Pandaman said:?
pull back from cliff, ai clicks in to follow, stim, run snipe.
i see it often and i dont play protoss or terran!
TemplaerDude said:Oh for the love of... if GAF starts claiming Protoss to be OP I'm leaving!
Yeah they hurt....watervengeance said:Terrans just haven't gotten used to using Ghosts yet. Once Ghosts become the flavor of the week, the numbers will begin to shift again.
eosos said:Fuck how do you deal with helion drops? It's so goddamn powerful. You'll be attacking the enemy and all of the sudden all of your probes are dead. I wish toss had a good harass strat.... That's my new most annoying tactic.
:lol :lol :lol :lol I literally laughed so much I had trouble breathing! Hahahhahahaha, oh my God! Soo good, SOOO GOOD!Syth_Blade22 said:
lol love the seriousness.Syth_Blade22 said:
Syth_Blade22 said:
Yeah but I mean when you have multiple bases and are in a battle already... The helions are also much faster than probes...Zzoram said:Get into the habit of swinging your eyes to the minimap ever 2 seconds. You should see the medivac coming before it can fully unload and pull your workers. Spread them in multiple directions.
eosos said:Yeah but I mean when you have multiple bases and are in a battle already... The helions are also much faster than probes...
:lol :lol :lolSyth_Blade22 said:
:lol :lolFixed an error where Bronze League players were entitled to an opinion on the state of gameplay balance
best part :lolScrow said:idra: "if we don't stop them they're going to kill us all!"
"actual terran gameplay footage"
made me :lol
Syth_Blade22 said:
uhm... no way. joke? that was always broken.Wallach said:Put them back to 1 food too, thanks.
Scrow said:uhm... no way. joke? that was always broken.
for an armored unit, with a large health pool, ranged attack (about to get upgraded), decent base damage, burrowed movement, increased movement speed, increased health regen.... 2 food is the right amount.... hell, you could make a case for it to be 3 food, but let's not go there.
eh I don't think you could make the argument for 3 food at all, to get increased speed and burrow + movement/increased health regen Terran could get +1 damage and +1 armour upgrades as well as stim and protoss could get +1 attack and blink/charge.Scrow said:uhm... no way. joke? that was always broken.
for an armored unit, with a large health pool, ranged attack (about to get upgraded), decent base damage, burrowed movement, increased movement speed, increased health regen.... 2 food is the right amount.... hell, you could make a case for it to be 3 food, but let's not go there.
Pyke Presco said:Uggh, just got roflstomped by a bioball because my internet was lagging like a beast. Alt-tab out and sure enough, Steam decided right this instant it should auto-update like 6 different games. My high-templar were so far behind the curve it wasnt even funny. It was like "Oh, there's an army at our doorstep. I see it...I see it....I see it....okay, now we'll storm. Oh, you clicked that 8 seconds ago and they're not there anymore? Our bad, maybe next time chump..."
Curse you Steam! I had that game!
watervengeance said:Terrans just haven't gotten used to using Ghosts yet. Once Ghosts become the flavor of the week, the numbers will begin to shift again.
Roach range upgrade vindicated already.Zzoram said:![]()
Look what else you can do from there?.
6th October Rating: Diamond 1390 Replay pack: none gonna play terran fulltime for 1-3 weeks to wrap up my last going tournaments with hopefully nice results. i have decided to switch to zerg so i will stop sign up for new tournaments until i am at least 2k rating with zerg. once i finish these ongoing tournaments i will start practice zerg with all my practice time sry for no replay pack. will start updating this thread once im back on track with z there is a possibility that i decide to switch back to terran once again in the future but as it is right now im pretty convinced that i want to be a zerg user"
Yeah protoss can also pylon that so hardZzoram said:Look at the new map Jungle Basin:
The arrow is the path the guy being sieged has to walk from his main to get to the tank assuming the destructible rocks are still up.
Look what else you can do from there?
Zzoram said:Morrow switching is interesting. I wonder what his reasons were before the patch.
he had a bitchfight with idra, saying zergs aren't winning because they dont practice as hard as terran players. IdrA called him out saying he could never win a majour with zerg. Morrow started playing zerg and dropped like 1k points, but apparently he was bitten by a moe~ queen.Zzoram said:Morrow switching is interesting. I wonder what his reasons were before the patch.
watPandaman said:he had a bitchfight with idra, saying zergs aren't winning because they dont practice as hard as terran players. IdrA called him out saying he could never win a majour with zerg. Morrow started playing zerg and dropped like 1k points, but apparently he was bitten by a moe~ queen.
basically him and tarson were terran's IdrA. :lol
once you go zerg you never go back, baby. those adorable queens cant be left to defend themselves!Trasher said:
Zzoram said:Morrow switching is interesting. I wonder what his reasons were before the patch.
Pandaman said:it'll probably be 3range ---> 3.5-4range.
it'll make hellion/reaper kitting alot harder, but stalkers should have an easy time of it still.
They probably are. My win rate as Terran is much higher than the other races because they have such a strong early game. However, Terran is a very offensive race and I'm not sure if I like that. I think I prefer the defend by the skin of your teeth then get greedy style of Zerg.Won said:He basically said Terran is too easy for him.
Zzoram said:Look at the new map Jungle Basin:[IMG]
The arrow is the path the guy being sieged has to walk from his main to get to the tank assuming the destructible rocks are still up.
Look what else you can do from there?[/QUOTE]
i don't understand... it's level ground right? so you can just shoot across the gap. why do you have to path all the way around?