I'm silver in 2v2 and gold in 1v1 :lolDance In My Blood said:2v2 gold = 1v1 bronze.
Tenks said:It seems since Cool won the GSL (spoiler?) every single person on the ladder is a Zerg now. Shame too because my TvZ is by far my worst matchup, probably due to lack of practice :|
Pandaman said:delta is harsh versus protoss, but i do like it versus terran.
Pandaman said:delta is harsh versus protoss, but i do like it versus terran.
JasoNsider said:Fruit Dealer is like my new hero. That guy almost single handedly shut up the whole world. Even if people can't play at his level, there's something about seeing people taking a tool that most people dismiss as inferior and then build something amazing with it.
Never really thought I'd "cheer on" players in e-sports, but Fruit Dealer really felt like an underdog and I was silently cheering him on for sure. Bring on Season 2!!
Yoshichan said:Haven't played in two days... I'm screwed.
Yoshichan said:Haven't played in two days... I'm screwed.
KuroNeeko said:Sorry I couldn't get back to you. Thanks for the advice on the probe / scv rush. Problem is that it happens before my SP gets up. I mean, I'm talking like he makes a few workers then comes straight over. His units have no problem focus firing mine - but when I try to do the same they just sit there. Then I'm done a few drones and he has the upper hand. Hey, if it's in the game then it must be a viable "strat" right?
killing the pool = instagg too. good ol broodlings.V_Arnold said:The best thing to do is not microing (if you are not good with that), simply run away from the fight until your spawning pool finishes. Even 6-8 scv/drone/probe will have a HUGE work to do to kill a single spawning pool, and even if they manage to do that, you can start producing some Zerglings anyways. Run around with your units, buy time till you have buildings, and if he decides to play the hero trying to take down your pool, you will have the advantage cause you can attack him now, and if he decides to fight back, your fighting units will come earlier than his - and you instawin.
yep.Zzoram said:Zerg is incredibly hard to play at low skill level. Larvae inject is very unforgiving, miss one round and you're down 4 units per hatchery. If you miss a mule, you can just drop 2-4 at once, and if you miss a chrono you can do 2-8 at once. Also Zerg is a reactive race, you have to constantly scout and react to what your opponent is doing appropriately, and know when to drone and when to make an army. These things are not easy to do.
*enters enemy base with 7 mutas, kills a supply depot*Cheeto said:Hows your econ bro?
My goodness. WAtched Wolf's cast of the games, easiest 100$ chease ever made.watervengeance said:
Pandaman said:Balls of steel style is best style.
yep, they kill the scouting probe and run in during the gap between the first stalker and the overseer spawn. [and hold watchtower]ultron87 said:So that little bump at around 300 is what, four zerglings? Which promptly got killed off :lol.
basically means i didnt build [or have] any combat units to speak of until the second the protoss stepped out of his base.Draft said:What the hell does that graph mean, anyway?
Kodiak said:Finally did my placement matches for the first time since beta. Gold league bitches! won 4/5 of my games.
Also campaign:
I was cruising along on Hard difficulty - having to reload a save every once in a while to retry a section, but I would usually knock out a mission after the second try, third at most. Then I get to the super nova level and thenSC's like shut the fuck up Nate! YOURE MY NEW BITCH
seriously... that level was super easy until you get near the artifact and you have a huge toss base to your south and another right above you and, for the life of me I could not beat it. It was so frustrating, I must have tried like 25 times.
I was stuck with super limited resources which made it almost impossible to punch through that southern choke. I eventually completely restarted the level and got stuck in the same place.
: (
Ya if you do this timed correctly and don't let the fire destroy te artifact I think there are only 2 cannons you need to worry about.forgrim said:Or do what I did, and let the fire kill everything while hiding the banshee's in the southeast corner, and when it demolishes most of the top base, just cloak and run up and snipe the artifact. Easiest way to do it on brutal.
vicissitudes said:3v3 matchmaking really needs work.
Fjord said:I disagree, the matchmaking is amazing in this game. You were probably with a couple guys on winning streaks with decent hidden MMRs.
Yoshichan said:Did my first 4v4 today :lol :lol :lol
But carrier rushing is fun...Zzoram said:Ya :lol
This game really shines in 1v1 and 2v2, but beyond that it's a bit of a clusterfu.
watching on ustream...ewww. I only watch on teamliquid. I always get random lag issues on those sitesPyke Presco said:Reminder that we have Day9's Funday Monday coming up soon on his livestream. The restriction for this week was for Terran players to use no marines, no marauders and no tanks during the game. We'll see if there's any interesting strategies, or if people just reaper rushed and followed with cloaked banshees. Should be starting in about 10 minutes or so.
best was Husky vs Day9 when husky thought it was someone else lolYoshichan said:Just saw Totalhalibut vs fake blonde girl (it was really Husky)Feel so bad for him.
I don't think teamliquid has its own streaming service. It's all embeds of ustream or livestream feeds. Ustream is one of the better ones though, at least for me. Livestream seems to be pretty choppy for me most of the time, ustream is usually pretty smooth at decent quality.Corran Horn said:watching on ustream...ewww. I only watch on teamliquid. I always get random lag issues on those sites
Ya its embedded without all of that Ustream background stuff (and livestream for others).Snow said:I don't think teamliquid has its own streaming service. It's all embeds of ustream or livestream feeds. Ustream is one of the better ones though, at least for me. Livestream seems to be pretty choppy for me most of the time, ustream is usually pretty smooth at decent quality.
the phoenix?Draft said:edit: Also, the one Protoss flyer is locked in place while it hovers enemy units? That's pretty crappy.
He's probably referring to the bug that freezes the Phoenix until the timer on the move expires, rather than when the enemy unit is destroyed.Scrow said:the phoenix?
are you suggesting it should be able to use graviton beam while moving and shooting?
Dance In My Blood said:He's probably referring to the bug that freezes the Phoenix until the timer on the move expires, rather than when the enemy unit is destroyed.