Not SC, but actual sports. He's good enough to get a TV job
I have spoken to CBS Interactive Games General Manager Simon Whitcombe and would like to clarify a few things on the announcement:
- CBS Interactive has direct partnerships only with MLG, TwitchTV, and now NASL and Own3d. CBSi will sell advertising for those leagues worldwide. EVO, DreamHack, ESL, and IPL were named because of those leagues' broadcast deals with TwitchTV. CBSi does NOT have a direct partnership with any of those leagues at this time, but are included as all broadcasts are done via TwitchTV. Advertising will be sold for these leagues in the US.
- GSL was listed as per their previous streaming via Twitch and Own3d, but there is again no direct partnership with GomTV
- "96% of all the advertising inventory" refers to only to LIVE VIDEO, and does not count VOD's such as YouTube and
Is dApollo playing as well? :/
So CBSi signed big advertising deal with tons of esports stuff
Slasher quote from reddit
Any tech advise here? I have a 580 and a [email protected] My card is at 99% in those beautiful point and click menus in the bar and spaceship, and it even shutdown once. I enabled the frame limiter in Inspector to 65, and that seems to help, but only a little.
I just bought this today. After having so much fun with Diablo 3, I tried out the demo for this and loved it. I have no experience in the genre outside of a little bit of the watered down Civ game that came out on PS3 a few years ago.
Being new (about one year now) to PC gaming, I have to say that Blizzard does a great job with tutorials, and making the games enjoyable for scrubs like me.
The frameratecapglue controls the maximum framerate at the menu screens.
The frameratecap controls the maximum framerate on all other screens.
Just reinstalled Starcraft 2 because of the Windows 8 Release Preview.
23 patches.
WTF Blizzard. No plans to streamline the patching process, not to mention bloat?
Add an uninstall campaign button plz.
I know hating Day9 is the new big thing
He has lost his passion by proxy.I've been semi-out of the loop for a while, but why is this? Is it JUST the LastShadow thing? Why is that such a big deal (and fuck inControl btw).
Greg Andrew Fields.
frenchie get on.
im tired of beating up on SEA.
GM yet?
Why no? USA stephano is #1. Surprised destiny still strong not being on TL.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Why no? USA stephano is #1. Surprised destiny still strong not being on TL.
I can't watch huk anymore. I hate streams where the music is blaring much louder than the game.he just got unbanned, 5.25 hours lol;
and people watching huk instead of grubby makes me sad; Grubby is BY FARRRRRRRRRR the best streamer.
he just got unbanned, 5.25 hours lol;
and people watching huk instead of grubby makes me sad; Grubby is BY FARRRRRRRRRR the best streamer.
I can't watch huk anymore. I hate streams where the music is blaring much louder than the game.
I have a hard time watching streams muted. If I cant hear the game audio I usually just dont watch then. One reason why I love Nony's stream some of the time, he gets his music to go through his headsets but not the stream.Yeah, when that happens I'll just mute the stream. Once I had it muted and I was listening to Pandora, left my computer and came back later and thought, 'wow this guy is streaming some awesome music' lol.
only three non-koreans in pools?
damn guys, if you don't step up i'm going to have to step in.
You been playing zerg for this long now and still not GM? Come on...
Wrong...I could be masters if I played.
So I'm guessing Day9 won't be back on SOTG anytime soon lol. They seem to love shitting on him
Day9 had LastShadow invited to RedBull but he didn't deserve an invite and just left before his last match and didn't tell anyone. People said Day9 shouldn't be giving invites out to friends.
Um, mostly people are hating Day9 because he's trying to make money now. I don't blame him, everyone needs income.