Oh man. Been after this game for a few days. Thanks for Greed Corp, Widdly Scuds!!
I was busy fixing eXceed, that's now my archenemy or something like that.![]()
Sorry man, I tried. ;(
Apparently, there are insta-fail QTE in Max Payne 3, fuck you Rockstar!
Absolutely hated those.
Thanks for putting it up again and thanks to Hasney.Sorry, thought it was a different Broken Sword. Reposting. Thanks to Hasney.
Ah, I didn't know that. The first eXceed game, right? I've only used to fix with the 3rd game to be honest, which can run windowed. It's listed as working with all of them though. I hope you can get it going.I would if I could, but it seems this game cannot run windowed.
Oh well, guess I'm gonna try the toolkit.![]()
Absolutely hated those. Stopped playing the game after the part where you have to protect Fabiana on the rooftop. I just missed my old Max Payne games too much. Rockstar essentially abandoned the traditional introspective noir approach that Remedy had so lovingly crafted, and instead opted for a tongue-in-cheek reflection on the image of Max Payne as an anti-hero. All of those terrible one-liners ("This was like Baghdad with G-strings") were part of Rockstar's attempt (intentional or not) to satirize the character.
So, in honor of Max, "dearest of all my friends", I stopped playing MP3 after about half an hour. For good.
A big thank you to ToddHunter:
I finished MP3... eventually...
GTA5 is this "satire" (hint: Rockstar, what you're doing isn't what you think you're doing) bullshit but even worse... so I sold my copy after a few hours.
You got a nice DLC that will leave you wanting for even more TWD from a great GAFfer, in a great thread. You can't ask for better.
Make sure to post your impressions later on, always curious for TWD impressions, loved that game.
Hmm, I've been holding out for the (eventual) PC port of GTA 5, and I've been having this existentialist crisis where I'm not sure whether or not I'll actually enjoy it as much as I expect to. I think what engaged me with previous GTA titles (esp. 4) was the narrative being compelling. That's pretty much why I didn't mind all the driving missions in GTA 4, since the story had momentum and rock-solid characters.
I failed one of those QTE's in MP3, one where you're hanging upside down on a helicopter's landing rung and have to shoot down an rpg, because I thought it was still a cinematic. I laughed when it hit the Game Over screen.
Ah, I didn't know that. The first eXceed game, right? I've only used to fix with the 3rd game to be honest, which can run windowed. It's listed as working with all of them though. I hope you can get it going.
Thanks for the impression. Was tempted to pick it up on next week's Amazon sale (game + season pass for $9.99) but now I'll probably just pass.
Bought Rocksmith 2014 so I can suck at guitar on that one too!
GTA5's story is bad and all over the place.
One moment you're a nigga nigga nigga homeboy dog nigga nigga super-stereotypical young black man trying to better himself with stupid homeboys and crackhead friends that are getting you into trouble, then you're a middle-aged ex-bank robber having problems with his stupid kids and wife... and when you finally get to do something fun with these characters, you're locked into a psychopath that has absolutely no redeeming qualities at all, that takes all agency away from you. (No, you will murder this random person that hasn't done anything to you for no reason at all after a cutscene, otherwise you don't get to play the game anymore!)
This was the point I'd finally had enough.
Oh dear.I'd love to hear your impressions on GTA Online, though!
sirs steam profile level 20 and above:
worth the effort to go past 20? have booster pack drops noticeably increased?
Papers Please is such an amazing game. Wish it would keep track of which endings I've unlocked so far though.
Steam blocked any purchase I make and says I will only be available to make other purchases by the 29th. Is there a way to contact support so they fix this? The issue is that I use a portuguese service called MBNet that creates virtual cards for each online purchase (multiple cards on the same account in a short period of time.)
It's going to be the same game, free to play, etc but on Steam Correct? I might take a look, the game looks pretty and my friend want a game to co-op, I wonder if we can play it together.
As for the other question, I think I'm done with Knock Knock since, in order to get another ending I would need to restart the game all over. I try and do one quest here and there in Torchlight 2 and I might start playing Batman AA this weekend if I had the time. Seems like a great game to play with some coffee while it's a bit cold outside.
Synchronized Slaying
Play a multiplayer match with 3 other friends.
Also part of the Amazon sale is The Walking Dead for $6.25, and 400 Days will be $1.25 on Amazon starting Thursday.
Dammit, Arkham Asylum cards are pretty expensive (~$0.28 each). Should have bought them when they were $0.20![]()
Steam blocked any purchase I make and says I will only be available to make other purchases by the 29th. Is there a way to contact support so they fix this? The issue is that I use a portuguese service called MBNet that creates virtual cards for each online purchase (multiple cards on the same account in a short period of time.)
You know what Monk ? I really like the parallell you make between the seasons and some elements of games. It's not the first time you say something like it and, ok I'm OT as fuck here, but this seem like a fascinating subject. A thing that come back regularly in my mind these days, the link between something and one's feelings or well being.
But this is not the topic here and I will leave it at that. Interesting thoughts you gave me tought, thanks.
How many times did you had to change your Credit Card until you got locked up? That is a great way to avoid the sales to be honest, but that's just for me and will only apply to this year regarding Steam Sales. I'm assuming you are using One Month MBNet cards? Why not use the One Year cards?
I learned the lesson. I'm going to make an one year card. I think what made Steam block my account was that today it was giving me errors and I changed the payment method to paypal. I was able to buy Gone Home, but nothing more.
Steam Community is down. Panic panic panic.
Is Gone Home still worth picking up even if you've had the ending spoiled?
All of Steam is down! Panic!
(don't, it's the maintenance window)
Volgarr Devs reporting 96% piracy rate
I call bullshit on that, especially their saying that this is standard for PC games. Did 2,500,000 people get Stanley Parable off a torrent site? Are there really 500,000,000 people playing their pirated version of The Sims 2?
This feels like a PR stunt to me - gaming press will pick up on the story, and each article is a free advertisment, right?
Steam is down... steam is down!!!