Current PvE Gear:
Hardmode Flashpoint & Normal Ops Gear (Tionese) is 51
Hardmode Ops (Columi) is 56
Nightmare Ops (Rakata) is 58
1.2 PvE Gear:
"Campaign" hard Raid Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)
"Blackhole" Corellia Commendation Gear is Rating 146 (Mod Slot 61)
"Campaign" Nightmare Raid Gear will likely be Mod Slot 63 - but we won't see that for at least a month past 1.2 release
Blackhole Dailies will drop ~2 commendations per quest, pieces ranging between 30 - 60 commendations a piece. Not sure how many quests you can do per day..
Daily Commendations can now be used to buy new Relics and Legacy gear, the relics are better than current, so you need to grind 2 separate sets of dailies for gear
Story Mode & Hardmodes, 6 bosses.. no NiM on release
Every member of your ops group requires an item that costs 30 Daily Commendations called "Rakata Alphawave Inhibitor" (Buff Mental Protection), which is a 4 hour flask type buff that is required for the final boss of Explosive Conflict. You'll need this weekly to beat the boss as it protects you from "mental attacks"
PvP Gear:
Expertise & primary stats appear to be rebalanced a bit, you'll have much more expertise in 1.2 and a bit less of your primary stats. Full Battlemaster on a Commando went from 700 to 1139, and damage boost to players went up 22% however this comes at a primary stat and endurance loss.
As for ranked PvP nothing is tied to Valor rank item wise, you can basically be in full War Hero gear in 1-2 weeks depending on the speed of your grind. Dependent on how guilds run, unranked PvP matches will likely become far and few between at 50.
Misc Stuff
As for Legacy, the 50 imports to the PTS are currently broken and have no Legacy XP.. you're also unable to recomplete class quests since your character is already flagged as having done them.
Space Mission/Fleet Commendations now have new purchasable "crafting" boxes, biometrics and Alien Data cubes are now obtainable through vendor lock boxes
Medpacs are now only usable once per combat.
Combat Log
Combat log spits out to a .txt file that needs to be turned on and off manually every time you want to use it.
Threat, damage and abilities appear (via assigned ability #), however it is on an individual basis only.. so if you're running a 16 man ops everyone needs to submit their logs to one person to parse through the data.
In reference to the above bullet, no real time combat log parsing.

Does not show events as melee, ranged, force or tech just shows as damage.