will it be on youtube yet? how fast do they update?
GSTL not Proleague.
will it be on youtube yet? how fast do they update?
cant tell all these korean tournaments apart.GSTL not Proleague.
cant tell all these korean tournaments apart.
so no terran buff yet ?
well, guess i have to wait until i play this game again.
zerg too hard for you, so now you're just waiting for hots?
zerg too hard for you, so now you're just waiting for hots?
maybe if you played a few zvz's, your opinion on the matchup would change. >_>
sorry but the first 100 zvz didn't make up my mind.
shit matchup is shit
Better than PvP.
PvP is awesome.
and zvz is better.
Maybe, I've played about 50x more pvps than zvzs though, so I like pvp more![]()
PvP is worse than kidney stones.Why you laughing at me corran?![]()
PvP is worse than kidney stones.
ends on the 12th, so it'll lock next week.Shouldn't the end of this ladder season be pretty soon? they last about 8 weeks now right?
ends on the 12th, so it'll lock next week.
Ah cool, thanks PandaGonna be done with uni for the summer on the 13th, so i'm planning on playing a fuckton and getting into masters either that season or the start of the next one.
well you are protoss right? thats the first step.
originally i did, pd turned me.AhaYou should've picked the best race too man, you'd be winning MLGs right now for sure
you missed:
shake > haz by forfeit
shake > seronai by 2:0
shake > xen by 2:0
also holden and babeslayer both forfeited to each other. [lol]
Yes, but holding off mostly because Inferno is dumb and I don't want to farm.
I don't see a post.haz your pc thread shunned me.
i'm holding you personally responsible.
I don't see a post.
it was a week and change ago. >_>
$700 build + Windows is all you need.dear neogaf, i need a new pc.
Your Current Specs: hp pavilion laptop x2 2.2ghz zm-82/4650m
Budget: $1000~ canada
Main Use: Gaming (5), Emulation (PS2/Wii)(3), HD Streaming(5), General Usage (5)
Monitor Resolution: 1080p, no plans to upgrade, have monitor.
List SPECIFIC games that you MUST be able to play: starcraft 2 w/ streaming. i wont die if i cant play other games [skyrim/bf3/whatever] on ultra, but i'm enough of a graphics horse to want high/1080p/40-60fps/AA optional.
Looking to reuse any parts? n/a.
When will you build?: 1-3 months. sooner if there's a newegg promotion through GESL, later if not.
Will you be overclocking?: probably.
i greatly dislike large frame drops in my starcraft and i'd like to have the ability to stream some games, so i would say starcraft on high and/or ultra with a 720p stream going out would be the 'this is what i want' baseline.
ps2 emulation would be a nice bonus, but i wouldn't call it a deal breaker.
other than starcraft the computer would be my entry into pc gaming, so while there arent many minimum benchmarks i can name, id like to keep options open for other games without needing to turn around and upgrade again next year if i fall in love with steam.
note: there's a lot of 'i dont knows!' for me when it comes to computer hardware, so im leery of picking from the reccommended builds list because, well, i dont know what i need or what things cost. i say $1000~ but i dont know if thats a lot for what i need or cutting it close. so yeah, i need informed opinions. -.-
so no terran buff yet ?
well, guess i have to wait until i play this game again.
$700 build + Windows is all you need.
You can pickup a used 2500K CPU for $170, get the Source 210 as a case if you want to save a little more.
Reuse any SATA drive as your main if possible.
You will have to replace the motherboard no matter what next generation.would you suggest spending a smidge more on the power supply and mobo to keep options open in the future; or will i most likely need to replace the mobo if something new comes out that i'd like to upgrade to? [since its a budget build after all]
cant reuse an hdd, but i have windows.![]()
I don't want to make it sound like I say go 450W over 550W. The 550W should be the route to go, if Panda is ok financially.You never want to go cheap of low wattage on a PSU. 550-600w bro, leave yourself open for future graphics card deals instead of having to worry about if you have the juice to use it.
I got a Radeon 5770 HD card last year, it works great thus far. I'm not really looking to play every next big game, or even most. I just play SC2, Diablo 3, WoW, and a tad of TF2 once every few months. I do plan on getting Guild Wars 2 though; the beta worked fine with my set up
The only thing I need to update is my cpu (core 2 duo). I can really see some slowness at times
Any of you guys play Diablo 3? I need some more D3 friends but don't want the whole GAF list.
Most of us do.
How far are you? I'm a 56 Monk on Act 3 Hell. We could get pooped on by some elites some time if you are down like a clown charlie brown.