I like how you complain about the exact things I complain about, yet somehow you never agree with me. Hrm.If you like pvp the engame will be tolerable. Its a pretty hefty grind so it will take a while for you to get through.
I like how you complain about the exact things I complain about, yet somehow you never agree with me. Hrm.If you like pvp the engame will be tolerable. Its a pretty hefty grind so it will take a while for you to get through.
Literally 5 minutes or are you exaggerating? I've never had a load time of more than 1 minute (although that's pretty long already).
It was more like 3 to be honest. Only happens on bigger planets I haven't been to in a while.
I dread the load times when I go to Belsavis for the dailies. It's bad enough that we have to go through the orbital station, too. At least in 1.2 we'll be able to use our speeders in stations/ports and we'll have the option to go straight to our ships from the planets instead of having to go through the station.
Because PvE abilities are just not the same ones you're goign to be using for PvP. In PvP you're going to be using things like stuns, bleed effects, trinket effects, anything that breaks movement impairing abilities, things like that.
I guess once dual specs are in the game this will basically be a necessity because you'll be able to switch trees giving you a completely new set of abilities to use.
Right now there are a bunch of abilities I have as a gunslinger (Flash Grenade, Thermal Grenade, Vital Shot, things like that) that are just almost useless in PvE but are great in PvP.
How you fight a raid boss and how you fight people in pvp are just totally different I guess.
I don't think I've ever had a load time of over a minute. SSDs are the way to go!
I like how you complain about the exact things I complain about, yet somehow you never agree with me. Hrm.
So expensive :-/
Screw Kruul and Screw Talona
That's all
I keep losing, damn you
Your double penetration fetish is getting out of control.
We are here for you, man.[/QUOTE]
My phone likes to dp swtor what can I say lol
I've got Azura upto level 55 valor, 5 more till Battle master!
I also have long load times on Belsavis, hate going there to do dailies...
those last 5 levels take forever - roughly 30-40k valor per level. i am currently almost 58 on my main and am hoping to get to 60 before 1.2 drops.
Any class story better than the rest? I played a few classes to level 5 or so and choose Imperial Agent to go on with. I only plan on playing this as a single player game and will probably only take one class to 50.
I enjoy the game and see past its flaws. You seem to dislike it intensely. The pvp grind is semi annoying but it isn't so bad bc the pvp in this game IMO is pretty damn satisfying.
I don't hate it, but I pull no punches when it comes to liking a thing or not. Someone's got to raise a fuss because people just roll over and let themselves get stepped on.
What's your address? Cause I have a hero bear to send you.I don't hate it, but I pull no punches when it comes to liking a thing or not. Someone's got to raise a fuss because people just roll over and let themselves get stepped on.
Could someone explain to me why some mounts will be removed with 1.2?
Could someone explain to me why some mounts will be removed with 1.2?
Kept failing the ship missions until I found the ship upgrade vendor. Man, what a difference!
I also kept failing a fight with a Sith Lord until I realized you can summon companions anywhere. Again, what a difference. It feels like my early days of WoW all over again - constant failure forcing me to learn the game haha
Not to try to "convince" you, but the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight is probably the most "WoW"-ish class you could have picked. That being said, the game has a lot of WoW: Star Wars Edition designed into it and it will probably never get away from that. The other classes are a little different and don't operate like direct transplants... especially the gun-toters (e.g. while there are roguish concepts in the Operative/Scoundrel, there's a big departure if you're a healer; the closest analog to the Sniper/Gunslinger is a hunter, but the cover mechanic is wholly unique). Still, if WoW-ness is a big problem, you're never going to see beyond that.
1.2 is taking too long.When does everyone else see it coming out? I'm guessing mid-April. :/ So near Spring finals. Bah.
I don't think I've ever had a load time of over a minute. SSDs are the way to go!
Trying out the weeks trial they gave me.
This games engine is an absolute dog
Test client runs a bit smoother, so they are working on the engine (at least I think it does when I tried it).
They really did not think their end-game design at all, no features plus 1:1:2 T:Hratio is incredibly stupid for groups as there's an overabundance of dps in theme park mmo's. This is compounded by there's no duospec in the game compared to Wow/Rift which both have it.
Test client runs a bit smoother, so they are working on the engine (at least I think it does when I tried it).
They really did not think their end-game design at all, no features plus 1:1:2 T:Hratio is incredibly stupid for groups as there's an overabundance of dps in theme park mmo's. This is compounded by there's no duospec in the game compared to Wow/Rift which both have it.
I think the bigger issue is the scaling of the ratio. The over abundance of DPS is actually a good thing when you take into account the ratios for operations is 1:2:5(You may need an extra tank for certain bosses, but you're better off just using a DPS specced tank class to offtank instead) and 2:4:10 for 8man and 16man respectively.Test client runs a bit smoother, so they are working on the engine (at least I think it does when I tried it).
They really did not think their end-game design at all, no features plus 1:1:2 T:Hratio is incredibly stupid for groups as there's an overabundance of dps in theme park mmo's. This is compounded by there's no duospec in the game compared to Wow/Rift which both have it.
Lot of groups run ops with only one tank, as it's more advantageous to use the extra dps and really the 2nd tank is only beneficial in a few instances.
Don't see any issue with the ratios you are putting out though, its somewhat normal and even then folks don't follow the tanking requirement always. Course our guild has also had the problem of over abundance of healers and not enough dps. Dual specs will be very helpful for everyone.
I should of specified flashpoints (the Wow ratio would totally be off as well if I included raids).
That was gonna be my next question, is there any plans for dual specs? switiching between jugg/marauder, commando/vanguard?
I don't see how it's not the perfect ratio for flashpoints. Us tanks and healers need to have a place to play as well![]()
Only thing they could have done to change things would be of course making the group allowances bigger, but all that does is make getting groups together even harder.
Dual specs are coming, as well as multi specs, but you won't be able to switch between Advanced classes, you will be able to switch between the 3 trees of your AC
Given the way they branched their ACs off, I can't think of an elegant way they could allow you to switch ACs unless you either had to buy all the powers/ranks for both ACs or they turned the power buy off and assumed if you bought everything at Level 23 for a Gunslinger you'd have bought the Scoundrel stuff. The different armor classes for the Knights/Warriors would also present a problem. It's more than just "this guy uses one sword and this guy uses two".Dual specs are coming, as well as multi specs, but you won't be able to switch between Advanced classes, you will be able to switch between the 3 trees of your AC