So much happened since last time, eh

That's right! People on here kept saying I'm crap, will always be crap, can never avoid being crap! And with that, I stayed a 1v1 Bronze player :lol So I started 2v2 and got silver league, and the reaction over here? "You still suck" ._.
A one month ban later came to its positive effect as I slowly started playing lots and lots of hours a day again. And swoooosh, two days later and I've jumped from bronze to gold

And the only thing stopping me now is actually finding time to play, since the gold players I've played's mostly been ez-mode so platinum here I come

Oh and me and my buddy went from Bronze to Diamond in 2v2 which should be a feats of strength (and a test of sanity). But then again, I remember people saying Diamond 2v2 is Bronze 1v1 but I'm at least happy to show that I've made progress
Yes, I'm still using the exact same keyboard for a month straight now.