y u no double blade?
y u no double blade?
Ugh I'm getting the shakes, how much longer...
You actually earn the title Lord eventually?That makes me very happy. I also love your characters helmet dude! Does it work with robes that have a hood? that would be very cool indeed.
Ugh I'm getting the shakes, how much longer...
Ugh I'm getting the shakes, how much longer...
You have forty eight hours from the launch to enter one, so no rush.
Take advantage of the grace period, 48 extra hours if you wait to register your retail/30days.Didn't set up a subscription yet whoops. Website is completely down...yay
That is a double bladed lightsaber. You just can't see the other half in that pose.
I'm running everything maxed out, with 8xAA. I don't think I've gone under 40fps yet. That's with a 580. If you're running a 570 you should be more than fine.
You can't duel wield. You can use single but you woudnt because your skills are based on double sided lightsabers. You'd be gimping yourself badlyQuestion: Is the Jedi Shadow locked into dual blade, or can they go single blade or dual wield? I like the stealth concept, but I don't like the light staff.
Yeah, if I only had a 570. I got a ati 5450 right now. Why I was saying there is probably no hope in it running it since I read a post earlier when someone was saying their 570 hit low 20fps when they went into heavily populated zones.
Yeah, if I only had a 570. I got a ati 5450 right now. Why I was saying there is probably no hope in it running it since I read a post earlier when someone was saying their 570 hit low 20fps when they went into heavily populated zones.
Take advantage of the grace period, 48 extra hours if you wait to register your retail/30days.
I think I'm going to be setting up Splashtop so I can craft on my iPhone while I'm at work.
What's up with Khem having like a gazillion different skins in the premium stores?
So apparently there isn't a cap for respec costs. Anyone know how much it increases per respec?
So apparently there isn't a cap for respec costs. Anyone know how much it increases per respec?
EDIT: NM. A reddit post says 1st = 0, 2nd = 300, 3rd = 1950, 4th = 5850, 5th = 12750 in beta for a Lv25 character.
I'm running everything maxed out with my 460GTX. I even have AA set to 4x as well. I'm staying over 40fps almost all the time. It's more than playable and looks great at 1080p.
I do have my GPU and CPU overclocked though.
Runs ok on an Intel HD 3000, which I think is roughly equivalent to the 5450. High 20s to mid 30s on all low. I'm pretty picky about FPS too, for example I found Skyrim and Dragon Age PS3 to be unacceptably choppy.Yeah, if I only had a 570. I got a ati 5450 right now. Why I was saying there is probably no hope in it running it since I read a post earlier when someone was saying their 570 hit low 20fps when they went into heavily populated zones.
I only got to check the CE/Security vendors on my sorceror, but there were like 3 Khem customizations and only 1 of the others.I heard a rumor that it resets every week but I'm not sure.
Yea.. what cpu are you using? Because that would be the reason your fps is high, you ain't getting 40fps in major cities with tons of peope around like right before shutdown tonight on that card. I'm using the same card, shadows off and hover around 30 in cities, and big dips to mid teens with a ton of people in the city. Outside cities it depends, I can get over 60 in some places, very strange performance, just like beta, though a tiny bit better.
One reason I think for the bad fps some are seeing is the huge viewing distance with no slider to lower it, that's a big hit as well in mmo's I've noticed.
You are a genius.
you must be jealous of my sexy avatar, because you seem to always reply to my posts with a stick up your ass.Whoopdiedo you save one dollar.
29 days?
The 20th is your first day. I have a card attached already, and it bills on the 19th, which is 30 days including the 20th.
Is it possible to go Armortech/Scavenging/Slicing and still be able to buy the rare mats from the AH for making armor?
Is it possible to go Armortech/Scavenging/Slicing and still be able to buy the rare mats from the AH for making armor?
I think there is a special outfit for all the companions isn't there?
Seeing how people can't keep stable framerates with a 570 I guess my internal hope of my 5450 rocking this game is dashed. Need to upgrade. Dear Santa.