It clicks and whorls nicely, but the whole thing is so fucking ass-backwards.taoofjord said:Played a couple games, I'm absolutely amazed by it. Blizzard has outdone themselves again and remain #1 when it comes to designing UI's <snip> whole battlenet integration and interface is a delight to use. It all feels so tactile.
I click "Leave Game" once I'm done in a match and the first button I see to confirm my selection is to quit to desktop??
I got one message in from someone I played against in a match, but there's no indication or clue as to how he messaged me without being a friend, and to add as a friend requires that I go into my past matches, right click on the name in the stats breakdown and request an add. Not to mention there's no indication you can do any of this on the name, I just started clicking on shit trying to find out how this guy messaged me (the connection broke before I could ask).
Even now I still don't know how to message randoms like he did.
You can't even send last minute messages post game, without everyone choosing to return to the game map.
The IN GAME UI is pretty and functional and um the same as the last game, but as far as usability goes for the main menu system, it's fucking awful.
In other somewhat related news, the game is awesome fun, though as you can guess, in some ways it's even more of a beta than I thought it would be.
(edit: sorry if I come across raging taoofjord, it's not you