Probably my last big hoorah on (360) XBLA.
Games an instant buy, especially after getting hands on with it at PAX.
Ya this is one of those games that spawns stories about "what happened last time I played"
I would agree but I believe Dungeons and Dragons Arcade Collection game is on the 18th... THAT will most likely be my last. At least I hope that date is correct!
Any rate, I hope this title improves my friends list as well as I have been slacking...
They passed cert? Hell yeah!
Getting this on Wednesday right after work, and not leaving my couch. Hopefully it lives up to its sandbox goals, and it can prove to be extremely replayable.
This is what I consider the XBLA 360's swan song (unless MS has more surprises at E3). Hopefully it's good.
It's a good day.
Yes, yes it is.
Build in the IGN video looks great so far. No noticeable frame-rate issues.
Ya I only noticed one or two spots it was way way better than past builds. It will still be present but not anywhere near as bad.
That's fine by me.
Using a wind up clock as a distraction - Brilliant. It's the little touches that are really impressing me.
This game.
That alarm clock brought nothing but pain to him. Funny funny pain. Loved that whole section.
One of the cooler things...just a little thing. Is the words of inspiration if you have a preacher that gives you back a bit of stamina. There is a very real communal aspect to almost everything. That is just one of so many little things as you mentioned. Like toys you can throw through windows to attract zombies to one side of a house and then go into the other side.
Also the animations for when you have NPC's in your vehicle and your being attacked by zombies is almost unreal. Feels alive.
So I just turned on my 360 to check the amount of MSP I had left...
Fuck me. Fuck me up the ass and call me daisy.
This is the first time a console has ever died on me, and I owned a lot of 'em since the NES and Sakhr. This was the only game on the 360 I really wanted to play, so I guess I'll just have to wait for the PC version.
2008 Pro modelOh man, that really sucks. I take it that's the first gen model?
haha talk about anticlimactic
So I just turned on my 360 to check the amount of MSP I had left...
Fuck me. Fuck me up the ass and call me daisy.
This is the first time a console has ever died on me, and I owned a lot of 'em since the NES and Sakhr. This was the only game on the 360 I really wanted to play, so I guess I'll just have to wait for the PC version.
Also the bit where he was swamped and jumped out the living room window awesome![]()
Loved that part! I think doing a series on this on my YT channel is going to be excellent with crazy things happening randomly.
I kinda expected him not to be able to do it!
News on the PC version? Benchmark?
News on the PC version? Benchmark?
I would be surprised it came out this year. I would guess next year at the earliest.
OXM just gave it an 8.
I haven't read the entire review, but the shortlist summary dinged it for mediocre graphics, minimal story and permadeath.
I'm gonna read the whole review, but personally none of those things really seem that essential to this game.
Graphically, it looks alright. Hell it looks better than dragon's dogma a disc based title. Minimal story isn't really thing either to because it's more of a sim anyway (didnt have a problem with zero story in XCOM it was all about moments). And permadeath is actually a plus becuase it gives the game consequence and risk/reward (buzz phrase of 2013).
That said they've played it and I haven't so their opinions are more defensible.
That's bullshit if true.