Caspel said:just received our beta keys; we may have several to giveaway next week. Might stream ourselves playing the title soon =)
Me! me! I want one, tell me what to do!!!
Caspel said:just received our beta keys; we may have several to giveaway next week. Might stream ourselves playing the title soon =)
Effect said:The beta is under NDA right? How strict are Blizzard about that usually? For example, if a video ends up on youtube will it only last a few minutes before it's taken down?
I get the feeling this is the most polished beta that Blizzard has ever released. Maybe they'll spend a lot of time balancing and maybe they still have a lot of work to do on the campaign side, but I'm not sure if we'll see any major changes during this beta as we have during WoW, WC3, Diablo 2 and SC (all of those had major graphical/sound facelifts during their betas).KnightM7 said:Are there still some placeholders for the sound effects? or are they all pretty much done?
infinityBCRT said:I get the feeling this is the most polished beta that Blizzard has ever released. Maybe they'll spend a lot of time balancing and maybe they still have a lot of work to do on the campaign side, but I'm not sure if we'll see any major changes during this beta as we have during WoW, WC3, Diablo 2 and SC (all of those had major graphical/sound facelifts during their betas).
notworksafe said:Does that apply to Com-Sat detector areas as well?
Zzoram said:What is Blizzard's official policy on sharing accounts for beta access?
Probably not condoned.. durr...Zzoram said:What is Blizzard's official policy on sharing accounts for beta access?
against terms of use even said:Well it's against the WoW TOC. I'd imagine it's the same for any of their accounts.
infinityBCRT said:what're ya doing? go grab a copy of the battle chest and play the campaign
BishopLamont said:You should give it a shot, all the skills u acquire will be relevant when the sequel comes out.
deathberry said:I don't think I can stomach the visuals of the original StarCraft now; call me a graphics whore all you want. I guess I'll learn the tactics by watching the live feeds![]()
Sad that there's no tutorial, but I'll make do with the AI players.
If I get in the beta
starcrafts all sprites, so unless you're using a massive ungodly screen it holds up very well.deathberry said:I don't think I can stomach the visuals of the original StarCraft now; call me a graphics whore all you want. I guess I'll learn the tactics by watching the live feeds![]()
Sad that there's no tutorial, but I'll make do with the AI players.
If I get in the beta
is good said:I don't think I can stomach the visuals of the original StarCraft now; call me a graphics whore all you want.
Joseph Merrick said:
deathberry said:I'm watching that, but the HD feed on my second screen of the beta looks so.....good. I'm torn in two now: can get the original SC and play it and have my eyes bleed while learning basic gameplay, or pray to God for my beta key invite.
I'llpray. Sorry guys.
Yaweee said:Two of the Terran tracks
Fucking awesome remix of the original Terran theme.
Four of the Zerg tracks
Only one Protoss track
i saw that, so harsh.ZealousD said:Anybody watch the iCCup stream? Fucking sneaky! :lol
Zerg player snuck a changeling into the Terran base. Popped a Nydus Worm behind their minerals full of Hydras. Destroyed the opponent's economy and command center in one fel swoop! The new reaver drop! :lol
ugh. just heard the now now now, I'll be back and stick around lines now. awful. hopefully this is placeholder or something and will disappear for the real thing. a couple of the other voices are pretty shitty aswell.deathberry said:EDIT: Sorry, the 'Thor' unit for Terran has Arnie voiceover, no way I'm going back to original now :lol
Campster said:God, I forgot how speed-driven StarCraft is. Most of my recent strategy games have either been turn based (Advanced Wars, Civ IV) or slow/tactical RTS games - Empire Total War and to a lesser extent Dawn of War II.
But speed is so, so much more important here. I had built some bunkers and was collectnig a small army of siege tanks and marines and had 3000 minerals in the bank when the guy I was playing against invaded with 10 battlecruisers. In the panic before the end I used the ComSat station to look at his base - he had no less than four Starports working overtime to meet demand.![]()
i rewatched the korean announcement trailer from a cam recording of the event and tears formed in my eyes.5il3nc3r said:Been monitoring this thread and refreshing my inbox/battlenet account throughout the day. I'm so desperate, I'm ashamed of myself.
Nothing to be ashamed of, I spent countless hours glued to my monitor years ago on the original. I'm eagerly awaiting the chance to revisit that experience.5il3nc3r said:Been monitoring this thread and refreshing my inbox/battlenet account throughout the day. I'm so desperate, I'm ashamed of myself.
Same here bro ;_;5il3nc3r said:Been monitoring this thread and refreshing my inbox/battlenet account throughout the day. I'm so desperate, I'm ashamed of myself.
5il3nc3r said:Been monitoring this thread and refreshing my inbox/battlenet account throughout the day. I'm so desperate, I'm ashamed of myself.
i know what you mean.notworksafe said:Yeah me too. And every time I refresh and see the Starcraft Anthology icon in my games I get a tiny thrill...then a big let down.
Same for me - no reason to be ashamed ;-)5il3nc3r said:Been monitoring this thread and refreshing my inbox/battlenet account throughout the day. I'm so desperate, I'm ashamed of myself.
notworksafe said:Yeah me too. And every time I refresh and see the Starcraft Anthology icon in my games I get a tiny thrill...then a big let down.
Menelaus said:keeps ripping at my heartstrings...![]()
they had better be.notworksafe said:Because everyone that has it is playing right now
No, divulging that information will get even more people crazy. "My computer is a beast so I didn't get in? bullshit!".The Lamonster said:We'd be going less crazy today if we knew two things:
1) How was the first wave decided/how will the next waves be decided?
2) When is the next wave/how many waves will there be/how often are the waves?
we should really get some gaffers together to play some Brood War instead of crying about not being in the betanotworksafe said:Haha, I love how this thread is nothing but tears from us non-beta havers.
Because everyone that has it is playing right now