hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
cool bunker micro from illusion
That's some pretty neat micro.
cool bunker micro from illusion
Ladder again right after so you face them again.I just scouted a six pool, reacted fast enough to get down a forge and chrono a zealot, defended pressure for like 3 minutes, stabilized and won the game. That is basically the greatest thing that I have ever done in SC2. This is all at low silver/high bronze so clumsy, sloppy and ugly, but man am I ever proud of myself.
The z didn't even give me a GG. Feels good, man.
But bw... why...
Yes, because I was asking which game's better.Cause the game is just superior in anyway.
I hope they get the same size crowd when they switch to sc2
Expected IdrA.
Whos #1? MVP is the only I can think better than Stephano
I was just kidding by going off that elo ranking that holden posted
In reality stephano is of course number 1.
i hope they don't so they go back to bw t.t
flash, maphack in his brain
Expected IdrA.
Now I'm disappointed.
Idra proves mechanics don't matter if you approach the game poorly. He got away for awhile due to BW mechanics, but was far behind of every Zerg meta game shift. Stephano and others are doing quite fine against most Protoss while Idra continues to flounder.
He came back from Korea earlier this year with refreshed mechanics but once again failed to improve on anything else
Pretty sure its just he doesn't practices as much. + girlfriend + shitty
Fuck yea
Protoss Masters on NA ladder?
What's your secret? Rolling your face from left to right on the keyboard, or right to left?
Protoss Masters on NA ladder?
What's your secret? Rolling your face from left to right on the keyboard, or right to left?
Yeah you're right, that's exactly what I do.=D
But I was actually talking about getting top 8![]()
I just scouted a six pool, reacted fast enough to get down a forge and chrono a zealot, defended pressure for like 3 minutes, stabilized and won the game. That is basically the greatest thing that I have ever done in SC2. This is all at low silver/high bronze so clumsy, sloppy and ugly, but man am I ever proud of myself.
The z didn't even give me a GG. Feels good, man.
Not in my opinion. It's decent enough for getting you familiar with some of the units and the very basics of the game (i.e. what are supply depots for, what buildings make what units) though only for Terran, but it does jack all to prepare you for multiplayer.Just bought this game, first RTS in a while but I did play a lot of AoE2, is the campaign a good teacher?
HahahhaaIdra is not even top 2 NA dude.
Hi I'm more or less in the same boat as you just a bit further along. IMO campaign doesn't help at all, play versus AI for a bit to get used to things and try some basic build orders. Play practice ladder because real people, even terribly bad ones, will throw you situations which the AI just won't but bear in mind that it's a lot slower than ladder and whilst the rocks help you from early cheese they really don't prepare you what you'll face later.Just bought this game, first RTS in a while but I did play a lot of AoE2, is the campaign a good teacher?