What kind of companion is Blizz, tank/healer/dps?
Edit: Ohhh, he's a ranged tank, perfect.
Edit: Ohhh, he's a ranged tank, perfect.
Textures are not very compelling in this game![]()
Loving Mercenary so far. Wasn't a huge fan of rail shot / tracer missile but now that the talents are starting to build up they're great for elites / strong mobs. Just finished chapter one. Absolutely love the class quests.
I don't think the high textures are working yet still.
Loving Mercenary so far. Wasn't a huge fan of rail shot / tracer missile but now that the talents are starting to build up they're great for elites / strong mobs. Just finished chapter one. Absolutely love the class quests.
Jeff Hickman wrote up a nice little piece about the server queues and how they realise that there are problems with queueing. I'm sad to say that this post hardly even touched on how most customers actually feel right now.
As far as understatement goes, this post doesn't even belong in the understatement ballpark. I've seen launches and had my share of queueing, but never for more than an hour.
Waiting in a 5 hour queue as a paying customer is just unacceptable. Bioware receives money from their paying customers in return for a service delivered to them.
You could say that Bioware are indeed delivering their service, if you were to say that logging into a server that has standard load is an option.
The problem is, however, that Bioware placed me and my guild on a server that is constantly full.
This is why it's Bioware's problem to come up with a solution that's better than, suck it up or create a new character.
Creating a new character is not an option for a lot of people. I've already invested time into my character when the server load wasnt this high. I've got my entire guild on that server and we can't move the entire guild. My guildmates have friends on the server that we were deployed on. We've all made new friends on the server that we were deployed on. These are just a few of numerous reasons, why just moving to a less crowded place, is not an optimal option.
Something needs to happen and it needs to happen fast.
Hollow statements like; "We're constantly monitoring servers.", and "Balancing servers is part art, part science", hardly acknowledge the problem.
Bioware just need to come out and say: Okay we messed up real bad. We tried to stagger early acces to ensure a smooth launch, but we failed. Right now we're doing our best to increase server capacity, or give you alternatives to move you and your guild.
Twisting and turning around the real problem at hand is one of the most frustrating things you can do to a paying customer.
I just want to hear that you understand the gravity of the issue. That you're working on a real solution, instead of saying that you're "monitoring" the situation. I'd even be more pleased to hear that you're not doing anything to alleviate the stress on full servers, so I could take my money elsewhere.
Other companies that have had comparable issues during launch have let their customers know that refunds were given, or that free playable days were going to be added.
The most reliable source for information so far has been twitter through @Rockjaw.
I'm just disappointed in a company with such a clean trackrecord as Bioware/EA has, that the flow of information regarding this problem isn't as transparent towards their customer base as it should be.
I don't get why people are getting mad at Bioware after they themselves joined a very popular server. The queues on my server (if any) haven't been longer than ten minutes up until now.
Bioware put us on that server... read the article if u need arguments.
My guildmates have friends on the server that we were deployed on. We've all made new friends on the server that we were deployed on. These are just a few of numerous reasons, why just moving to a less crowded place, is not an optimal option.
This argument ...
... holds true for most people on the server. There is no solution for that. People will always flock together.
I fucking love my little Sith Inquisitor.
I can't step away from this game. Must. reach. 50. GAH.
On my level 25 Juggernaut I've chosen both Light and Dark options. The rest of the quest can play out completely different depending on your choice. For example in one quest, my friend who's also a warrior decided to kill this person, and so his quest ended there. I spared them, and instead had to go off and kill another person. I also got another scene when I went back to the person I saved. It doesn't change the over all plot though, no. It's local to that quest pretty much, bar the dialogue references in other quests.Is anyone else doing a Sith Warrior character that they're doing light side responses for instead of just dark side ones? Or vice-versa with a Jedi? I'm about to start on that for one of my alts and I'm just wondering if there's an actual difference in how the story plays out or if it's completely irrelevant.
I don't get why people are getting mad at Bioware after they themselves joined a very popular server. The queues on my server (if any) haven't been longer than ten minutes up until now.
I don't get why people are getting mad at Bioware after they themselves joined a very popular server. The queues on my server (if any) haven't been longer than ten minutes up until now.
Why isn't this getting released in Australia?
yehAnyone else getting an issue where the raid frames are not reflecting peoples health or actually all remain full?
makes it a LITTLE hard to properly heal
Or do like Billy did. Just saying.
Hey. I think we're relatives.
Couple questions. I am sure these have been answered but I didn't see them.
1. Is this game only available on Origin, or can I download the files separately. (I hate Origin so I won't get it if it does.)
2. If I pre-order now, will I be able to play right away after I download?