holden, what gm's have you played?
Still trying to make forge first expands works.
Just had a game on metalopolis where the zerg 6 pools, I hold it by doing exactly what I've been told - give up with forge and pylon on lowground, get pylon at main, 2 cannons to cover mineral line, proceed to 4 gate for "the win" as I was told, I get to the zerg expansion, dude has like 8 spines and a ton of zerglings. How the fuck am I supposed to break that with a 4 gate????
Sounds like you waited too long to hit with the 4-gate. Do you have the replay?
4gate after 6 pool isnt auto win.
Yeah, where can i upload it?
I just did what someone in here told me to in order to win after a 6 pool when I'm forge expanding![]()
i 4gate after ppl 6 pool me, feels like an auto win to me;;;
oh ya forge fast expand, you don't forge fast expand, its terrible. i don't recommend to ffe on any map, especially on metal, expect maybe taldarim since your forced to.
If you ffe, the zerg can do anything he wants.
i recommend 1 gate expand, but i'm still working on it and i don't play much;;;
please watch my replay and tell me what i do wrong then :/
oh ya forge fast expand, you don't forge fast expand, its terrible. i don't recommend to ffe on any map, especially on metal, expect maybe taldarim since your forced to.
If you ffe, the zerg can do anything he wants.
i recommend 1 gate expand, but i'm still working on it and i don't play much;;;
oh ya forge fast expand, you don't forge fast expand, its terrible. i don't recommend to ffe on any map, especially on metal, expect maybe taldarim since your forced to.
If you ffe, the zerg can do anything he wants.
i recommend 1 gate expand, but i'm still working on it and i don't play much;;;
who the fuck is the master protoss here?
its true 1 gate expo is hard. but trust me you can do just fine if you don't expand at all. I used to this build ALOT http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/3-Gate_Sentry_Expand_(vs._Zerg)
who the fuck is the master protoss here?
its true 1 gate expo is hard. but trust me you can do just fine if you don't expand at all. I used to this build ALOT http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/3-Gate_Sentry_Expand_(vs._Zerg)
incontrol.who the fuck is the master protoss here?
its true 1 gate expo is hard. but trust me you can do just fine if you don't expand at all. I used to this build ALOT http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/3-Gate_Sentry_Expand_(vs._Zerg)
he doesn't ffe either.
i scoped his stream yesterday, he was account sharing with some masters in europe and lost game after game after game (his pvz is straight outta 2010), skipping over anything he did wrong with zero introspection, until he finally stopped some scrubby proxy zealot rush and proceeded to save the replay and go bragging about it to the eg house, claiming that the guy he beat (who i've never heard of) is one of the best protoss in europe.Incontrol does do FFE's, he just usually turns them into some sort of funky cannon rush and doesn't realise when he is allin.
how did sen make that ammount of money when he did't win anything >_>
I picked the wrong career
Are those just tournament earnings? Or do they factor in salaries as well? I'm asking mostly because $200K seems like a lot of money in tournament winnings alone.
Also, I didn't realize Stephano did so well to place him that high on the list. Where did he earn his money?
Are those just tournament earnings? Or do they factor in salaries as well? I'm asking mostly because $200K seems like a lot of money in tournament winnings alone.
I would say it looks like it's only winnings. I doubt anyone really knows the players salaries so i doubt they could even make a chart for that.
Great, thanks Awesome. Now that thread is on my work internet history.
I guess I will look up a 3 gate expand for PvZ
do you have any suggestions for PvT or PvP?
even over this dude?dont listen to the french. Rule one of world society.
he gets third a lot.
I remember Stephano's parents telling him that he has to win at least $50.000 in his first year as a progamer or they wouldn't allow him to continue.
because it only include tournaments winnings, if it includes everything else (coaching/salary) i'm sure he will surpass 100kHm, I'm surprised that IdrA is placed "so low" on that picture.
Stream working