Screen grabs from the newer high quality video of the trailer up at
I think you'll find if they're going 400k damage, they aren't tank specced. Not to mention, the self heal they get isn't that great in action, it doesn't scale that well from what I remember.
I think the bigger issue is that tank classes can spec DPS and still tank just as well in warzones, and do great damage ontop of it.
Meh really? Guess the assassins/shadows on my server just suck then, heh. Powertech's can do quite a bit of damage specced as a tank as well(Though I don't think it's near 400k). Juggernauts are probably the worst for damage in tank spec it seems, much to my dismay. On the plus side I can get some pretty insane protection with an healer.Na, I've talked to the dude multiple times--he's very much tank specced. That's why I feel the spec is broken, the spec gets a lot of utility and tank baggage (for being a tank spec) that can't put out a lot of sustained, but in the right circumstances can whip out the burst (the 5k+ is counting the force lighting which ideally hits for around 2.5-3k, and then the inst a from harness hits for 2.5-3k. The setup for this (unless I'm not mistaken) takes around 12 seconds, and so yeah, if you get stunned you can just wind it up again while the dude's stun is on cooldown--plus the class gets 2 stuns and a knockback, so you can set it up that way (and it's uninterruptable excluding stuns and knockbacks).
This by itself doesn't make for a broken class, but when you pair this with a 20s or 30s sprint that breaks snares, a 45 second force shroud, the perks of being a tank (massive damage mitigation), taunt and guard (tremendous by themselves), self heals, an enemy pull (perfect for huttball); it gets quite ridiculous. I may be completely misinformed and I'm not balance lead at Bioware, but to me, this is a class that is doing higher than intended damage for it's role in a pvp environment.
A lot of people like to discount AoE damage as if it's useless or has no impact, in a warzone where people are tightly packed at times (read: all of them lol), AoE damage can be huge; it's damage that hits EVERYONE, "well the 400-500k comes from AoE" isn't really a valid brush off as rage specced jugs/marauders are entirely AoE and usually average the same amount.
Edit: Have you played with Whilson recently Kruul? He consistently puts up 400k damage, 75k protection, and at least 75k self heals; granted that may point to where his motivations lie--big stats over objectives lol. But the fact that any class has the potential to put up those 3 numbers is just flat out broken. Look at prestige (shadow tank) in both these games: game 1 and game 2. The fact that this damage is achievable with 100k+ protected damage and self heals blows any other tank out of the water.
Screen grabs from the newer high quality video of the trailer up at
Is acid different from fire, because I've had people run through fire with guard on them before, and the damage doesn't transfer. The tooltip for Juggernaut says player damage only too.That 100k protection doesn't mean he's tank spec Priapus. It just means he went into tank stance for like 45sec to get the protect medals. It's really easy to get that much protection on a huttball map. Just have your healer stand in the acid for 1min or so and you get something like 500 protection per second. Toss in the using taunt here and there and you can easily get enough protect medals as a dps asass/jugg/powa.
That 100k protection doesn't mean he's tank spec Priapus. It just means he went into tank stance for like 45sec to get the protect medals. It's really easy to get that much protection on a huttball map. Just have your healer stand in the acid for 1min or so and you get something like 500 protection per second. Toss in the using taunt here and there and you can easily get enough protect medals as a dps asass/jugg/powa.
I am such a loser, is it sad that these are the 2 updates that have me most excited lol
Screen grabs from the newer high quality video of the trailer up at
I am such a loser, is it sad that these are the 2 updates that have me most excited lol
Hell no dude, I think a lot of us are looking forward to both of those things. I feel like it'll be especially good for Troopers, where they have a lot of similarly designed gear that winds up looking sponsored by Skittles. I went Armormech on my Vanguard to avoid it, but my companions deal with it since I'm too lazy to craft them full sets like I do for myself.
I used to run with Whilson in my PVP group until he tried to talk shit to one of us one day...unless he's gained serious skill I never saw him top 350k. He recently hit battlemaster, but I don't see him doing 400k. He was doing 300ks in DPS spec. He's pulling your leg or something lol, I just don't see it. We were just in two games with him and roflstomped them both times.
Even if so, he'd be the one and only. I've never seen another tank anywhere close.
EDIT: Also Priapus, look at the huge ass amount of heals he had in both games lol. 3 and 4 healers on that team. 1 400k, 1 300k, 2 100k heals in first game, and game two had 500, 200, and 2 100k heals. Shit I could do insane damage with that kind of heals. This is hardly the norm. I think you are blowing it up bigger than it is...which is just a few outliers who obviously don't give a damn about anything but getting those digits.
DOUBLE EDIT: I was right and wrong. Apparently they run this in full DPS gear with crit/surge relics and adrenals etc. Still, haven't seen anyone on our server using it to the level that the forum thread is complaining about. Since it appears to be a recent discovery of OPness that would explain why Whilson suddenly became better than he was, though.
no more self healing tanks plz, we already have brokenly OP tankassins.
You pvping tonight? I should be on around 1130cst. Hurriquake and i went on a 9-0 win streak this morning.
I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I feel stuck. My server doesn't have much people on it, my guild has 4 people on max nowadays, and PVP ques are too long. I've leveled up two characters up to 50. I have friends who play, but they don't com online, very often. I know I could reroll to another server, but it seems like too much of a hassle at this point. I guess, I'm going to unsubscribe for now and come back later when there's more stuff and character transfers or server merging.
Screen grabs from the newer high quality video of the trailer up at
So frustrating,
We lose a DPS to DC and get SOA (HM) down to 29k, so we figure it's in the bag.
We spend the next 90 minutes dying to bugs in the fight (resetting instance almost each time)
some highlights (not at the same time
-Invisible electric pools in phase 1
-Invisible lightning balls in phase 2
-Playes at full health dying from a jump to a lower ledge, getting rezzed and then it happening again (proper ledge jump)
-Insta raid wiping damage at the beginning of phase 2
-Pillars hitting SOA in Phase 3 but not dropping shield
We hit the point where we can do the hardest part (controlling lightning ball damage in phase 2) without a single death only to run into this shit
Just to clarify, since I've seen this question a number of times in this thread. What we said was:
Cross-server PvP queuing is in the works
Once it launches, it will allow us to do things such as:
More level bracketing
8-man premade queuing
Ability to queue for a specific warzone
There is no current timeline for this feature, and there's also no guarantee that it will all happen at once, but cross-server queuing will open up a bunch of possibilities for us. Once we have more details, of course, we will let you know.
Bioware dev said:
So looks like only 4 man queuing going into the ranked preseason. Also, a bioware dev confirmed that purples will essentially act like oranges now--so sell all of your orange belts/bracers before they drop in price completely.
-Invisible electric pools in phase 1 <--- seriously? Just stand next to him
-Insta raid wiping damage at the beginning of phase 2 <--- <you killed the second
orb or whatever thay are called while jumping down, before you killed the first one > HUGE AE every 10 second in phase 2.
obviously we did this after, but the people who initially died had no idea that was going on and it was a lost attempt. The fact they were invisible is a bug like I mentioned
Wow, Consular went from worst gear to best gear in a single Tier!
has their been any mention of a LFG tool?
I've hit 26 on my sorc without running a single FP because I do not feel like porting back to the fleet and waiting around to hopefully find a group and the 10 minutes of loading screens it will take to get back to the planet.
I loved LFG to break the levelling monotony
Yes it won't be in 1.2 and won't be cross server because of some lame excuse about community building.
Agreed. The new consular gear looks sweet. I actually like all the new gear except for the smuggler helm and the entire inquisitor. I have no idea what BW has been smoking with the art direction of the inquisitor.
Wow, Consular went from worst gear to best gear in a single Tier!
Not sure on that, as the comment that was made could be read multiple ways.
Orange gear for the most part isn't worth much already from the AH prices on em. But don't understand really the point of there being orange with purples become fully modable as well. Always assumed you could just extract the mods was the original intent but they are turning all purples into basically orange is a bit odd. Unless they plan to have it that only tier gear sets will allow you to extract...
Love healing counting as kills.
You are jaina? Oh man I drop bombs on you all the time!![]()
You are jaina? Oh man I try to kill you (but fail miserably) all the time!
LOL are you really surprised? That reminds me - I wish they'd give that Jaina Bishoujo figure a release date and show us a scuplt! I'm starting to worry it won't really happen.
fix'd for clarity
Had an awesome raid night last night,
We already had bonecrusher hard down so we decided to carry on, we one shoted Jaarg and Sorno, then the next boss (Foreman? can never remember this things name)
Took about 5 attempts to beat Fabricator due to random unluckyness and then one shotted Karragga, I got a healing relic and Inquisitor rakata main hand so well pleased.
We tried SOA on nightmare and got him to the third phase twice but this battle is just a mess.. at the start of a second phase I had 2 lightning balls coming for me for some reason, they also seem to randomly retarget themselves now and then, think we are gonna reattempt on monday and hit it all night.
Maybe you already know this, but Soa on hard and nightmare I believe you have to intentionally suicide into the lightning balls then quickly get healed. So it shouldn't be a big deal being targeted by 2, just run into 1, get healed, then run into the other.
That being said, it's still a mess of an encounter.
Inq looks awesome, what you smokin. Ugh at the Jug helm, wtf I'm Getter Robo now?
I don't know everyone's SN![]()
I was just referencing the fact that dude had Jaina's boobs as his avatar for months! CzarTim is president of the GAF Jaina Solo fan-club.