You mean the game that was $2.50 on Friday? For the game that is now $3.74 and you want DLC.
Does Dungeon Defenders still come with the Portal and Team Fortress 2 DLC or was that only for people who pre-ordered?
What are the chances for Skyrim PC going on sale by year's end or in some Christmas sale?
Kind holding out for the first deal....
I'd like to get in on a 4-pack for dungeon defenders if someone is organizing one
I would definitely be in for a Dungeon Defenders 4 pack if anyone is doing it. I can PayPal the money right away.
I'd be in for a DD 4-pack if anyone needs another person.
What are the chances for Skyrim PC going on sale by year's end or in some Christmas sale?
Kind holding out for the first deal....
I would say 25% at best. 15% if we're lucky.I think amazon had a ten dollar off deal during black Friday, but that may have just been the console versions. Anyway, what I mean to say is, you should adjust your expectations on how much of a savings there might be.
I think amazon had a ten dollar off deal during black Friday, but that may have just been the console versions. Anyway, what I mean to say is, you should adjust your expectations on how much of a savings there might be.
What are the chances for Skyrim PC going on sale by year's end or in some Christmas sale?
Kind holding out for the first deal....
Gal Civ 2 any good?
I really like Civ 4 BTS and mods like FFH2. Civ 5 was ok. Really enjoyed Master of Orion 1 back in the day.
+ me = 4.
Does someone want to do the purchasing? I could do it as a last resort but I'd rather not. I can Paypal immediately.
I can buy -- my Steam name is rohlfinator so just add me on Steam and we can sort out the Paypal stuff on there.
Willing to host another 4-pack and take 2 copies, so just need to others. PM me and quote if interested.
I can buy -- my Steam name is rohlfinator so just add me on Steam and we can sort out the Paypal stuff on there.
Willing to host another 4-pack and take 2 copies, so just need two others. PM me and quote if interested.
mannerbot, TheBez - check your friends list for an invite, after that I'll send a copy to each of you =)
Hey, are there any good 2d run and gun shooters (Contra, Metal Slug, etc.) on Steam? The only one I know of is the Serious Sam game, and apparently it's pretty bad.
There´s A.R.E.S, but its more like megaman than contra/metalslug.
Bit short tho.
Willing to host another 4-pack and take 2 copies, so just need two others. PM me and quote if interested.
Giving away one copy of Dungeon Defenders to the first quote with Steam username![]()
Giving away one copy of Dungeon Defenders to the first quote with Steam username![]()
Willing to host another 4-pack and take 2 copies, so just need two others. PM me and quote if interested.
Giving away one copy of Dungeon Defenders to the first quote with Steam username
Edit: Sent. Enjoy it guys! ;P
Quickly tried out the first level of Dungeon Defenders and compared to Orcs Must Die it feels really slow and basic. Guessing the leveling and loot fixes that later?
Really want to join one as well.any DD 4pack still going?
pm me :X
Quickly tried out the first level of Dungeon Defenders and compared to Orcs Must Die it feels really slow and basic. Guessing the leveling and loot fixes that later?
Sort of.
Dungeon defenders has the co-op and loot elements, while Orcs must Die has the better gameplay. I prefer OMD.
Javaman said:Later levels and higher difficulties have hundreds or THOUSANDS of enemies, especially in survival mode.
Really want to join one as well.
any DD 4pack still going?
pm me :X
Thanks and sent!I will start one, PM me. Will go ahead when we get one more person if anyone else is interested.