Really? I only managed to start a bot match...without me. :lol I'll check that out then.You have lots of options. Versus bots for instance.
P.S. Love your avatar.
Really? I only managed to start a bot match...without me. :lol I'll check that out then.You have lots of options. Versus bots for instance.
Hit me with a PM with your Steam user if you want a beta key.I wouldn't mind a copy of DOTA 2.
If I activate a Steam-code and Gabe says I already own the game/DLC, will that make the code unusable or still active?
Question regarding the Abbyssal Forge DLC that is also included in the Season Pass for Darksiders 2.
Is there a coupon code to go with any of it?
I haven't played DotA 2 in months and they keep sending me keys.I have Dota 2 and never play it. I have no Dota 2 copies to give away.
If you stop playing dota 2, I will assume the extra copies will also stop?
Have a couple steam codes from a bundle that I don't have a use for, post what you want and I'll pm the codes over
Trine 1
Magicka & Magicka Vietnam
Hmm, I think I'll have to bite on King's Bounty. Wish it was the Armored Princess edition, but I was thoroughly enjoying the demo yesterday. Awesome coincidence!
11 damn copies of Dota 2.
If you're on my Steam friendlist, write on my wall and I will send one your way eventually. Don't have the time to walk after people and their PMs.
They should just make it public already. This is redunkulous.
My Steam recommendation:Viking is $5 bucks. Hey Stall, how'd you like it?
My Steam recommendation:
A truly awful game that I refuse to believe anyone on the dev team actually played. Pretty much every aspect of the game had me shaking my head in disbelief. The level design is tedious, the combat system is just plain broken, and the port itself is barebones and demands far more power than it should just to hit the 30 fps limit. Even the art is bland.
I just can't imagine anyone wanting to work on a project like this. It must have been about as rewarding as staring at a spreadsheet all day.
Just curious but aren't you the guy who has a High score in Bad Rats? Cuz I remember it being a NeoGAF member but I don't remember who exactly @_@.
My Steam recommendation:
A truly awful game that I refuse to believe anyone on the dev team actually played. Pretty much every aspect of the game had me shaking my head in disbelief. The level design is tedious, the combat system is just plain broken, and the port itself is barebones and demands far more power than it should just to hit the 30 fps limit. Even the art is bland.
I just can't imagine anyone wanting to work on a project like this. It must have been about as rewarding as staring at a spreadsheet all day.
I'd like to learn DOTA but the "learners" or "beginners" area is closed down and I have only the option to go online and face actual people without even playing the game for myself first.
That reminds me, I've got a copy of Starvoid. Anyone want it?
Just curious but aren't you the guy who has a High score in Bad Rats? Cuz I remember it being a NeoGAF member but I don't remember who exactly @_@.
Yikes man. Don't hold back or anything.
Did you play the x360 version? Is the port worse?
It's a little detail, but it would be neat if they changed "recommended" to actual reviews. Meaning 'User X positively reviews Game X" or "User X negatively reviews Game X". It just feels odd when I read a "friend recommends.." and it turns into 'avoid at all cost' type of scenario. lol
PC port.
I really enjoyed the x360 version. It is a solid 'B+' game, imho. Anyone here play both versions and can tell me if I should reconsider double dipping?
I really enjoyed the x360 version. It is a solid 'B+' game, imho. Anyone here play both versions and can tell me if I should reconsider double dipping?
I grabbed this. Hell yeah!A couple GMG weekend deals. Coupon code GMG20-PJFEW-Y16HK.
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 75% off + 20% coupon $6.
Maybe Bad Rats isn't so bad afterall!
1,262 players recommend this game to their friends![]()
i have Viking on ps3 and pc ....and i have it almost completed on pc.
its worth $5 if interested. pc version is better, tho it's framecapped @ 30fps and feels very unoptimized ...tho anyone with a modern pc shouldn't have any problems playing it.
so in short, while the pc port is nothing to write home about, its still better than what i saw on PS3 at least.
Literally the only difference between the versions is resolution (not framerate) so unless you love the art so much that you need to see it in 1080p+, don't bother.
I consider the game a solid Shit+ experience.
I have Dota 2 and never play it. I have no Dota 2 copies to give away.
If you stop playing dota 2, I will assume the extra copies will also stop?
this probably has been asked a million times..
but what does the SR3 Full Pack have that the Franchise Pack does not?
Pre-purchased Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. I wonder when the actual release is.
this probably has been asked a million times..
but what does the SR3 Full Pack have that the Franchise Pack does not?
I must be the only one who loved Nightsky. D:
No, I liked it too. Puzzle platformer is not really loved usually.
I volunteer to be a hand-selected taste maker; it sounds like a classy title. How much do you pay?Nightsky just got added to my never play, remove from account if ever convenient. How the fuck is controlling a marble like that fun? Let's go through the issues I had up to world 4:
-Shitty control scheme, complete with buttons changing function without warning
-Puzzles changing up the marbles abilities with no warning
-You move from one screen to the next rather than a scrolling screen, but puzzles are set up so that you can screw yourself over immediately as you enter into the next screen if moving to fast
-Janky, unreliable physics
-Shitty checkpoints where you have to go through 3 boring screens only to be screwed over on the 4th repeatedly... forcing you to go through the 3 boring screens again
-At no point was the gameplay compelling/interesting
It feels like a low-tier iPhone game shoved on to PC for absolutely no reason. Barring explicit recommendations from my hand selected taste-makers, I think I am giving up on "indie" games.
Nightsky just got added to my never play, remove from account if ever convenient. How the fuck is controlling a marble like that fun? Let's go through the issues I had up to world 4:
-Shitty control scheme, complete with buttons changing function without warning
-Puzzles changing up the marbles abilities with no warning
-You move from one screen to the next rather than a scrolling screen, but puzzles are set up so that you can screw yourself over immediately as you enter into the next screen if moving to fast
-Janky, unreliable physics
-Shitty checkpoints where you have to go through 3 boring screens only to be screwed over on the 4th repeatedly... forcing you to go through the 3 boring screens again
-At no point was the gameplay compelling/interesting
It feels like a low-tier iPhone game shoved on to PC for absolutely no reason. Barring explicit recommendations from my hand selected taste-makers, I think I am giving up on "indie" games.
No, I liked it too. Puzzle platformer is not really loved usually.
I'd like to learn DOTA but the "learners" or "beginners" area is closed down and I have only the option to go online and face actual people without even playing the game for myself first.
That reminds me, I've got a copy of Starvoid. Anyone want it?
Armored Princess+Crossworlds is $15 over at if you're interested.
Name some other puzzle platformers, because I thought I generally like those and I disliked Nightsky.
Yeah, I liked it and I usually dislike puzzle platformers.
After the bundle fever (especially after the 5 for $5 bundles steam offered during a black Friday sale 2 years ago) I learned that unless an Indie game is recommended by trustworthy taste-makers or is made by a company I trust (like Double Fine) they should be avoided. I learned my lesson and I rarely buy an indie game that is crap nowadays.
Wait the hookups group got deleted?
Lame :/
- Starseed Pilgrim
- Puddle
- Unmechanical
- Time Fcuk
- Waking Mars
- Closure
- Snapshot
- Perspective
- Toki Tori
- Fly'n
- Pid
- Thomas was alone
- Logigun
On the game's Steam page it says 31st January.
I must be the only one who loved Nightsky. D:
OKCupid isn't so bad! I already got a DOTA 2 invite.Steam isn't hosting a dating service, try OKCupid.