zoukka said:
zoukka said:
Maybe you shouldn't have busted to masters where your defences feel insufficient in a way like it's the games fault and not the players?
sorry, sometimes i forget that when you're in eu, in diamond and a random, you can magic resources and larvae out of thin air. once you make masters you have to be lame and stick to boring old reality.
you suck reality!
In reality you cant match toss units for unit cost for cost because your units eat up much more supply than protoss units do. and if you stick to static defense you dont have the map positioning to take a third in the face of what is potentially high aggression 2base play or you can risk not taking a third in the face of what could be a slower macro play.
sure would help if we could tell them apart because then we wouldn't need to buff our defenses or overcompensate on current defenses. its funny because zergs aren't even asking to go macro in every game, we're only asking for the ability to match in response. the ball would still be firmly entrenched in protoss/terran camp in the early game with nonzergs dictating the pace of the game early on. without changes to scouting, the rest of this games history will just be a steady stream of small zerg buffs to deal with the evolution of new play. and one of these buffs will eventually break some timing the metagame built up around as an assumed truth and then we're back to square one with different players for the various roles.
How the fuck do zerg players survive early games
to quote incontrol last night: 'terran built the 6th rax, the game is over. now we're going into a strange intermission where we wait until RET realizes its already over'
zlatko said:
It seems like you're saying Panda is a crappy player since he busted his way to Masters, therefore his arguments about Zerg scouting are mute?
to be fair, one of the few things im knwon for on gaf for my actual playstyle is my habit of not drone scouting. >_>
also while he said it, i dont think he was being hostile about it. we wouldnt still be talking if we both weren't exaggerating our hostilities a bit.