Daneel Elijah
Same. You need to see all languages. Or use this site that I found in this thread:Then my Steam must be only showing me some of the reviews because it's 75% positive on mine.
Same. You need to see all languages. Or use this site that I found in this thread:Then my Steam must be only showing me some of the reviews because it's 75% positive on mine.
I see now, thanks. Never knew it did that.Remove the "your language" filter.
Still waiting for you to falsify tophers statementWord diharea
Idiots is a stupid term here. However for folks who don’t have much money, they should be budgeted much smarter.
I didn’t have much at all when I was young, worked part time jobs, then worked and went to University at same time.
Basically the money I spent on gaming was rentals, sharing with friends, piracy (no Steam, convenient sales, no money, it is what it is) and used games.
That way gaming budget stretched much much more. $70-90 games almost never happened and if they did it was an event. Phantasy Star 4 and FF3 (6) were freaking events.
So yeah, folks should spend their money better but on the other hand… I can see being utterly disappointed but still playing the game if I spent the resort of money back then. Like if FFVI or VII were trash, I would have still played them.
It’s just there are so many more resources and games you can access on the cheap or for free, $70 shouldn’t be a budget players approach.
This is interesting. That means the localizations could be responsible for a lot of negative reviews.Remove the "your language" filter.
Hell, I'm not budget constrained and I stopped buying up day 1 games when I had no time, where they just ended in my backlog. By the time I had gotten to the game, I could have just waited and purchased it for $15-$30. Only time I do day 1, is a game I intend on playing day 1 now. I no longer have FOMO, especially for single player games.Yeah, there are more intelligent ways to discuss this than to describe others as "idiots" based entirely on a decision in buying a video game. I agree that folks who are truly budget constrained should probably avoid $70 games. But if they don't then that doesn't make them an idiot. Just means they made a risky, possibly poor, decision. It happens.
I believe that's the "sex number"!here before 69![]()
here before 69![]()
Hell, I'm not budget constrained and I stopped buying up day 1 games when I had no time, where they just ended in my backlog. By the time I had gotten to the game, I could have just waited and purchased it for $15-$30. Only time I do day 1, is a game I intend on playing day 1 now. I no longer have FOMO, especially for single player games.
I wasn't expecting this guy to fuel the console war bullshit..
Hard to pass up the preorder bonuses!I could have just waited and purchased it for $15-$30.
I kind of did, exactly in the very word diarrhea you refuse to reply to.Still waiting for you to falsify tophers statement
Someone can do all the research in the world and still not like a game they bought. [... something about it being difficult cause opinions differ on the game, lol] At some point people have to decide for themselves, research be damned. If they make that decision to buy the game and end up not liking it then that doesn't make them an idiot.
I didn't plan it like that, but it seems to relate fairly well to me.The more knowledge you gain about a game, the higher the chance you can correctly tell if the game will be for you.
The knowledge you gain about a game can get so high that making a wrong decision becomes very unlikely.
If you haven't gained enough knowledge yet, you can always gain more (up to everything there is to know, theoretically).
This can be done by anyone who is capable of gaining knowledge.
If you don't do any of that at all or just for very little time and you only have money for one or two games per year and you spend that little money on the game anyway, then you have made a stupid decision.
It is a legitimate jab to call someone who made a stupid decision an idiot about it.
Making a risky, poor decision is an idiot's move. There aren't really two ways about it.Yeah, there are more intelligent ways to discuss this than to describe others as "idiots" based entirely on a decision in buying a video game. I agree that folks who are truly budget constrained should probably avoid $70 games. But if they don't then that doesn't make them an idiot. Just means they made a risky, possibly poor, decision. It happens.
I do agree with that.Either way, this thread has taken such a bizarre turn with shifting the focus from the game to the gamer. Maybe that's the intent.
Making a risky, poor decision is an idiot's move. There aren't really two ways about it.
Calling someone an idiot in clear context to a stupid move doesn't mean you are branding them for life or call everything they do stupid. This is the internet, it's a jab. Get over yourself.
Pretty sure they can.It's just underwhelming. That's what it is. I should have followed my gut and not fallen for their labor day weekend scam. Hoping that mods can make this into something more memorable one day.
Not grasping
I think so too and that's why I bought the game. There's a lot of potential there, but I know it's gonna take time.Pretty sure they can.
There are already a lot of mods that make significant improvements to graphics, UI and some gameplay elements already.
Of course, the big overhaul mods will have to wait a little...
A 68 is better, it's the same as a 69 but you owe her one.here before 69![]()
Baffling.It's just underwhelming. That's what it is. I should have followed my gut and not fallen for their labor day weekend scam. Hoping that mods can make this into something more memorable one day.
The thing that really just blows my mind is how they handled travel. Everything is behind loading screens. It makes the experience feel extremely disjointed. After No Mans Sky I just don't understand why they'd think that'd be acceptable. It's a huge letdown.
They spent the time, budget and effort and knew what they got. Todd just kept lying.Kinda feel sorry for Bethesda at this point. They try a new IP (which is always difficult). Spent close to 10 years on it. And… it’s just not all that good.
I know. But it’s not like they went out there to make an “okay” game. But that’s what we gotThey spent the time, budget and effort and knew what they got. Todd just kept lying.
And let’s not even get into how bad their character writing is in the game.
Sure, but its why i feel the score and the context of what they are saying must be used in tandem. I think recommend or do not recommend doesn't always tell the whole story, same as a score, so the context of their why is important.Sure, but the problem is that in the end, the recommendations end up to form a score.
lol NP, when I first read thru it I didn't realize myself that they said that lolWhat?!
I cannot read, after all!
I wasn't expecting this guy to fuel the console war bullshit..
There are plenty of psychological reasons why a person might continue to play a game that they don't really enjoy (sometimes this can happen without the realisation that they aren't enjoying said activity until after some reflection - this phenomenon is common with modern day hamster wheel GAAS titles).
Never heard of sunk cost fallacy?
The attitude you're displaying is typical of whatEDMIX alluded to. Apparently there's now this review checklist that seems to only apply for Starfield negative (more on this later) reviews. "you didn't play long enough", "you played too much, you must be lying and actually like it", "ignore the story", "no don't play it like this", "no don't fast travel like that", "no only touch Sarah's bum like this", "but did you play until NG+5?".
Seriously, you can't force people who don't like it to like it and those who dislike it are entitled to their opinion no matter how few or many hours they played the game for.
And finally, where's all this scrutiny for the reviews with positive ratings on Steam? Is this recent incoherent positive review with 1.1 hours of playtime more qualified than a negative one with over 100 hours of playtime? :
Take a deep breath and then try reading the thread title and OP again. Keep reading until it sinks in.
Kinda feel sorry for Bethesda at this point. They try an new IP (which is always difficult). Spent close to 10 years on it. And… it’s just not all that good.
Meanwhile, on Reddit
Alternate title: "Please stop comparing an objectively superior game to my most recent $70 purchase or I will cry"
After Starfield they need to modernize their tech and design philosophiesKinda feel sorry for Bethesda at this point. They try an new IP (which is always difficult). Spent close to 10 years on it. And… it’s just not all that good.
He's right. It's pitiful and dull behavior from fanboys with too much time on their hands. Pathetic, really..."We all know it's a great game" sounds like some evangelist bullshit lmfao
?? Wait, whaKinda feel sorry for Bethesda at this point. They try an new IP (which is always difficult). Spent close to 10 years on it. And… it’s just not all that good.
Are you kidding? This broke new ground! Finally there's women in almost all leadership positions.Kinda feel sorry for Bethesda at this point. They try an new IP (which is always difficult). Spent close to 10 years on it. And… it’s just not all that good.
I believe that's the "sex number"!
Are you kidding? This broke new ground! Finally there's women in almost all leadership positions.
Are you warming up to the idea of 7/10?Amazes me that the game still has not received the update for DLSS, FOV, etc. Been two weeks since Bethesda announced this shit that should have been there day one. So yeah, Steam reviews are accurate as always.
Why can't Microsoft seem to get out of their own damn way?
The defenders of this game themselves seem to have zero expectations of the devs. The common defenses of this game I have seen include: it will be a completely different game "due to mods"; the metacritic score will be better "due to mods"; the steam reviews will be better "due to mods". My contention is if the game is mediocre and the devs did diddly squat to improve it, why should the game be rated any better on its store page. The mods and the mod authors should be reviewed well and compensated not the lazy devs, who delivered a mediocre game. Maybe CDPR and Hello should have sat on their asses and delivered no improvements to their middling releases as somebody or the other would deliver mods at some point in time that would improve their games.It's certainly superior, but that took time for it to get where it is. A few years and Starfield will probably be a completely different game thanks to mods.
Hot take:
It's totally Ok to just play a game for a couple of hours and review it.
Miss me with that "It gets good after xx hours trust me" coping BS. If it sucks, it sucks.
here before 69![]()
Fucking hell the ship fights are one of the most garbage gameplay mechanics ever conceived. It literally ruins my already garbage mood playing the game. I'm done with the game, there is nothing interesting to see. GOnna rush main quest and move on. Horrible game.
Nice try your evangelist gospel wont work here.He's right. It's pitiful and dull behavior from fanboys with too much time on their hands. Pathetic, really...