falastini said:Those videos were.... underwhelming. I still look forward to see what Bioware can put out, but damn if everything doesn't look too similar to WoW.
czartim said:Yay, another 20 pages of the same argument then...
antonz said:The Old Republic needs more Star Wars Galaxies and less World of Warcraft. Their excuse for Starfox style space is weak as hell too even though I dont mind the idea. Galaxies Handled space well and it was not Eve level simulation stuff yet Biowares arguement is basically it was Starfox or Eve.
Old Republic fair or not is going to be approached with far more scrutiny than most MMOs due to the prior Star Wars MMO and just the nature of the genre today. It has a chance to really shine or go down as the biggest flop in history.
antonz said:Its frankly the only arguement that can exist. Going WoW style is what killed Galaxies.
I was playing Champions Online this week for their Anniversary event and at several times during the week people would go on a DCUO bash spree and say it was too much like WoW.falastini said:Those videos were.... underwhelming. I still look forward to see what Bioware can put out, but damn if everything doesn't look too similar to WoW.
BattleMonkey said:Problem with Galaxies space and reason it wasn't ready for a long time after launch, was that it essentially was a whole separate game. They didn't just plug in space combat into Galaxies engine, they had to completely create essentially another game, and also a main reason for years you had to pay EXTRA for the space portion of Galaxies. People expecting Galaxies style of space game in TOR had really really high hopes there. For a game that is so focused on story also, the way they are doing space combat makes sense allowing for cinematic story based missions.
While Galaxies freedom was cool, it also got highly repetitive and had very little content. The extent of it was ever increasing tough AI while you grinded up to get better ship parts to compete, but it was essentially the same thing over and over.
This is bullshit. Game was dying way before their wow like make over. What killed Galaxies was that 3 years after release, half the shit in the game still didn't work and most of the stuff promised early on was not available for 6+ months to years later. They even just completely removed various parts of the game instead of trying to fix them. Game "died" because it was a clusterfuck from day one.
As much as I loved Galaxies, people have a faulty memory of how it went down.
Arnie said:Can't wait to find out Revan's fate.
Stop your bitching guys, this is a co-op sequel to KOTOR to me.
falastini said:It's basically the combat/encounters that they've shown off so far. I guess saying it's "wowish" is a mistake, since WoW combat is just a refinement of the old MMO staples. It's just when the main MMOs I've played over the years have been in that style, seeing something that similar doesn't really excite as much as seeing something different like... GW2 or TERA. That doesn't mean those games will be better, nor does it mean the "WoW" style should be abolished. I'm just saying that they are more refreshing to look at. I want to see something different. The only uniqueness SW has shown me so far is in it's story mechanics.
Xamdou said:The fact that Revan is in the game, or perhaps you can play the role of Revan since it only shows his helmet waiting for the player to wear has my anticipation levels at max levels.
I'll skip FFXIV and wait for SWTOR just because Bioware is hyping the return (or rebirth) of Revan!![]()
antonz said:I played Galaxies from day one til they went wow style. I played WoW from that moment until Jan this year simply because the Galaxies playerbase abandoned the game and my guild of 300 people shrank to like 4 people. Im tired of the WoW formula and want something new
Leatherface said:I'm with you bud. As much as I loved WOW, that formula is getting stale. Guild Wars 2 is my only hope in the foreseeable future.
Leatherface said:I'm with you bud. As much as I loved WOW, that formula is getting stale. Guild Wars 2 is my only hope in the foreseeable future.
antonz said:The Old Republic needs more Star Wars Galaxies and less World of Warcraft. Their excuse for Starfox style space is weak as hell too even though I dont mind the idea. Galaxies Handled space well and it was not Eve level simulation stuff yet Biowares arguement is basically it was Starfox or Eve.
Old Republic fair or not is going to be approached with far more scrutiny than most MMOs due to the prior Star Wars MMO and just the nature of the genre today. It has a chance to really shine or go down as the biggest flop in history.
"Lastly we asked Dan about the recently revealed space combat and why the developers decided to make it more like Star Fox and less like EVE. The main reasoning, while some folks might not like to hear it, is that it doesnt fit the type of game BioWare is striving to make. That is, the sort of tunnel-esque battles theyre injecting into TOR are about the story. Theyre not about exploration and discovery. Theyre about driving a narrative and giving you bursts of action little concentrated bits of awesome. Sure you can still customize your ship, but dont go into TOR expecting a world/universe/space simulator. Rather BioWare is bent on giving you the most cinematic and story-driven MMO out there. And it looks like theyre well on their way."
Darklord said:It's still should be different enough. With the space battles, AI companions that can fight in instances, full dialog trees, a unique story for each class, each player getting a starship, ect. It can't be just another clone even if they do borrow from the formula. Yeah the combat looks like WoW but you know what else it looks like? Kotor and Dragon Ages combat. They're all similar.
Oh how wrong you are son. Eve Online is very, very successful. You know a sandbox MMO is successful when you have the possibility of 700 vs 700 battles in the game world itself.Vigilant Walrus said:Nobody has ever succesfully made a sandbox MMO.
subversus said:it looks ok, but combat still sucks by the looks of it
Outdoor Miner said:Everything looks good up until combat. Animations are terrible and it all looks about as fun as watching paint dry. .
sykoex said:I love the basic concept and look of the smuggler but I don't like the idea of having to be behind cover while my teammates (even the healer) can all be in plain sight.
Environments look good.Speculator said:New batch of pics released yesterday:
Safe Bet said:Weapons look clownish.
Outdoor Miner said:Everything looks good up until combat. Animations are terrible and it all looks about as fun as watching paint dry. .
Darklord said:They are still way too big.
Ah I see. If I get more abilities and maybe even some sort of buff by using cover then it actually sounds cool. Thanks for pointing that out.BattleMonkey said:Many classes are to have cover based gameplay, and many abilities are designed to be used only when in cover. The Jedi classes are the ones that apparently won't be seeing much need for cover.
There's nothing specific yet, but I believe they're shooting for the first half of 2011.funkmastergeneral said:Does the game have a release date yet? Didn't see anything in the OP about it.
ToddG15 said:Any word on possible large influx of beta testers or open beta? I'm super psyched for the game and would love the chance to test it out.
Hari Seldon said:They better fix the combat or this game is going to have a Conan style subscription curve.
Hari Seldon said:They better fix the combat or this game is going to have a Conan style subscription curve.
Vigilant Walrus said:What it boils down to is:
Nobody has ever succesfully made a sandbox MMO.
BigAT said:Developer Blog - Designing the Advanced Classes System
A bit of information on how advanced classes will work in TOR, as well as a breakdown and look at the advanced classes for the Smuggler.
And, if all else fails, the Scoundrel seems to have the uncanny ability to Shoot First, a very useful skill to have for sure.
Zefah said:What's your definition of sandbox?
Of the MMOs that I have played, Ultima Online and Everquest (for the first few expansions at least) certainly got it right.
WoW and all of the instanced bullshit (especially Cryptic's garbage) that has come after it got it all wrong, and deserve to have the "massively" part of their names removed in my opinion.
I've never played Eve, but everything I have heard about it screams sandbox.