Aren't they using the Take on Helicopters engine?ARMA II base and then they rewrote it for client/server architecture.
Aren't they using the Take on Helicopters engine?ARMA II base and then they rewrote it for client/server architecture.
Keep training, do the tutorials if you didn't and choose a character or two to stick with it, also don't be too much worried if you lost a match use it to learn what works and what don't. Play against more experienced friends/gaffers and ask them in what you can improve.
Sucking is the first step at sucking less at something... or something to that effect. Fighting games are hard; the trick is to find a way to enjoy the game while you're losing and learning (or you're going to have a bad time).
I got the "You have nearly sold 200 items" thing. When I click I am not from the US Valve claims they have a US address of me and I have to fill out a lot of personal information. How come they claim I live in the US? Is this just standard and I have to fill this out? I want to keep making money but as anonymous as possible.
You probably used a (fake?) US address at some point in the past. A few users had the same problem. You need to open a support ticket and the process can take quite a while.
Does a support ticket really work? There's still no one I know that has the 'used a US address once' problem and got it solved. Only solution is starting another account and using that for selling.
Aren't they using the Take on Helicopters engine?
You probably used a (fake?) US address at some point in the past. A few users had the same problem. You need to open a support ticket and the process can take quite a while.
I don't know. I just know that they'll send you some forms that you have to fill out to verify that you do not live in the US and that the process will take a long time. Maybe it takes so long that no one actually got it fixed yet, but I don't think they're lying.
I never used a US address on Steam. I only used a US address on to buy digital games as was suggested here. Worked without a problem. But Steam is non US and I am absolutely sure of that. That is why I am asking.
I've read that there are at least two endings.
Stronghold 3 Gold is the Daily. I've looked at the Stronghold games a few times before. Is Stronghold 3 worth it for $7.50?
Dunder has it for $17.
Anomaly Warzone for free:
Anomaly Warzone for free:
Anomaly Warzone for free:
Yes they are.
Still RVIII, but a slightly upgraded one.
From what Rocket has been saying, it sounds like they can take DX11 features directly from ARMA III and apply them in modularly. It is just a matter of development time, and they don't have any to spare right now.
Renaud Bédard
FEZ v1.08 is live now on Steam, changelist coming! Fixes the leaderboard-related crash people have been getting today. among many others.
Started playing Thomas was Alone, game seems decent, though I can say I'm not the biggest fan of carting multiple characters through the levels.
I got the "You have nearly sold 200 items" thing. When I click I am not from the US Valve claims they have a US address of me and I have to fill out a lot of personal information. How come they claim I live in the US? Is this just standard and I have to fill this out? I want to keep making money but as anonymous as possible.
Anomaly Warzone for free:
Ranked 119th with my completion time in Guacamelee and that is with a lot of backtracking and exploring.
Are you guys even trying?
Eh I have Anamoly on PS3 via Plus so here's the code for any who want it on Steam or whatevs
Please post if you've used the code.
Spoke too soon. Asked me to buy him GMod because his computer has a virus that prevents him from using a browser and he has no access to any other PC...riiight...Seems harmless enough so far...but I'm really curious who this friend that he found me through is. He hasn't started begging me for free games or TF2 items yet, so I guess he can stay for now...
Spoke too soon. Asked me to buy him GMod because his computer has a virus that prevents him from using a browser and he has no access to any other PC...riiight...
Delete from friendslist. I wonder if he's going to go to Xelios next...
That same kid added me as well.
Seems harmless enough so far...but I'm really curious who this friend that he found me through is. He hasn't started begging me for free games or TF2 items yet, so I guess he can stay for now...
Ok so Guacamelee. Very enjoyable so far (I'm at the last area right now and 9 hours in). It's more of a demanding platformer than I expected, and there's at least one optional Super Meat Boy-esque section that looks like it would rival the infamous Veni Vidi Vici level from VVVVVV in terms of difficulty. It also has a bit of a fighter feel to it with the juggling and combos.
5:12 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: i wanna be just frendly that's all
5:13 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: if am i booring just tell me i will stop
5:16 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: cn i help u whit something
5:16 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: i can do whatewer u wan't
5:18 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: just don't ask me where is my dad ok
5:18 AM - Xelios: umm why not?
5:18 AM - SuperFrendlyDude: becouse i don't have one and i don't wanna talk about it
Spoke too soon. Asked me to buy him GMod because his computer has a virus that prevents him from using a browser and he has no access to any other PC...riiight...
Delete from friendslist. I wonder if he's going to go to Xelios next...
this guy never said that he is friendly, he just said that he is frendly. I assume frendship means add random people on Steam and tradebeg them on second date.SuperFrendlyDude
Teo London, City of, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I am an frendly person so if i add u i will do that just for an frendship.And if u wanna add me feel free.![]()
am i supposed to tell if I made a profit or not on the Steam Market?
is that update out now?
Is there a reason why sorting badges by rarity doesn't take levels into account? You'd think a high level badge should be rarer than a level 1 badge
I just hope that it runs better than crappy arma 2/dayz mod engine.
am i supposed to tell if I made a profit or not on the Steam Market?
is that update out now?
STEAM Announcements & Updates 2013 V: Just don't ask me where my dad is
Perfect title. Either something really bad is going down or someone is an epic troll.
Quote from a random dude who added Stump.
I'm probably reposting this from earlier, but hey, worth a mention again!
Pac Man Championship Edition DX + coming September 25th.
Update 4.1 on Chrome.
Summer badge level 5 is not rare.
I got this QR code in Guacamelee. As with FEZ, this is a pain to process. What is the deal with QR codes in games? It is really not funny.
- Congratulations! You successfully identified and scanned a QR code! Great Job!
- Félicitations! QR Code Numérisées!
- Congratulazioni! Codice a barre Scansionati!
- Glückwünsche! QR Code Gescannt!
- ¡Felicidades! ¡Código QR E​escaneados!
<3 Drinkbox Studios