Empire GAF...invite Myisha
I'm pretty bummed, I came back for the free couple of days and legacy did nothing to persuade me and they broke my social dancing items.
Overall I like the new pvp tweaks and pvp in general. I'd like to see more different Huttball arenas.
That's a great idea. I love Huttball, but to have some variety with different Huttball maps would be pretty sweet.
Seriously, maybe one that doesn't favor sorcs, juggs, and tankassins by a huge margin. Owait... that's virtually impossible to create -_-.
If you go through all the datamined info on torhead, they give write ups with all of the story details for the new raid, and the next few raids.
Faster speeders - level 25 "speeder" should be 100%, 40 110% and 50 120%. The zones are too big and the slow speeders make it feel like riding around in fucking Rascals.
agree, I actually haven't updated past speeder 1 on my new sorc main, it is not worth the money invested
I have level 3 on my BH (with the epic mounts from EV and KP) and there is absolutely no sense of it being faster
I just respecced my gunslinger to dirty fighting for pvp because it's just impossible to compete only using stationary ranged attacks. Yes, saboteur has some great AOE attacks for keeping people from capping points or doors but it sucks to lose to a marauder that is hopping around like a spazoid while sitting in cover.
I have a Battlemaster Sniper and I love playing Marksmanship (the left tree for us) in PVP. You're probably not using your CC properly. Your Ambush can have a talented knockback, you can talent Cover Pulse to knock them back to kingdom come, Leg Shot immobilizes the target and has the shortest cooldown (afaik) of any root, and you have a stun that's specifically for use in melee range. You also have a talent on Entrench that nerfs the shit out of a Warrior's Smash. Add those things together and you can shut down a melee class's DPS better than anyone else, bar none.
This right here. The only thing I really have an issue with is when two mara's focus me, you run out of tricks pretty quickly. And that's ok, I don't think I should be able to kill 2 mara's and walk away.
Sometimes I can. One of my favorite tricks is to knockback, root, and then cast Orbital Strike right on top of myself. If they do try to continue to melee me, they do so at their imminent peril, because that does 2.5k a tick tech damage, and with my BM two-piece bonus, I get 4 ticks.
Sometimes I can. One of my favorite tricks is to knockback, root, and then cast Orbital Strike right on top of myself. If they do try to continue to melee me, they do so at their imminent peril, because that does 2.5k a tick tech damage, and with my BM two-piece bonus, I get 4 ticks.
Logged in again with the free "month" bioware offered to level 50 players, played a couple of hours and logged off for good.
Everything that i disliked about the game is still there with 1.2, the emptiness of the world, the almost non existent sense of community (no chat, no player interaction), the linear quest grind, the spamming LFG in fleet for flashpoints for an hour...
No thanks, gona try GW2 and if that sucks, then i´m never buying another mmorpg ever again.
An extra 10% is not really going to make it feel faster either, that's the increment already in the levels of speeder increases. An extra 20% from top level I think is definitely worth it even though it might not feel faster.
They are putting in speed boosts in other areas, they hopefully will do so for speeders with legacy system and eventually introduce new levels of speeders... though again another 10% increase is not going to feel a ton different from our current lvl 3s
I agree 10% isn't even enough but realistically faster might break some of the aggro detection and people would be able to speed through the world unimpeded (which they probably don't want but might not be the worst idea in the world). Makning it so your Ship could take off and land from any bind point would sure make exploration more fun as well.
I agree 10% isn't even enough but realistically faster might break some of the aggro detection and people would be able to speed through the world unimpeded (which they probably don't want but might not be the worst idea in the world). Makning it so your Ship could take off and land from any bind point would sure make exploration more fun as well.
I'm playing an Operative that's level 11 right now and I like the freedom of range and melee the class gives to play with, and it feels somewhat similar to my Assassin, but I'm having a hard time getting used to the cooldows. 12 seconds on Backstab feels bad man. Assassins get instant Maul for only half their resource, but I build it back so fast, I can pull off 3 in a pvp match. But yeah, I'm only level 11 right now, but seems like a fun class so far. Maybe I'm just into stealth classes?.
I doubt they will do that, though some kind of straight recall to ship ability would be a nice legacy bonus.... though you can generally already do that by QT'ing to the spaceport and now you got the option to go straight from the ground to your ship instead of having to stop at a station. But perhaps adding a legacy ability that let you qt straight to ship would be nice addition.
A big issue to me with traveling in this game, even though they sped up alot of things in 1.2, is that load times are still way too high for most planets.
This is Bioware we're talking about - incomprehensible loading times have been the norm since Baldur's gate
When did you try logging in? Tonnes of people are hanging out on Tattooine at the moment because of the Rakghoul event. World PVP has been great and lots of people are talking and forming groups to kill the event world bosses. Since sunday there has been 2 instances of Tattooine on my server during prime time and my server is pretty middle of the road in terms of population.
You're extremely lucky. Having more than 150 people online on the entire server would be a blessing for most people, if not an extreme rarity. My server peaks at 120~ ish, with less than 5 in every zone other than fleet / flash points. the majority of them are afk. Republic is completely dead, with under 20 online during the day at times. Peak times can bring close to 150 for us with about 40-50 for republic, but it's still dead. I have not been able to get a single flash point group for over a month.
You're extremely lucky. Having more than 150 people online on the entire server would be a blessing for most people, if not an extreme rarity. My server peaks at 120~ ish, with less than 5 in every zone other than fleet / flash points. the majority of them are afk. Republic is completely dead, with under 20 online during the day at times. Peak times can bring close to 150 for us with about 40-50 for republic, but it's still dead. I have not been able to get a single flash point group for over a month.
Logged in again with the free "month" bioware offered to level 50 players, played a couple of hours and logged off for good.
Everything that i disliked about the game is still there with 1.2, the emptiness of the world, the almost non existent sense of community (no chat, no player interaction), the linear quest grind, the spamming LFG in fleet for flashpoints for an hour...
No thanks, gona try GW2 and if that sucks, then i´m never buying another mmorpg ever again.
For Republic it's mostly low pops on most servers. Many servers have very healthy imperial populations though. Why I fear them opening character transfers and not limiting them, as your going to have lot of servers where the Republic populations are just going to want to migrate all to the handful of Republic heavy servers. Lot of imperials are going to have no pubs to play against. The only thing that will stop some people otherwise is those with invested time in their imperial alts which are tied to the legacy.
Been said a million times that they opened way too many servers at launch and they need to merge up a bunch of these.
I understand where you are coming from but didn't they say that they aren't worried too much about pop inbalances? If so, then what incentive is there for them to actually limit who migrates where?
Server mergers is what needs to happen but my guess is that they are just going to let people transfer.
I've also gotten +cunning assault cannons. I really think they just have fucked up random loot tables. I am considering /bugging every time I see one of those things.I do wish they would remove the Aim sniper rifle and vibroknife drops. There isn't a single class or companion in the game that uses them. I see them on the GTN sometimes and just facepalm. They must be an artifact of a class that was taken out, perhaps some kind of ranged tank.
uhg I need to stop making spur of the moment decisions when I'm tired
Finished EV and while talking to my buddies in vent I decided to use my crapton of Tionese currency to deck out Ashara and spent a good 150k on the AH to finish the job
..even though I have never used her once and have levelled with Khem
...only to find out she sucks donkey balls, she seems to do less damage than Khem even with vastly superior gear, takes a shitton more damage and cannot hold aggro
c'est la vie![]()
uhg I need to stop making spur of the moment decisions when I'm tired
Finished EV and while talking to my buddies in vent I decided to use my crapton of Tionese currency to deck out Ashara and spent a good 150k on the AH to finish the job
..even though I have never used her once and have levelled with Khem
...only to find out she sucks donkey balls, she seems to do less damage than Khem even with vastly superior gear, takes a shitton more damage and cannot hold aggro
c'est la vie![]()
You're doing something wrong, because Ashara is by far the best DPS companion.
and lot of those pub players I've talked with and from comments on the forums, will abandon the ship to another server
Even not as well geared as her Khem, my GF's Ashara does a ton more damage. Perhaps her being weaker and more prone to dying than Khem is making her seem weaker to you? Don't want to sound mean or anything, but you also gave her two sabers correct...? Because we had a guildy complaining about her and didn't realize that she dual wields hehe.
They aren't worried about pop inbalances, and if they don't care about open world pvp then obviously they likely wont care about setting up limits sadly. But it does hurt the game especially for those with guilds and legacy alts who suddenly want to play their pub alt and there is no one to play with? Pub pop on my server is 1/3 of the Empire, and lot of those pub players I've talked with and from comments on the forums, will abandon the ship to another server and it's just going to make it worse. I'm tied to my Empire guild for personal reasons so my pub alts are going to be stuck on a server with no one to play with? At least WAR when they did free transfers had limits to where you could go to try and keep populations from fluctuating too badly and to try and help pops that needed more players.
Mergers are what are idea situation but they have said already that transfers is what they will be doing "soon". My fear is that transfers are just going to make things worse for the game. Some player will be happy to move, but in the long term it's going to screw alot of servers.
Honestly, Bioware fucked up by having same faction pvp. Having shorter pvp q's on the lesser side is one of the population balance fixes (and now it's shorter on the dominant side).
World Event
Jeelvic the Jawa will no longer take more DNA samples than intended for purchases.
Players who were not properly granted final event codex entry and title for defeating Infected Trapjaw, Zama Brak, and Urtagh will be granted both the title and codex entry.
Increased rewards for players on the losing side of Warzone matches.
Players will now receive rewards for Warzones if they have earned at least one medal.
Heatseeker Missile: This ability will now only gain extra damage from your additional stacks of Heat Signatures and will not incorrectly detect debuffs from other players.