MaddenNFL64 said:Anyone know what that means?
Should be damage pushback for abilities with cast times unless I'm mistaken.
MaddenNFL64 said:Anyone know what that means?
eastmen said:Today would be the perfect day to be playing this game. I'm snowed in and beat all my new games
MaddenNFL64 said:Anyone know what that means?
Fonds said:Snowed in in October? Where do you live!?
Sprint now automatically deactivates while the player is in combat and reactivates when the player leaves combat.
Vigilant Walrus said:It's good that they are putting in more companion customization kits. When you are on Tython , since it's only CJ and JKs who are on those planets, you see lots of them running around doing the same story quests in the exact same patterns(as most other MMOs) but what really drags the immersion down is the copy pasted companions. The trandoshan companion for the Counselor and the droid for Jedi Knight.
I think that upon making a character your companions should have a random starter appearance to make companions differentiation themselves from each other from the get go. If these companion packs are hard to find, or expensive, you might run around with a clone for a long stretch of the game.
Then it also kinda gives you a feeling of having a more unique companion when you don't even know what yours one looks like.
I'm not in the beta, but I noticed it in this walk through of the Jedi Knight story. It's 13 episodes. Pretty interesting: :
Cystm said:He's got a Character Creation video in there too. Pretty much spoils the whole process, just fyi.
PvE griefing. Apparently you are not interrupted while being attacked during the capture timer, so if you are paying attention you can prevent this. If the aggro leashing in this game is average with other mmo's I can see people simply racing to each point just ignoring mobs.
Game looks good - wonder what that guy is running this on.
Gvaz said:is the new build out yet?
1. Why isnt there an auto attack in Star Wars the Old Republic?
Your companion is your auto attack. This is one of those things we wont change.
2. How will the sage fair against up close melee characters?
Youll die.
To elaborate on this: If you try to outdamage any of the melee DPS classes at close range. 2 lightsabers > 1 lightsaber; Heavy Armor > light armor; Tons of powerful melee moves > small number of melee moves.Sure, most of your abilities will still work close range, but you have a distinct advantage when they are at range, so youre going to have to make sure these guys dont make it into melee range or, if they make it, dont make it with enough health or stay there long enough to get their really powerful attacks off.
3. What are the benefits of cover
Cover protects from Force Leap, being pulled via grapple, etc.
Using Entrench (An ability increasing the effectiveness of cover temporarily) will also make the Agent immune to any other kind of control (CC),. They become an unmovable object that cannot be charged, pushed, lifted, frozen, Force choked or in any other way incapacitated.
4. What is the range difference between gunslingers and troopers?
Snipers (and Gunslingers) have a range of 35 meters for most of their abilities, which is the longest range class for player abilities available. Troopers for examples have a maximum range of 30 meters on their long range abilities.
5. What about endgame items?
Nobody outside our offices knows the full extent of our endgame itemization plans or planned progression.
6. Do consulars get a force pull?
Yes. Sages also get access to Rescue, a friendly pull with accompanying threat reduction. Not just useful for pulling out your friend when they get themselves into too much trouble, also quite nice for quick vertical plays in Huttball.
7. Explain world mob aggro.
Aggro radius scales based on the relative level difference, but it never drops to 0. This is intentional.
8. Is marauder really that bad?
Were revamping the Marauder/Sentinel game mechanics to provide a more distinct game experience, more choice and better group utility. Were absolutely satisfied with the classes dps performance at level 50 in this build you just played. Do not expect that to change, the class is absolutely fine in that regard and working as intended. There were however some dps valleys in the early game (early 20s) that made people give up on the Marauder before it realizes its potential, something were addressing.
9. I hate how the sniper has to sit in one spot behind cover what should I do?
You might want to try playing an operative or scoundrel if you want to be mobile.
10. How many ccs do every class get?
No class has two long term CCs. Understanding when to use your stun break and when to suffer through it is vitally important (e.g not against a short term stun unless its close to the end of the fight).
11. Which Imperial Agent spec should I go for more survivability?
The Engineer tree might be a bit more up your alley in this case. A bit less dependent on cover, more survivable when jumped and quite some damage output.
Macros is something we want to do, but we want to do it right and we will take the proper time for it. They will not be available at launch.
13. Is there really racial bonuses added into the game now?
My team put them in, so yeah, its true. We are all sick of mails touting performance enhancing products , so we wouldnt want to put performance enhancing racial abilities in the game
14. Is companion gear important?
Companions are present in open world PvP, even in the endgame. As for outfitting them, hand-me-downs work for a lot of combinations and baseline companion equipment is given as quest rewards to ensure you dont have the spend too much time on them.
7. James Ohlen said that he and Daniel get into fist fights over Pureblood being made playable for Sith Inquisitors. Where do you stand on the issue? To further complicate things, we saw a great example of one in the Return trailer. He was quite imposing.
Daniel: It wasnt anything as dramatic as fistfights. Writers tend to be purists and there are about two or three lines in the entire storyline that are kind of odd for Purebloods simply because we werent planning for them. The final decision was that fifteen seconds of awkwardness was worth it to give players a combination they really wanted. So purebloods there are. And the artists did a great job going back and making all of the intricate and Sith Inquisitor-only slave brands work on the purebloods too.
You're becoming my favorite person on the internet.MaddenNFL64 said:Thought this was interesting. Betafootage put together a bunch of Georg Zoeller's (the combat design lead) comments on different things from the swtor public forums, and the testing forums into a sort of q&a format.
edit: found a nice tidbit on the SI pureblood, and how we'll have some awkward moments. Hopefully they add in some unique dialogue so it's not as weird.
Horrah.The_Inquisitor said:Good to see republic GAF continuing to prosper. Man I want to play this game along with so many others this fall/winter. @_@
CzarTim said:Horrah.
SteveO409 said:I hope the GAF guild lives longer than 2 experiences with joining GAF guilds for MMOs haven't been good lol. It was cool to see Amirox power level in LOTRO though
Hey that negativity isn't welcome here!LAUGHTREY said:Why bother with a gaf guild? Play with your friends, that's what everyone else will do, and thats why a gaf guild wont stay together.
LAUGHTREY said:Why bother with a gaf guild? Play with your friends, that's what everyone else will do, and thats why a gaf guild wont stay together.
Uh... right. I forgot to form an Empire GAF guild for us euros. Unless someone else made one?Fonds said:Growth has kind of halted for the European NeoGAF at the moment. We're still looking for more players though.
And how is that Empire guild coming along? We need us some PvP adversaries!
Check out the republic guild PvP out at NeoGAF
Woorloog said:Uh... right. I forgot to form an Empire GAF guild for us euros. Unless someone else made one?
European NeoGAFers now have Sith Empire guild NeoGAF Empire
PM me if you're applying, we need at least 3 pre-ordering members more! (I've pre-ordered)
The Dark Side offers cookiees!Fonds said:Also tying over the wait to TOR with Skyrim I see?
Cmon Eurogaffers, support this Empire guild. I know i've seen some people ask for an Empire PvP guild on the European end of things. If you don't wanna join empire, join us!
Spoiler: it sucks assGvaz said:Except I just got ff14 in the mail...
At this point this will probably be the first mmo I have bought that I didn't beta test.Arment said:I wish I'd get an invite period. I probably won't buy the game if I can't play it beforehand. That's just how it is with MMOs.
How many MMOs have you tested?bloodforge said:At this point this will probably be the first mmo I have bought that I didn't beta test.
Arment said:I wish I'd get an invite period. I probably won't buy the game if I can't play it beforehand. That's just how it is with MMOs.
Xamdou said:Same here, whether or not I will keep my C.E pre-order at depends on whether or not I get a beta invite.
Woorloog said:How many MMOs have you tested?
I never get to test MMOs i'm really interested in... Others i do (like Star Trek Online, got key but didn't bother to actually test it).
EDIT and how often i should remind people of Empire EU GAF guild?
Xamdou said:Same here, whether or not I will keep my C.E pre-order at depends on whether or not I get a beta invite.
Woorloog said:EDIT and how often i should remind people of Empire EU GAF guild?
Andrex said:Finally went to log on after like two weeks of not playing, surprise, I'm no longer a tester.Oh well. I had fun when I was playing (got to around level 13.) Looking forward to launch.
Sort of a load off my mind I don't feel I "have" to log on anymore tbh.Me and MMOs, hard to mix but I'm really trying for this game.