it was funny.
He does this to about anything I say here.Well, someone here is a Day9 fanboy...
If you were "just joking" that's fair enough and I'm sorry I got a bit annoyed, I just think speculating that if someone says something nice about something on twitter, they must be getting paid is an almost depressing level of cynicism.
If you were "just joking" that's fair enough and I'm sorry I got a bit annoyed, I just think speculating that if someone says something nice about something on twitter, they must be getting paid is an almost depressing level of cynicism.
but he WAS paid to promote KoA when it launched (had a whole front page in twitch and everything), so to assume he was paid (or just been requested) to say what he said on twitter is not that far out of reach.
Was he paid?
I mean, he said he wasn't and that the devs contacted him after it was planned and offered up prizes and stuff, he even said he wasn't getting paid by them for it at one point, and i've never seen any evidence to the contrary.. I can kind of understand the speculation about that I guess (some people are cynical) but a tweet? Come on.
All people who streamed Kingdom's of Amaluar got a bonus on the ads they ran, or something to that extent. So yes, he did get paid to stream the game.
edit: OF COURSE he was paid. How the hell else could he get Felicia Day to come over, and talk to the devs about it? Come on.
All people who streamed Kingdom's of Amaluar got a bonus on the ads they ran, or something to that extent. So yes, he did get paid to stream the game.
edit: OF COURSE he was paid. How the hell else could he get Felicia Day to come over, and talk to the devs about it? Come on.
Where did you hear that? Legitimately curious.
I wouldn't call not being able to watch GSL open seasons level of play "missing out"
If I didn't get so engrossed in watching I would totally cast for you guys.Are there English casters for proleague? I'll probably stay up late to watch the first few nights to see how it compares to GomTV with regards to skill/production/ect
Common sense ?
Were talking about Kingdom's of Amaluar here not D3 or some sort of a household, groundbreaking game from a veteran studio like Valve or Blizzard.
Why would he spontaneously decide to stream that game on launch day (and be featured with special game promoting banners on twitch's front page) while having Felicia Day ? because EA/38 paid for it.
He did the same sort of thing for amnesia
He did the same sort of thing for amnesia, did they pay him too?
no he didnt.
True, but it's still an example of day9 deciding to stream himself playing a game just because, he got some people to join in with him that time, and the devs caught on and were supportive, doesn't mean he got paid.
im starting to wonder if day9's paying you.
HahaI don't know why we're still talking about this anyways, I thought corran was just joking
Just got my razer mousepad to go with my new razer mouse.
How the fuck do people like the feel of mousepads....ughhhhhhh lol
Ooohh, what mouse did you get?
Deathadder. Was like 40 dollars. First time ive used a 'gaming' mouse lulz.
Mid way through game 2 I assumed it was over.Stephano beats ryung after not playing for a week lol.
PhoenixDark #1411
I've mainly been playing with folks on another forum, GAF is too big to just give out the info imo. But I'm down to hang with SC2 GAF in game
Something bore something something
Huk's greatest talent is showy, micro-intensive early/mid game harrassments that seem so effective you barely notice how his opponents macro is actually ahead so the inevitable unstoppable counter attack is still somehow surprising.
Can tell grubby hasn't played much since the new patch, he just tried the minigun cannon vs violet and it didn't work as well as he thought it would haha.
Also, TB and JP seem way better than usual today, but maybe that's just me.
Queens kinda good ;;
Good God, Terran is such a joke.
DRG should've won both games.
Does anyone know when the BW players mini-tournament thing is happening? And whether or not it will be free to watch.