Maybe it's your browser. Firefox here and I can see the publishers' images.
I explained it wrong.
If you click in those, you should see a list of games from the publisher, but now there is nothing.
Maybe it's your browser. Firefox here and I can see the publishers' images.
Does your Steam like randomly crash? Or what do you mean by stability salsa?
- hey guys why dont you improve Steam's stability, client speed or add features like recording gameplay or something meaningful?
- CARDSSSSLULZ FAKE NUMBERS gimme dat market cut
what is happening valve
Which is fine with me as the concept of collecting these things being difficult is ridiculous.Just wait until its out of beta and hundreds of games have cards. The prices will plummet as low as crates
Got my first booster pack: Super Meat Boy.
I'd definitely appreciate them taking a look at the Steam application. Whenever big sales come around, I'm constantly reminded of it's shortcomings. Stuff like seeing a game I want to look at on the big catalog list, and clicking it to add to my wishlist, but then hitting 'back' only to be returned to the first page of the catalog. I've taken to making lists on Notepad, and then just going back and adding them all manually. It's starting to show it's age.
And just overall application slugishness. They've been painting over this old car for a while now, and it looks super nice at this point, but I'd appreciate them popping the hood a bit more since it's starting to make weird sounds while driving down the road.
Also I still do not like Serious Sam 3.
Got my first foil and what am I greeted with? Girl (Foil)
Disgraceful, 2.37 is the lowest price....
The market has pretty much crashed for the majority of the cards due to how many are participating. Race to the bottom now.![]()
How long did you play to get it?
I managed to get three Hate Cages from Brutal Legend.Their value is so pitiful that trading is a better idea than selling.
In my world, Super House of Dead Ninjas would be seen as the de facto roguelike platforming game and not Spelunky.
Yoshihisa Hashimoto, Square Enixs Chief Technology Officer, has lead the charge into the next-generation for the company with the Luminous Engine that will host games such as Final Fantasy XV. A PC version is currently undecided, but collaborations with Luminous Studio are planned for the future. The game, as per the team, will require a top of the line (expensive) machine to run. Its because of this, that they want to see what the demand will be from the PC audience (which is your cue to let them know that you want it).
Previously, Final Fantasy games were developed on a lead console and ported to other systems such as Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy XI was originally designed to fit within the capabilities of the PlayStation 2 and its hard disk drive, though support outside Japan was dropped when the consoles production eventually ceased. Such is the case with a Final Fantasy XV Xbox One version.
While Sony has touted PlayStation Vita will support Cross-Platform Play with PlayStation 4, Square Enix is considering the handheld for use with Final Fantasy XV. In addition to Vita, tablets and smartphones are on the table for various features.
Combat in Final Fantasy XV is taking a turn for more action as the above gameplay video illustrates. The team has taken a directional shift away from turn-based or time-based (ATB) combat for an entirely new direction. The team commented that one feature being added to the game is the ability to climb onto monsters in battle. A concept similar to this could be seen in the Final Fantasy Versus XIII 2011 trailer when Noctis was able to use combat vehicles (tanks, magitek). Noctis uses a behemoths horns to launch himself in the air in the newest gameplay trailer above.
Youll also be able to switch between the three characters in your party at any time. Noctis, Gladiolus, and Prompto have been featured in footage thusfar, but we have yet to see the return of Ignis in combat or the newly-revealed Cor.
Final Fantasy executive producer Shinji Hashimoto hopes that traditional Final Fantasy fans wont be disappointed and will embrace the shift away from Active Time Battle (a 22-year old convention) and Square Enix is looking forward to hearing feedback about the action-oriented combat. He also assures us that we will be hearing more about the game soon, and that the dishonest days of withholding information about games in development for months is at an end.
With foils, the initial selling price sets the tone. Somebody sold the very first one at $7, so people looked to that and set their price accordingly.
What is a booster pack?
I find it hard to believe I own 349 pieces of DLC :/ When did I buy them :/
Square considering PC release for FFXV
I wonder if they will release it Steamworks like the rest of Square, or pull a Square of Japan. Release it only on their website, and riddled full of DRM.
So many Eddie's, and I sold one yesterday so that makes it four...
Does it matter whether you've sold your cards already?Set of 3 card drops you get at once, can contain a foil. You get them by playing a game you've gotten all of your available drops for.
Does it matter whether you've sold your cards already?
I find it hard to believe I own 349 pieces of DLC :/ When did I buy them :/
How do you get Achievement, Game and Item Showcase on your profile page?
look at that low ass number
this shit is silver and not gold
this is unacceptable
Who has Outrun 2006? let's be friends.
what the...I leave Steam idling in Serious Sam BFE for free cards and come back to find that my Steam game count has dropped by 542 and I went up to level 17 from level 12...
I understand the reasons behind it, I just dont like it and would prefer they'd focused on different things.
Playing and even "collecting" games was enough for me, I dont want nor need a metagame. It was fun when it was just for a big event only kinda thing, like the golden potato stuff or the summer sale events.
I'll keep idling for cards, selling them and ignoring the rest, but I would have prefered another direction, that's all.
Also I dont know how many people just wanted this on the first place? it's one of the first moves when it's very transparent that it benefits them (valve + devs) a hell of a lot more than users.
Must be an error, that's a huuuuuuuuuge drop.
Are you kidding me? I have bought multiple games with free money that I made, I have like $20 more from selling to go towards the upcoming Steam sale, and I have more cards that are listed as we speak that will bring me many untold wealths. How does this not benefit users taking advantage of it?
I managed to get three Hate Cages from Brutal Legend.Their value is so pitiful that trading is a better idea than selling.
are you guys idling more than one game at the same time or something
I'm amazed BL doesn't go for more.