Hmm. No new week long sales.
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
Hmm. No new week long sales.
Hmm. No new week long sales.
I don't get whats so great about FTL, play a little bit and then die, go the wrong sector and get attacked by pirates with a supernova in the background and die, run out of fuel then die. You can't play learn from your mistakes when you're getting killed just because you decided to play the game, another waste of 5 bucks.
There's no KH or Final FantasyI'd sacrifice all the indie games on steam to get the new KH on PC.
Ah, never mind then.
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
Everyone buy worms reloaded. It's the best worms game.
xelios;65969261[URL="" said:75% off Legacy of Kain series[/URL].
GMG20-6WUSQ-LBC4U for an additional 20% off.
If someone is thinking about buying this, I'd like to let them know that being crushed to death by a train is quicker and less painful.
What? So World Party never really existed? Weird...Everyone buy worms reloaded. It's the best worms game.
If someone is thinking about buying this, I'd like to let them know that being crushed to death by a train is quicker and less painful.
Oh, and cheaper too.
What? So World Party never really existed? Weird...
Not as long as Armageddon still exists.
Does Armageddon have proper steamworks multiplayer and fancy hd graphics?
I loved the hell out of that one back in the day but it's place in the sun is done.
Everyone buy worms reloaded. It's the best worms game.
Never played Fear is it worth it for the trilogy bundle?
Oh, argument time is ON.Some people claim they can at least reach the boss like 95% of the time, so there are real strategies, most of which you have to read about from more obsessive people and even then it's really hard because people end up doing little things in a special way and don't notice.
So two questions remain: How in the hell anyone reaches that point while having fun, and then once they have learned it, how they can find such an absurdly narrow gameplay experience fun. I put in 12 hours or so and never figured that out. You are basically traveling along the course you must to maximize resources, and then taking on the exact strategy you must, dictated by what you end up finding. I don't find that to be real strategy or a real accomplishment.
I don't get it, but don't get into arguments about it because people who love it have a religious zeal about the game.
If someone is thinking about buying this, I'd like to let them know that being crushed to death by a train is quicker and less painful.
Oh, and cheaper too.
Hmm. I think Stallion Free has more info on the upcoming Stearn sale. Perhaps you should private message him with questions. Multiple questions.One of my friends told me yesterday that the Steam summer sale will be this week, did I miss this announcement here on GAF? Is it true, or is my buddy just messin with me?
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
Probably the best Jimquisition video I've ever seen.
He provides solid arguments, counter-arguments, concedes certain points, lists out areas of improvement. Overall, excellent video, deserves to be watched.
It's not like Trials, it's much more arcadey. Feels kind of like a platformer in some ways
If someone is thinking about buying this, I'd like to let them know that being crushed to death by a train is quicker and less painful.
Oh, and cheaper too.
locked at 60 fps/16xAA1080p.What's the performance on the Joe Danger games for PC? Has anyone took that dive, yet?
Want to pull the trigger on the bundle but don't want a crappy port
Some people claim they can at least reach the boss like 95% of the time, so there are real strategies, most of which you have to read about from more obsessive people and even then it's really hard because people end up doing little things in a special way and don't notice.
Interviewer: Whats your personal success rate when playing FTL? Are you able to reliably complete the game? I must confess that I still havent succeeded.
Justin Ma, co-creator: To be perfectly honest, it was maybe a few weeks before the release of the game that was the first time I was actually able to beat the game. We were designing it for people who would be really good at it, which is a weird thing to shoot for. We wanted it to have around a 10% success rate even if you know what youre doing. That was the goal in terms of difficulty.
Now, I can win maybe every third or fourth attempt. Knowing which battles to fight and which choices to pick in the events plays a significant role. We were watching a number of live streams during the beta period. This one guy, I sat there and I watched him win the game on Normal difficulty three times in a row, and I was just like What the hell?! Am I supposed to make the game harder?!
We definitely wanted the atmosphere of the game to be that you feel like its a suicide mission, but that you just might win. Its the sort of state of mind that doesnt appeal to everybody, but if you can see that as a challenge, a high goal that you might not achieve, then it can be appealing.
I definitely think its a personal thing. Some people see FTL, and they dismiss it straight off No, this is too random for me. Its a temperament problem. If you feel like you can eke out and survive, to crawl forward and potentially still lose, but still find that enjoyable, then FTL is for you. Whereas some people will take damage and then want to immediately restart, and thats not how it should be played.
A lot of people have complained that the game is too random, and that you need luck to win the game. Ive always taken a bit of an issue with that. Ive seen people get the best drops ever, and you still get destroyed by this series of unfortunate events. Other times, I can get next to nothing, but still prevail. It is a very random-based game, but I dont think victory should necessarily be the sole aim.
There is actually a really high skill cap. People say boarders are impossible, but you can defeat any number of boarders if your med bay doesnt get broken. Watching that guy who won three times in a row taught me a whole new range of strategies. One of the biggest things I noticed was that if he got into a tight spot, he got the hell out of there. He chose not to get involved sometimes.
Ewww...Why...locked at 60 fps
locked at 60 fps/16xAA1080p.
7850 2gb /16gb ddr3/i5 @4 ghz
The art style really got on my nerves after a while, especially the character faces, they all seem like they are from the same template or something.-67% sale on Defender's Quest for adding workshop support (it also has cards)
I somehow ended up spending 50 hours on that game. TD games tend to be a bit hit-or-miss with me, but the Fire Emblem-ish RPG elements kind of sucked me in. I absolutely hate the artstyle though...hope they hire a real artist if they do a sequel.
If you had the 20% off GamersGate discount it was cheaper in a bundle there. "Historical Low: $4.50 at GamersGate on Apr 29, 2013"Oh flipping hell Xel. That's the cheapest these have been with an extra 20% off I think. Are the GOG versions worth the extra?
Loves me some free swag though after all the Mama Robotnik threads I doubt there's anything left uncovered about the series now.
Buy Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
WEEK LONG DEAL! Offer ends July 1st
If you had the 20% off GamersGate discount it was cheaper in a bundle there. "Historical Low: $4.50 at GamersGate on Apr 29, 2013"
Which FEAR is worth getting? Never played the series before.
Which FEAR is worth getting? Never played the series before.
Which FEAR is worth getting? Never played the series before.
I think you missed the part where I said don't argue about it, which is something I do.Oh, argument time is ON.
I am not the one who made claims about such a high success rate. I just remember some posters here being very ardent in their positions that if you died, it was only because you did something wrong, and they apparently had a high enough success rate to back up that claim. Still, to me, if there is such a randomness that can utterly overwhelm all options in your command and eliminate any possibility of winning on a run, then the narrowness of gameplay has been reduced from "this single option will get you through" to "you just wasted your time on a randomly-decided-to-be-futile effort" and so success is reduced to "not-randomly-cockblocked" and that is un-fun.
CoH2 has already pushed the DLC stupidity to its knees, base game is £40 and DLCs are £43. Seriously, wtf?
To be fair though all of that you unlock by playing
Armageddon was nice too, but my heart is with World Party.The whole FEAR franchise is on sale, not just 3.
A lot of people tend to forget any game other than Armageddon exist.![]()
YES. F.E.A.R. 1 is one of the bestNever played Fear is it worth it for the trilogy bundle?
As a huge fan of the franchise, it was pure garbage when considering where it came from. Yeah, when I first finished it I thought it wasn't that bad, but then it dawned on me that it was, indeed. It's a disgrace to the previous games: cover-based gameplay, stupid (and I mean STUPID) and uninteligible plot (in the previous games, even if they were a little confusing, you always knew what was going on; here it seems like the game is advancing at random), annoying arena-like sections (level design is like this: go through a linear corridor, get trapped in a small area until you kill all the enemy waves that appear, advance to the next corridor, rinse, repeat; all the previous games, despite being linear and very corridor-based too, managed to avoid trapping you in arenas except in very specific parts, and even then I believe there's not a single one of those moments in the first game, and they are very few in the sequel), lots (and I mean LOTS) of annoying challenges pop-ups, which reset from level to level, so you're getting notifications all the time ("Got 45 headshots while masturbating in slow-mo"; "Collected a Barbie Alma doll"), total lack of the previous games' horror atmosphere (not only the scares are few and far between, but you can see them coming from miles away; it may be because they got old after 2 games, 2 expansions and 1 DLC, but they don't work at all, and only take place on dark and deserted sections where you're most expecting them -so noWere does all this negativity come from? I played through it just last week, the gunplay was not as good as the first game, but still pretty solid. Of course, the story is absolutely lame and plain incomprehensible, but that can be said about the entire series. I actually started feeling bad for the voice actors at some point, for putting so much work into voicing such a horrible script. But if you're looking for some first person shooting with cool slo-mo — that's quite a nice game. Took me like 8 hours on the hardest available difficulty.
Nah, the expansions are fine! I played through Extraction Point twice and liked it a lot, though I never finished my third playthrough. Perseus Mandate was fun too, even if it didn't add anything new to the mix.3 isn't that bad, close but still. It doesn't help that the original is still, although a little dated looking, one of the best playing fps' from an ai and tactical standpoint. So many great firefights there's an option to replay them.
Just stay away from Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. Even Monolith retconned them when they returned to the series.