I entered a contest to win a copy of the game but I might also get a review code. If that happens I'll probably do a GAF give away. I'll keep you guys posted! 
It's only 1200 MSP too apparently?
"State of Decay" from @undeadlabs is coming to XBLA this Wednesday for 1600 MSP
dev stream about to start in 30 or so mins i believe
I hope it isn't too full of filler.Aegies said he played about 17hrs of State of Decay and still no ending in site
Aegies said he played about 17hrs of State of Decay and still no ending in site
Aegies said he played about 17hrs of State of Decay and still no ending in sight
Jeez $20? The last time I paid that much for an xbla game was probably Shadow Complex (i think).
Shadow Complex was 1200 bones.
.@aegies: @bosjbug pretty much every action in that game contributes to upkeep of morale and your home, so it's hard to say what filler would be
They need to have a version of this ready for the X1 launch with the ability to have a large group in multiplayer.
And worth every point.
1600 bones.
You can't play past the ending, so I guess if you want to survive/screw around indefinitely you'll have to hold off on main story objectives? Lame.
That's very disappointing.
I wonder what the reason for that is. I hope it's not something as simple as the characters all die or something equally unimaginative.
It really sort of hinges on the last mission objective if you think about it. Disclaimer I know someone on the team so I don't want to speak out of turn.
It really sort of hinges on the last mission objective if you think about it.
Hmm, I think I've got it figured. I guess it's not too much of an issue, but it does annoy when open world titles don't allow you to roam/dp stuff after the game ends. Could just return the game to before the last mission as some games do...
Still, too early to criticise the decision too much, it sounds incredibly meaty and I'm sure I'll be more than satisfied during my first play-through.
Hype is still through the roof, pretty sure nothing will deflate it at this point.
World of Decay
Radioactive zombies.
James Clifton, the guy who made the world deserves some serious kudo's. Basically 1 guys overall vision for the world and man. Awesome.
I think people won't have a problem KNOWING what a main mission is and isn't but the randoms are pretty realistic in a Walking Dead kind of way so by the time I person rushes to the main ending...they might WANT to be doneThe best way to describe it is an open world, multi character RPG in a zombie world. So meaty is an understatement for some of the systems they have.
Side note, where's episode 3 of let's play? The livestream helped, but the shakes are back...
3:30 EST/12:30 PST
Turning stream off, I want some surprises left, lol.
may check it out on PC whenever it releases