements along those lines hot on its heels.
USLeatherneck: Will Bioware implement Target of Target (including a visible cast bar above the portraits) in the new UI?
Gabe Amatangelo: Yes. Target of Target on primary target and party frames will be part of Game Update 1.2. Primary target already has a visible casting bar on live right now. In Game Update 1.2 target of target frames will have visible casting bars as well. Additionally, there will be various customization features in all of those frames (e.g. repositioning).
News in which way? Details are not known, all that is known for sure is that there will be perks that you can select such as getting bonus xp in pvp, possible faster mount boosts, and such. Just little upgrades that you can get. Also was confirmed that new race/class combos are being unlocked through legacy system. But we still don't got full view of it and what it all offers. Probably be seeing a bit more as time goes on as it's coming next month, so more previews of 1.2 content should be rolling out hopefully soon.
Did you at least finish the main storyline which is part of the illum chain? It's a very important part of the games overall storyline. Ignore the daily stuff, and at least do the quest chain that leads into the final 2 flashpoints. The dailies are pretty boring as they usually are, I'm already sick of them and only did them a couple times, but even at 50 you will want to do the rest of Illums main world quest.
By dual spec, do they mean being able to have enough points to tackle two of the three skill tree sections, or do they just mean being able to switch between different sets?
are they? Got soo bored (and kinda tired of my JK)... will probably finish up after I play more of my other toon(s). Need a cleanser.
I would resub so god damn fast.By dual spec, do they mean being able to have enough points to tackle two of the three skill tree sections, or do they just mean being able to switch between different sets?
Am I reading that right, there will be new races available in March?
Apparently. Can't wait to get new details.
Am I reading that right, there will be new races available in March?
Am I reading that right, there will be new races available in March?
Not exactly. They are opening up the faction specific/class specific races to other faction/classes. Think Chiss Jedi, or Miraluka Sith Warrior.
While you're most likely correct the way he worded the answer made it seem like it could possibly mean any of the humanoid races that are "in the game" but not playable.
Someone brought up a good point about why we likely won't get certain races like Rodians or Wookies as playable races, they only have 1 voice actor for each class. I think a Rodian speaking basic would look really odd, nevermind a Wookie, and I don't think they will be recording all that dialogue again for one off races.
So I'm about to get a pc that's not a POS, and was thinking about picking this up. Used to play wow a lot, but drifted away. So is this worth checking out, would love a new mmo that's not wow, but plays like it.
Theorycrafting question:
Given two different pieces of gear, how do you determine which results in the highest DPS?
Currently what I'm doing is equipping each one and recording the Min Damage, Max Damage, Accuracy, Crit Chance, and Crit Multiplier into Excel, and then I run it through the following formula:
Avg = (MinDmg + MaxDmg)/2
EffectiveDmg = Avg*Accuracy * [CritChance*CritMult + 1]
And whichever gear setup gives the highest answer is ultimately the best.
Does anyone see a reason why this formula might be unsound (note that it ignores the effect of Alacrity, but I don't see an easy way of factoring that in).
Most of your abilities are tech/force techniques and those:
Get bonuses based on your talents, modifying the value of crit, alacrity, ect. I believe what you are calculating here is your regular attack damage (whatever you have that's free). It's much more complicated to figure our your damage based on your techs, and while you may be ballparking it decently by noticing the changes when you equip new gear it's in no way a totally accurate way to calculate which item is better.
Sounds good, I played a rogue and a death knight dps on wow, what would be close to that on here?You kinda described this game
If you roll on Keller's Void you can join one of the gaf guilds. There's one for each faction
Sounds good, I played a rogue and a death knight dps on wow, what would be close to that on here?
The "stealth" class in this game is actually a ranged dps class. So I don't know that there's an exact equivalent. Smuggler (republic) is the closest in spirit, but it's a ranged dps class.
So when does illum story quests end?
Took out Darth Alto (sp?) and it seems the rest are fp's.
The "stealth" class in this game is actually a ranged dps class. So I don't know that there's an exact equivalent. Smuggler (republic) is the closest in spirit, but it's a ranged dps class.