LAUGHTREY said:Why bother with a gaf guild? Play with your friends, that's what everyone else will do, and thats why a gaf guild wont stay together.
Reddit said:Bunch of things that weren't in the patchnotes at alterswtor
Mod Extraction!
Just found this and its huge. It means you can take any modded item, take out its mods you want and use them in any other matching item. Huge step towards controlling your own appearance it creates a new source of mods from all the crap you find on the road. It's also super cheap (20 credits right now).
Smuggler grenades now have knockback on them. Enemies go flying when you hit them. There's more changes on the early smuggler, just hit level 12 and the class just feels a lot more fluid and powerful. The new cover rocks when you get the hang of it.
New companion abilities, lots of changes from the last build and custom combat comments (although Corso doesn't fucking shut up when he should anymore.)
Mods are dropping again as treasure Yay!
Took a ride on a friends spaceship to tatooine. Tried to get to the PvP area, but its in the middle of the planet. Too dangerous for level 12. Kinda like running Un'Goro at level 20 in WoW. Every sandperserson sniper shoots you from a mile away.
Reviving players now has a 15 minute cooldown. Operatives have a skill that removes this cooldown, I assume all healers get it.
Looks like there is some type of group summon, although I didn't figure out how it worked. (The group summon appears to be similar to the Warlock summon in WoW, although slightly different. One player puts down a "Transport Beacon." Another group member must be standing near that Transport Beacon. Then, the player who is far away uses their "Guide Signal" to transport to the Transport Beacon.)
Jukeboxes in cantinas! You can buy jukebox tokens from vendors then use them to change the cantina music.
BattleMonkey said:It's been much more polished looking feeling overall. Looking good. Just need to get that AA enabled damnit
You got kicked?Moaradin said:Someone posted a way to add AA in the ini files here a few weeks ago. I played with it for a bit before getting kicked from beta. Makes game look great and polished.
Not at home though, so I can't dig up the ini settings![]()
Woorloog said:Oh come on, The Sith Empire guild "NeoGAF Empire" offers cookiees for members!
Don't tell me Europeans don't like the Sith at all... Or do i need to make advertising campaign?
All other GAF guilds are ready.
Arguably this is late to form another guild...
Oh and Fonds, set my guild as adversary.
Freyjadour said:Applied to Republic PvE guild.
Miraluka Shadow more than likely.
BattleMonkey said:
Ferny said:Hey that negativity isn't welcome here!
I'm lying...we'd love to have you on the Empire![]()
MaddenNFL64 said:facebook image: "The Senate on Coruscant has played host to countless diplomats from every corner of Republic space."
.Kintaro said:Proud member of the GAF Republic guild since the start.
Woorloog said:QUICK! PEOPLE! Join THE EMPIRE!
. said:What is Phase 3: Deployment?
During this phase, guilds that meet certain criteria will be transferred into the game. Your guilds mini-site and forums will remain available on the website. However, guild creation and administration features will be removed from the website and moved in-game.
Shortly before Early Game Access begins, we will be bringing an end to the Pre-Launch Guild Program as we prepare guilds for import into the game. All guilds will be notified via email a week before the Pre-Launch Guild Program comes to a close.
*We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that qualifying guilds are imported into a server that meets your specified preferences, but we cannot make any guarantees given the anticipated volume of guilds (among other factors). All server placements therefore remain in our sole discretion. We also cannot take responsibility for technical errors or glitches that prevent your guild from importing into the game as planned. See Terms of Service for more details.
What's the difference between the pre-launch phase, early access, deployment, and shortly before early access, and pre-launch guild phase?Cystm said:Here you go.
Gvaz said:I tried enabling aa in the ini but it didn't seem to work.
You got kicked?
There are two: Mine, the Empire guild: and our adversary, the Republic guild: said:Anyone planning a neogaf european guild? would go a long way to making me change my mind about buying the game or not...
Woorloog said:There are two: Mine, the Empire guild: and our adversary, the Republic guild:
Both are PVP. If you pre-order, join the Sith Empire, we offer cookiees.
And US players who are not happy with PVE guilds, could you consider playing European servers?In your place, i wouldn't
It is not ready because Europeans don't seem to be supporting the Empire!Kem0sabe said:Apparently... your guild is not... READY!![]()
Woorloog said:It is not ready because Europeans don't seem to be supporting the Empire!
It can still accept new members.
Besides, i formed it a couple of days ago, forgot it...
The Empire offers cookies! What more do people need?Kem0sabe said:I guess evil empires are not as attractive do Europeans, at least in this decade.![]()
Woorloog said:The Empire offers cookies! What more do people need?
And we have cooler classes.
Then stop right away, switch to Republic and join the Empire and play a cool class at launch!Kem0sabe said:Sith Inquisitor is by far the coolest class in game, your right about that. But playing one in the beta right now.![]()
CzarTim said:GAF PVE Republic Guild has a green light!
Moaradin said:Imperial Agent is the coolest class. Has the best story also.
Kem0sabe said:People keep saying that the Agent has an amazing story, guess ill to roll one tonight.
Also trying my hand with the trooper, the story is nice but the voice work in ord mantel is god awful, one of the worst i have heard so far in the game... also... got to love the blaster fire from the rifle, the sound effects are awesome.
Woorloog said:Fonds, add NeoGAF Empire as an adversary for NeoGAF?
Anyone wanna bet if i get 3 pre-ordering people to joing NeoGAF Empire before the launch?
I doubt Sentinel is a "variation" of DPS dealer, seems like standard dual-wield rogue.
It would be nice to have other EU GAFers to play with. My brother may play SWTOR but not this year, he is in the FDF at the moment and a friend may play as he is a SW fan but not the sort to play a lot, every now and then only. Other friends are not interested and i have mostly bad experiences with random people in WoW (and some extremly good). Besides, if NeoGAF Empire had people, we could arrange open world PVP battles with Fonds.Measley said:If only you were in America Woorloog.I really like your enthusiasm man.
I'm going to sign up with The GAF Empire for my Bounty Hunter.
Fonds said:I'm having a tough time making a choice between trooper commando or jedi sentinal.
I've always played melee classes in MMO's. Not because I hate playing ranged but I've just sorta stuck with em for some reason.
Would you recommend either one? Either because you think the trooper is awesome and a nice take on ranged DPS, or the sentinal because it's awesome a nice variation from typical melee DPS in other MMO's.
Woorloog said:Fonds, add NeoGAF Empire as an adversary for NeoGAF?
Anyone wanna bet if i get 3 pre-ordering people to joing NeoGAF Empire before the launch?
I doubt Sentinel is a "variation" of DPS dealer, seems like standard dual-wield rogue.
I'm leaning towards a bounty hunter. Which spec you intend to go? I may got the powertech (ie tank) but not sure yet. Would be interesting to have a mirror duel.Fonds said:I'm really leaning towards trooper lately. Must be the amount of shooters I've played lately having it's influence.
Woorloog said:I'm leaning towards a bounty hunter. Which spec you intend to go? I may got the powertech (ie tank) but not sure yet. Would be interesting to have a mirror duel.
Woorloog said:I'm leaning towards a bounty hunter. Which spec you intend to go? I may got the powertech (ie tank) but not sure yet. Would be interesting to have a mirror duel.