And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
CombatEX is actually not the same troll that he used to be
It's pretty much rinse repeat once every two months for me
I ended up getting both jobs when I spoke about SC2. People just seem to be fascinated by it (if you're a good talker, you can make anything sound impressive). I'm slightly offended that you don't know that I'm 100% terran in EU with lousy diamond status. I play a lot less than I used to but that doesn't stop me from using the four accounts I have to do some crazy fun shit on ladder :lol I also find myself arranging small tournaments (no money involved) in my area so that SC2 Sweden (or rather, Orebro which is where I live) community could hook up maybe once every two months. During the tournament, I'm usually spectating most of the games and I try to find low-league people that I find interesting. When the LAN ends, if I've found some cool guys, I'll ask them if they'd want some coaching (I love coaching because again, I love talking).What kind of job interviews did you talk about SC2 at? Did those end in getting the job?
I know you're a thread regular but I don't know much about you. What race/server/league/rank are you? Do you play a lot?
It's pretty much rinse repeat once every two months for me