Servers seem like ghost towns.
Musta picked a shitty server, getting near 300 at prime time since patch at fleet
Servers seem like ghost towns.
75 on the fleet on my server. Seems kinda low, but it is Sat late morning.
Do you know how slow Operatives move compare to the force user class? We don't have the bouncy ability. Anyway, the nerf suck especially the long ass cool down on backstab/backblast. That really break my rhythm ...
Boss knock backs are not that ridiculously far that it takes forever to get back, and ops and such all have multiple range abilities they can use on their targets as they close in which mauraders and such dont, which we don't always have access too btw since it does have a CD. Often in raids I will get knocked back several times in a row and have to walk my ass back to the boss like others do too, all while I got crap for range to use while moving in. The damage differences between the classes is not going to be that wide of a gap
Musta picked a shitty server, getting near 300 at prime time since patch at fleet
Do you really feel the need to defend everything that Bioware do? How about instead of blaming a player for picking shitty server why not blame the dev for shitty servers management. My current server is decent but I log into my first server a d it was still pretty barren though better than it has been for the last two weeks.
Musta picked a shitty server, getting near 300 at prime time since patch at fleet
So, just a heads up. You can apparently place bound mods into legacy gear, and transfer it to alts, who can then take it back out. Might want to get on that if you have some alts, before it gets fixed.
Do you really feel the need to defend everything that Bioware do?
Not really. It was packed when the game was released and was still pretty populated after the 30 days. Now its a ghost town. The Micro-instancing of all the different planets, along with no world chat means there really is no sense of anyone around at times.
Also the lack of NPCs make zones feel lifeless.
The issue with all the parses coming out is that they are using the training dummy. Once we start to see a lot of parses for FP/OPS then the OP DPS will be much much lower since BW decided to give all the bosses knockbacks plus initial travel time to bosses.
That's the biggest issue facing OP DPS right now. Minor issues are gaps in the rotation now because of the BS cooldown change which causes major energy issues if you fill that gap with anything but rifle shot.
edit* when I say OP DPS I mean concealment. Lethality is lol.
Let me expand.
There are tons of mobs, and plenty of quest NPCs. There are a few static 'town NPCs' but there are no 'random' NPCs that make the world feel alive.
So what servers are most GAF members on currently? I took a long break after getting to lvl 50 on my JK but now I'm looking into getting back into the game and rolling a new character (SW probably).
Except the fact that operatives have several ranged abilities that can at least put up decent numbers until they get back in ranged. Poison dart ---> grenade ---> auto attack ---> and we're back. You also have the advantage of being able to throw down an orbital strike on fights that require you to run out for a period of time--something that pure melee don't have the luxury of doing.
Although I do agree, something like shadowstep would be really awesome for operatives (and solve a lot of their positioning/setup issues), but that will probably have to wait for a new expansion.
So HM Soa is a complete joke now. One shotted. Anyone else run EV post patch?
Let me expand.
There are tons of mobs, and plenty of quest NPCs. There are a few static 'town NPCs' but there are no 'random' NPCs that make the world feel alive.
So the massive presence boost from having human/companion's maxed out is pretty significant while leveling an alt.
So the massive presence boost from having human/companion's maxed out is pretty significant while leveling an alt.
Well it seems like Bioware was misleading at best, lying at worst when they said that almost any gear could be RE'd into moddable schematic. The only new moddable schematics provided this patch are:
Weapons (via mission discoveries)
PvP armor (purchased)
Campaign Op Armor (RE'd out of Campaign Ops gear)
Nothing else can be RE'd into a schematic.
And strangely, the PvP gear still has Valor requirements on it, even though if you just purchase the gear from a vendor it does not...
In a March Q&A they said the NEW end game gear could be RE'd, and all end game gear going forward. Think people didn't notice they said new and figured any current end game gear at the time would be able to be RE'd as well and not just the new stuff. Course most designs in the game outside of the old end game stuff has orange sets available it seems, though they probably should see about letting people learn some of the different color options out there that can only be gotten through quests.
The Valor requirement on the orange WH gear was known for a while, I imagine the idea is that they want players who are wearing them to be actual PVP players and make it visible when in PVP that they are experienced players and not just some random noob wearing an orange set with shit mods? Sucks though, some of it I really like and would have bought the orange versions of for a custom get up.... not sure if I want the valor grind meh.
Any orange gear with augment slots on it are going for insane amounts.
I'm wearing the orange moddable war hero set on my Jugg. Only two pieces are augmented so far though. I'm working on getting augment slots on other pieces too, but critting can take a while. I'd rather have valor requirements on it than every tom dick and harry being able to wear the gear. Is the requirement a bit high? Maybe. But it links up with the name, when you reach rank 70 you get the War Hero title.
Eitherway I can confirm the transferring of BoP mods to other chars works using legacy gear. Just moved some of my spare Force Master Columi gear mods onto inquisitor legacy gear for the Sorc I'm levelling.
So if i have a bm set and buy war hero gear and pull the mods out of the bm gear will the set bonus transfer?
No. Only mods taken out of Campaign or War Hero sets have set bonuses attached to the armoring mods.
I am actually really enjoying the interface editor. Is there any way to flip the companion bar to be horizontal?
Also, AA was improved by turning it off and on again (lol tech support). Still not great though. Their "high" is like 2x.
How is guardian dps/pvp compared to sentinel? Really having a hard time deciding which to pick.
90 minutes of tying to get any HM group formed on the station on asaturday night ends in failure.
My will to keep playing this game is starting to be chipped away
Get in a guild.
I got my Assassin alt to 50 a few days ago. With the new Corellia dailies it took me no time to get a full set of 126 stuff, and the new orange legacy belts and bracers are a godsend if you've played enough to hit Legacy 20. Those things were as rare as hen's teeth before. Upshot is that in less than a week, some Artificing to get a purple offhand and some Biochem on my main to get purple implants, I had enough gear to tank HM Black Talon and Boarding Party, do my job properly and not feel like the weak link. The Tionese pieces are much cheaper now as well.. already picked up my bull horn headpiece.
I feel like in general, a lot of the changes in 1.2 were attuned to helping fresh 50's get into endgame more easily. Our guild saw that and so now there's a flood of people getting serious about their alts and getting a new lease on life with the game.