You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Right now I'm typing a sci-fi story that I plan to publish as an e-book. I'm not a good writer so $.99 is a fair price. Basically it is sort like Heart of Darkness meets 2001: Space Odyssey with a little bit of Top Gear.What is everyone doing at this very moment. Go:
I have for many years, but it never stopped me from being psyched about the numbers.You probably have a large backlog already.
Gotta go get a colonoscopy and I'm being measured for caskets next week. Gotta get in that retirement village.Poor Steve, I remember when he was young and full of excitement for the future.
Now he's just old.
Yes. That and the fact that your avatar is an antiquated piece of technology known as a cassette tape.
<3It's just a way to be polite to be honest. We are a great Community but we are also a big one. From all the threads, console wars, Steam Sales, and many others we can see all type of people posting. Some are just too rude, get banned, and only think of themselves.
Some people are just way too negative and only focus on bad things, others are kind and generous, some like to reply all the time with Gifs while others prefer a more lenghty answer. I'm the type that likes to be polite (I never cursed on GAF, not even once!), like to help others and I truly believe we are the best Community Gaming related.
I always feel a bit upset when I see people raging at others just because people share different opinions and not always they use the best terms to prove their point. I also hate racism and any other type of discrimination and phobia when directed to others. Because we have strict rules, GAF can have more respectfull users but it's not always like that. I do my part and I'm proud to be part of GAF and to talk with a great group of fellow GAFfers.
I don't like The Police, sorry.Phil Collins appreciation a few pages ago?
This thread is my favourite thread on the citadel.
Now if only Sting and the Police were still around.....
Will be interesting to see who picks this up! Those rules are quite strict
By living in the UK.
You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Is it weird I'm more excited for the meta game? I don't have a ton of cash right now (had to buy a ring, if you know what I mean) so I just want to participate.
And I've seen this a couple places but want to see what everyone thinks: I should wait for daily and flash sales on things I want until the very last day (if my wish list stuff didn't get a special sale), right?
That's ok, nobody is perfect. Haha.I don't like The Police, sorry.
You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Well I hope it turns out well for you and that congratulations will soon be in order!
Damn I remember being so nervous when I proposed.
Really hope it works out for you buddy.
Wow, that ruleset... it'll be interesting to see how long it takes before someone matches it![]()
Wow, that ruleset... it'll be interesting to see how long it takes before someone matches it![]()
Card only came out as repugnant recently, which is why so many people were shocked and appalled since the Ender books are, like, the antithesis of what he stands for. Overall, I think your criticisms (juvenile power fantasy, anti-minorities, inferior to Gundam novelizations) are misplaced-- maybe you were thinking of Dune?
You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Exactly.craaawllinnng innn myyy skiiiiiin
Nice. I don't know if anyone actually qualifies for this giveaway, but the more people who play Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the more hope I have for Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines: Human Revolution.You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Woohoo! August is the best month for gaming.
I didn't mean to put the no wins in the last week one, that was an accident, o well.
You better play it, I've got my eyes on you!
Also may this provide karma for pricing errors![]()
Is it weird I'm more excited for the meta game? I don't have a ton of cash right now (had to buy a ring, if you know what I mean) so I just want to participate.
And I've seen this a couple places but want to see what everyone thinks: I should wait for daily and flash sales on things I want until the very last day (if my wish list stuff didn't get a special sale), right?
It means that the current lowest price is $55.79, but historically it's been as low as $25.08.
It uses info from which can sometimes be an hour or more behind (they probably don't have the price from the new GMG sale, for example).
Yeah, there's no plugin that allows Enhanced Steam in a Steam skin right?
Monk for honorary president of GAF. You have my vote.
My first Steam Summer sale. I'm sooo excited!
I'm scared to resubmit it with a slight change in rules, o well.
but then again, it's $44,99 on steam without any discount.
Is there a Flash Sale and Community Choice every day? Even today? Obviously Daily Deals are...daily, not sure about the others
Hope everything turns out, best of luck man!Is it weird I'm more excited for the meta game? I don't have a ton of cash right now (had to buy a ring, if you know what I mean) so I just want to participate.
God my wallet is about to get destroyed. I just picked up a 3DS and 6 games last month too.
God my wallet is about to get destroyed. I just picked up a 3DS and 6 games last month too.
Where are you at? Here in the US it's still showing as $59.99.
You can change the pricing region in the options for Enhanced Steam.
Rules relaxed.
Rules relaxed.
Vice versa. One book involves someoneTo each his own, but there's no way you can say that Dune is a juvenile power fantasy and then claim that Ender's Game isn't.
Is it time
What a terrible time for me to have car trouble.
Is it time
God my wallet is about to get destroyed. I just picked up a 3DS and 6 games last month too.