It was in reference to the part of your post where you said he deserves any amount of money for what he has done and that he was worth 20-40 times more than any player below 3rd place. That he was way more important than any individual player.
To me this is supporting day9 more than supporting the game and its players.
He is a good caster, better than many, worse than others. To me this does not make him far more important than any pro player in the scene.
That is very freaking flawed view, man, especially when you just considered me a "cultist".
Day 9 worked INSANELY hard to get this, and on an event, there are TWO/FOUR casters, and 60+ players, it would be INSANE to assume that the casters (especially those that bring in the most attention/viewercount

ay9, Tasteless and Artosis) worth JUST as ONE "average" tourney-going player. It is simply the truth, I think, that casters worth way, way more.
Or I do not know why YOU turn into SCII streams. Me, I turn into good games with good casting - I cant even remember the last time I saw ANY game without a commentary, not because the games itself cant be fun to watch, but because I have no progamer ambitions right now, and I am here to be entertained -, and only a select few personalities are good enough to provide good entertainment for that.
I do not personally care about how the money is divided between them, to be honest. I do not care if the winner prize is less than what Day9 makes. Because there is a PRICE to get Day9-caliber casters to fly across the globe for you and dedicate 2-3 or even more days from his life to this event with work hours usually being more than 10 hours a day. No progamer does that, even if he comes from the loser's bracket in MLG, all the way from the down. Also: if a player feels that the prize pool is not high enough, they should choose not to participate, obviously. Once players feel that is not good, the organizers will need to get in some additional budget or reorganize how they divide what they have.
It is no cultist view to accept that casters make this whole sport entertaining to watch to the majority of people. And that needs to be paid with high money.
He is a good caster, better than many, worse than others. To me this does not make him far more important than any pro player in the scene.
To put things in perspective: they DO worth more because if ANY of your favorite pro players are OUT of the tournament (even in pool stage, whatever, poor performance, Naniwa complex, you name it), they stop adding anything of value to that tournament. Day9? Day 9 does not get eliminated, he comes and he consistently works all day. He is not attached to any players and any matchups, he is there more consistently than the players.
Just think about what ONE (anyone!) player mean to a tournament organizer and what a caster mean. If you do not see how you get waaay more value out of a caster's job and importance, well... I do not know